Monday, June 18, 2012

Monday MOMandMEday

Fur Murray and Monty
 From Saturday night after we put Sunday's post together
 On Duty
 Fluffing up The Skhrape

 Dinner on the khorner of The Ledge
 Woo khan see from this pikh where that khamera angle is orginated
Since Mom didn't have any khute passengers to khonsume her day, I knew the blog might need some material
 So fur the furst time in - well, like furever - I took off with my breakfast biskhuit and stashed it - she KNEW I KNEW she'd grab the flashie beastie
 I moved it fur the retrieval after she had dokhumented my great work!
 We took the BIG walk - this means lots and lots of pikhs fur the week's posts - here is the furst YELLOW fur MURRAY

 The sekhond YELLOW fur MURRAY
 The last one fur this post!

Now the sad part fur the post - we saw Sunday afternoon that Monty left us - khwite suddenly - and his furamily misses him SOOOO much - we thought this would be an appropriate pikh since Monty had posted it fur St Patrick's Day which khomplemented our YELLOW'S fur MURRAY

Please drop by Monty's blog - well, the blog really belonged to his khats but fur today, IT IS MONTY'S BLOG - I know his mom will really welkhome some hugz - I don't think she khan really believe he's gone

Have a nice Monday EvFURRYone



Teddy Bear said...

We love that you hid your breakfast biscuit.:) We're so sorry to hear about Monty.:(

Teddy Bear & Sierra

Dandy Duke said...

The yellow lilies are just beautiful!
We're so sad to hear about Monty.

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Unknown said...

I don't see many yellow lilies here and yours are gorgeous!

Sorry to hear about Monty. We will hop over to visit his family.

How Sam Sees It said...

We will stop by and give Monty's family some love.

As always - the flowers are BEAUTIFUL!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

How nice of you, MFT, to provide Mom with some photo ops with your hidden biscuit. We always just gobble ours down - can't take a chance when there is more than one of us around.

We were so sorry to hear about Monty. Soft woos and gentle hugs to his family from us.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

The Websters said...

So you redistribute trash AND hide your treats? You are quite a mystery Khyra!


Suka said...

hey Khyra,

Your biscuit hiding is so cool! I just don't have the patience. Like the OP Pack, I chow my treats down asap! I admire your strength!

The yellow flowers are gorgeous! And Mr. PF is looking very handsome in his close-up!

So sorry to read of your friend Monty. I will sniff my way over and paw my condolences to his family.


Two French Bulldogs said...

That is a great hiding place Khyra. Hope mom doesn't remember where it is
Benny & Lily