FrEYEday afternoon we learned that Lacy Lulu has been reunited with her furry special momma - Angel Claudette made her journey - the journey she knew would khome one day -
What a bittersweet week - Huskee and Hershey welkhomed a human puppy after sad times of past ones not making it - and now, Claudette has gone to meet Angel Lucas and Angel Chloe -
Mom was already going to make this weekend's run in Claudette's honour - but now Claudette gets to ride in the special Angel Shotgun seat -
Not furever - just - fur now
Yes, those of woo that said a KHAT
Were khorrekht - it is Millie The Ragdoll
Mom put out some treats and water
Fur BroFur -
I think that is his thank woo look but with khats, one nevFUR knows!
We had been planning on all week to make this Khaturday fur Parker - who is fighting her own battle with the ugly C



So much sadness, so much sadness.
We just heard the terribly sad news. Rest in Peace sweet Claudette.
It's a sad week!
RIP Miss Claudette.
We were so saddened when we saw the news. You are right - Cancer Sucks.
We were very sad to read about Miss Claudette.
Cancer certainly sucks!!
take care
Clive and Murray
I am sad to read about Claudette.
Nice woooh
You said it so well. We are all saddened by Claudette's passing, but, as you said, it is temporary as it is a journey we will all make sooner or later.
Mango Momma
We are sad about Miss Claudette too. Tell your Mom to have a wonderful trip - guaranteed if she tries to see the trip through Claudette's eyes. She had a special love for dogs and would truly enjoy the ride!
(((hugs))) we hate cancer. It sux.
We are very sorry about this news. Our sympathies to Miss Claudette's family.
Thanks for thinking of me...Smoochies...
Cancer sucks - so true, so true. We are all very sad to know that Claudette is gone, but she sure gave it a good fight.
Soft woos for all the sick kitties.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
We've been sending sad Sibe vibes toClaudette's family, but it is nice to imagine the wonderful greeting she got the moment she stepped over & was reunited with her furbabies. Godspeed, Claudette!
Your mom's rescue run will be furry special with Angel Claudette along!
jack & moo
PS - brofur must be happy about the food, cats just don't quite have as much style in showing appreciation like we dogs do!
We also are saddened by the news.Rest Easy Miss Claudette.
You are definitely correct -CANCER SUCKS!!!!
Ernie,Sasha,Chica, Lucas
We hate the "C" word.
You said it so well and yes it does Suck big time.. I send out healing purrs for the one's left behind. I just knew you had seen a khat because that was your khat face. MOL.. Hugs GJ xx
Cancer does suck and we will be keeping them in our thoughts. :(
Cancer is evil. Peace and crossed paws...
Your post is making our mom cry again, Khyra. This is such a sad time.
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
You're right. Cancer sucks! We are sad for Claudette's family and all her friends who will miss her! And sad for Parker's family who are making the most of whatever time they have left with her.
wow, so sad..
Benny & Lily
There is a lot of sadness lately. We think cancer sukhks too.
Diamond is very handsome! Millie looks like she wanted to play with you Khyra! And Brofur's look was next time bring me tuna and some milk too. Khats always want more. I know this from experience.
Claudette will be missed in so many ways, but don't you know there is quite a party at the Bridge this weekend!?!
Not a lovelier spirit ever, and a wonderful 'shotgun' companion for your the Mom!
with love from the Bleu
p.s. lovin the khitty khat pikhtures!
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