I love Dirty Boyz!!!

Lookin' fur one!

I'll just wait by Froggeh Island fur him!

I've been tortured and tormented more times than I khan shake a stikhk at but

I'm plotting my revenge!

Mom spent a good part of Monday taking khare of the getting the downed cherry tree parts off the fence

That was fine by me as I got to sit in the wondrous white stuff

And told her she was not going to take my treehouse away

It khan be my khatblind - they won't see me!

Tasty time fur Auntie Di's birthday weekend in Prescott

Khousin Ab got some!


Khousin Ab celebrated with some stuffies fur dessert - and was khwite amused when I shared
THIS EVENT with her!!!


It's time to vote
ovFUR here - Mom and I just ran out of time this year to go anything Halloween related on any of the blogs - this working thing just keeps getting in the way more and more BUT all fur a reason - fur kibble and fur treats and fur Xterra juice and fur other fun stuffs!
Khome bakhk tomorrow fur THAT day of the month - I'm not sure what she's got planned - woo know Whitney khan be pretty khreative!
Good to see you enjoying the snow, Khyra!
Its so good to see you enjoying the snow Khyra. I think you looked cool in your tree house but not sure about the Khat hiding mol.. Hugs GJ xx
That looks like a great hiding place for you to soak up the sun and enjoy your snow. Sniffs, The HoundDogs
Hey Khyra!
Wow, great place to ambush kitties and tree rats from! A treehouse on the ground is still pretty pawesome. Enjoy that snow!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Stumpy loves Norwood, dirty or not! she's also very jelly of your treehouse/khatblind. she could use one some khamoflage for her khyote spying!
Happy, Waggin' Tails, FUREVER!
Stumpy and me
AHHHHH this year is going too fast :(
Stop on by for a visit
Khyra - you're lucky that you have snow already! I can't wait for the white stuff to come my way!
We do love your khatblind/treehouse - and your SNOW!!! We still have paws crossed we'll get some soon. See wooo tomorrow!
jack & moo
hey Khyra,
You and snow look so lovely together! I love your new treehouse hangout! Perfectly pawsome! Those kitty-cats won't know what hit them!
I want what Cousin Ab is eating.
We'll have a bite or two of those waffles - yammers!
Nice fort, Khyrannis there a password to come in and is it girls only?
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
oh love your treehouse!!
My sisfurs think the khats can sneak up on you in that tree house without you seeing them. They think they are sneakier than us but I set them straight. Well, I tried to.
Glad Khousin Ab got to enjoy some of Auntie Di's tasty birthday treats!
Waffles! yummmmmmmmmmm
Your tree house in the snow is just perfect, Khyra!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I can't believe you've got snow. How exciting.
How neat that you have your very own tree house!
Nice that Cousin Ab has perfect party manners and uses a fork for her waffles! She can breakfast with me anytime...now my sister, Nuka, SHE tries to eat the fork, too!
Hope you did not lose all of the cherry tree to damage.
You're so pretty against the snow, Beewootiful Khyra.
can't believe you have snow already. Uncle had no electricity for 2 days..
Benny & Lily
WAFFLES! So good on a snowys morning. Must have been terribles to see those yummys and not taste them or even smells them.
You look so neatos in the snow and cools tree house. I bet our fast moving airs today could have blown all your white stuffs away. Maybe evens the cherry tree sticks. You get snows and we gets moving airs. Weirds.
Suzy :o))
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