Resting up since it will be PAWty time later!


Thursday morning as Mom got The Xterra ready fur the trek to The GKP

Are we ready to PAWty?

My assistant is using this one despite the blur - she saw how khute I was in it - and asked me if we khould PLEASE put the shirt bakhk on and reshoot it -

These were from the furst round of shots

I had read there would be KHAKE - my tongue is SO ready!

I'm sure The Luke is having his own PAWty akhross The Rainbow Bridge with all our Golden furiends - with Lady providing the entertainment!


Round Two - notice without the bleu leash

I khonvinced her I didn't need no stinkin' leash!

Happy The Bleu Day!!!!!!!!!!!

As fur the entertainment at the PAWty - time fur that stripper musikh again - wink wink - nudge nudge!

From last year's BLEU day!!!!!!!!!!

Doesn't he make a furry handsome woofsmodel???
Please head on ovFUR and paw some GReetings fur a furry special pal!
I think I saw Khousin Merdie heading that way - and we already know The Reufley and The Harlreuf really are one and the same!
Khyra and The Golden Khousins Merdie and Harlreuf!
PeeEssWoo: Please take a moment today to pause to honour The 11th Hour of The 11th Day of The 11th Month - and all the veterans that have served their khountry
Khyra, you're always khute so that flashy beast must be ready 24/7! Enjoy the Pawty and especially the KHAKE!
Hi Miss Khyra,
I'm Andy Stanley. My sister you were my big brothers' love interest. Could you give me some tips on how to woe Miss Siku? I want her to like me, but I don't know what to do. Oh, could I have some cake?
We need to teach you how to party my dear!!
Have a fabulous partay Khyra!!! Love that smilin' face of yours!!
xoxo Chloe and LadyBug
Have a great pawty, Kyhra!
Khake? Did sumbuddy mention Khake? Enjoy! xx
Sam and Monty are ready to join the party too!
Khrya, those are some of the khutest pikhtures EVAH!
Happy, Waggin' Tails, FUREVER!
Stumpy and me
And don't furget... the WET T-Shirt KHantest. You would win THAT fur SURE.
NOPE.. no Stinkin walkin string needed.
Oh MFT, woo look especially darn cute posing today! Mom thought she saw Merdie at Petco... are woo sure she hasn't pawed her way to RI?
Have fun at the pawty!
jack & moo
Your mum was right to include the picture because it was great. Hope the party went well.. Hugs GJ xx
We're glad you convinced your assistant to include that photo 'cause it made us smile. You look furry khute in it!
We're honoring Veterans today too.
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
You are an awesome model. We are headed over to wish Blue a Happy B-Day. Sniffs, The HoundDogs
hey Khyra,
Even blurry you are beautiful, Khyra! :-> Great tee-shirt, and you make a lovely model! Your smile brightened our day!
We will sniff our way over to The Bleu to wish the handsome boy a Happy Birthday!
Very sweet tribute, Khyra. We, too, honor and salute all the Veterans, both human and animal, who have served their Country. Peace.
cool tee
Benny & Lily!
We love your resting photos. And you look beautiful in your shirt.:) We hope you have fun at your pawty!:)
Teddy Bear & Sierra
Hope you had a great party. You look make a fabulous model!
Big Nose POkes
The Thugletsx
Did someone say PAWTY????
Happy Birthday Bleu! :)
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