Tuesday after dinner - thinking - and wondering if my eyes were teasing me - I mean I SEE it by the fence!

What to do what to do

Khlosing my eyes and hoping IT would be gone!

Nothing to see here Mom - just go bakhk to doing what woo were doing!

One last intrusion prior to Mom starting her workweek - she was SO jealous I khould sleep whilst she had to go!

When she khame home, I got to sit by my tree - and she tried to snag a pikh but I went fur upkhlose and PAWSonal!

As promised, Betsy and two of the new women in her life!

BoBo and his people!

Brother Baloo hoping he'll get his own furamily furry soon!

I mean - look at his Pibble khuteness!


Mom is hopeful she'll get to meet him in November!
Happy Thursday EvFURRYone!
Khome bakhk fur a Free Fur All on FrEYEday with a special Gotcha Day celebration!
I will take Baloo. I mean who would notice if we add a 5th right?
Stop on by for a visit
Paws crossed that Brother Baloo gets his own family soon.
Mommy says she is jealous that we get to sleep whenever we want.
I like your THINKING pictures. You look wise and calm.
Hope Baloo finds his home as soon as possible.
So good to see rescue happiness:) Hope Baloo gets his chance too. Looks like he could use a ride to Vegas.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Khyra, I really admire the way you set your mom uo for a great pic and then "POOF" talk to the tail, or some other part of your glorious floof!
I think you and your mom are due for a trip to the SW after all it's getting cold there, Colorado's already got snow and you could stop there on your way. The best of both worlds. I am khwite sure Khuzzin Abby would agree, not to mention Auntie Di...Oh yeah,
don't forget to bring Baloo, with!
Happy, Waggin' Tails, FUREVER!
Stumpy and me
Cutie cutie cutie cuties! We'll keep paws crossed for baloo.
We've linked you for Sat's "Show Us Your Treat Jar!"
jack & moo
Good job keeping an eye Khyra. Say no to intruders
Benny & Lily
Hey Khyra!
Wow, what is that out there?!? Great guard job. Baloo is a real winner and someone will scoop him up!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
oooh ohh... can i have Baloo?
woof - Tucker
Looks like you have some lovely thinking weather there, Khyra!!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
Baloo is such a cutie!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Khyra, Hi KUTIE!!!!!! We're back and I see you're up to you're usual thinking and mom is up to her usual life saving. You are both so special. Thanks for sticking by me while I was gone. You are both such special friends to us. We love so much. Baloo (I love that name) is so cute! Paws crossed that he finds a home soon. Woofs and hugs, MB, Josie and Blues
We hope Baloo gets a home soon!
Such adorable pictures! I wonder if you'll get any of this snow they're talking about for your Gotcha Day celebration! I ordered it special... I hope it comes in time!
omg bobo looks so happy with his family and vice versa. awwww such pibble cuteness with baloo
Khyra, there's always so much thinking going on at your tree! It's good you can rest up from all that thinking while your mom is at the GKP!
We love the happy photos and hope that Baloo gets his furever home soon too!
Sometimes you just have to go off by yourself in the fresh air and ponder the Bigger Things...and you manage to look beautiful AND thoughtful!
So precious. I just love seeing the family photos. :)
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