I think we got five or six inches - and Jim Cantore from The Weather Channel was on lokhation in Harrisburg - he was ALL excited ofFUR the THUNDERsnow!
They said he was akhtually headed to The Poconos but stopped in Da Burg instead - here is a link to one of our lokhal news stations so woo khan see pikhs of the fun!

This was sent along with the run sheet fur Mom's transport today - she'll be doing the Harrisburg to Hamburg leg

It's Summit The Super Mal's FIFTH birthday!!!!!
SIGH! To think I met him last November and got to be snoofed by him! SIGH again!
Now time to share Mom's passengers
Bagel - she was akhtually supposed to get off prior to today's legs BUT her adopters bakhked out - grrrrrrr - but she'll be khoming North anyway - isn't she khute?
This is Charcoal
Zumba - this is the one Auntie Di pikhked out!
Mom and I had more stuffs we had planned to share BUT decided to share the SNOW pikhs furst - PLUS, Mom khleaned up what she khould so we got a late start on getting this together - SO, we'll make sure to use them in the week ahead!
Happy SUNDay EvFURRYone!
Hey there again Miss Khyra,
Your two-legger must haf done posted this post while I wuz pawing my comment on the ofer one!!
My Mumma finks that Bagel dog be a fery cute pupper (but so cute as me of course) and she can't be understanding why that family not want her any more. :(
Enjoy your snows.
Oh my... I know you are happy with the abundance of the white stuff! And I am happy for you!
Your post should bear the warning, 'cute passengers ahead'!
Happy Howl-O-Ween to my Lovely!
WITH love from the Bleu
That's a lot of snow already Khyra! I wish I could enjoy it with you! Hope it doesn't melt too fast.
The passengers are more cuties! Is Auntie Di going to get a furbling for Khousin Ab?
Hi Khyra
We came to get our "puppy fix"!
It was a good one too!
We know your so happy about the snow!
Be safe!
Oh, my, oh, my - we always find it amazing when others not as far north as us get snow before we do! We'll wait for our, thank you very much.
Those passengers of your sure are little khuties!
Khyra you look so happy sitting in the snow. My little girl (mini schnoodle) hates snow. But she is glad you are having fun.
The passengers are too cute for words. Shame the people backed out, but better now than later i guess.
Enjoy your snow! Better you than me. But Kyhra you look right at home and your colors look great against the blanket of snow.
We are so thrilled that you got snow in October, Khyra! This has to be the start of an awesome snowing winter, don't you think?!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Dear Furend... I have NOT been able to Stop THINKING of Woo!!! I just KNEW you would be THRILLED to have the snow so EARLY!!! It kinda makes up fur LAST Winter.. at least in your yard!!!! I am very very much happy fur you... BUTT I hope your house and everybuddy elses are all SAFE from Falling Branches and TREES even!!!
Love the snow shots. We didn't get any, but it's very early yet...
Such cute riders, as always!!
HappyHappyHappy Snow day. Tell your mom to drive most carefully today, and come home safe and warm.
Just saw the news - the Today Show had a guy reporting from Harrisburg. I was hoping you guys were ok and still had power! Crazy October snow!
Snow Queen Khyra!!!!!! WE're hapyp for you but hope the transport will go smoothly and safely for Phyll, The X-Terra and the passengers.
Wow Snow!!!
My my who is that handsome fella, mommy wants to know!! :))
Happy Halloween to you!!
Cheers and luv,
Maxx and family
October snow must have been such a nice surprise for woo! My asst. says she is really glad that you got it and not us... (something tells me she's not genuinely happy for you, but I am!)
Love seeing you planted in the snow, Khyra! I sure hope the tree damage isn't too bad!
I can't wait to see more of those khuties, tomorrow!
Happy, Waggin' Tails, FUREVER!
Stumpy and me
Lucky you, Khyra - look at that lovely snow. But we are sad that it has also caused so much damage and so many problems for so many. Snow in October can be fun, but not this time:(
Mom says she and Auntie Di may have to share that cutie Zumba:)
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Whooo hoooooo..you got the white stuff already! Lucky lucky you Khyra.
Those pups are just so cute..wishing them a happy life in their new forever homes.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
Let it snow let it snow let it snow~ Wow! How I wish we have some here. I must say Summit is such a hunk! :)
Happy Halloween Ms Fluffy Tail!!! xxx
We know you are personally responsible for the snowfall and we stand in awe of your powers.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Wow! I'm sure you're THRILLED to have snow. I was surprised to hear my hooman Uncle's place got snow, that's just north of you. Thought it was kinda early, but it sure looks like fun!
You got your snow and lots of it!! The 'Great Pumpkin' was granting wishes to all the good Sibes this year!
Wyatt and Stanzie
Khyra - Did YOU order this snow? I tell you gurlfurrend, you has to try harder to keep it all in YOUR yard! We dussn't want any thank you furry much.
How lucky for you to get snow so early in the year!!!! Enjoy it!
Mom is squeeing over those pups!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
I bet you are so happy to have snow!
Stop on by for a visit
you mut be thrilled Khyra
Benny & Lily
Hey Khyra, so glad you got to enjoy some of the snow before Mom (the fun police) had you go back inside. You are special so she wants to make sure nothing happens to you. Those are some cute pups on the transport. NOT good that family changed their minds for Bagel. Don't understand BUT we know in our hearts there is another even better family waiting for her..
oh Poor Bagel, what a cutie! Still better now than later I guess. That snow sounds scary but I can see it put a smile on your face!
Oh no...please let it stay away from Ohio a bit longer. Those pups are adorable. :)
Guess what...dad took a pic of me and his yellow car for you today! Will try to get it posted soon.
Brrrrr. Glad none of the branches fell on you, although we know you're quite happy to be out in this.
Doesn't your tush get cold?
I'm glad you got your snow. Now could you please make sure the summer comes here?
SNOW!!! The kiddos and myself are green with envy...
Such great transport pics! Truly adorable!
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