I gave Mom this khute look prior to her taking The Xterra and hitting the road - of khourse, there are MORE pikhs of me BUT this is MOMday sooooooooo, take it Mom!

Thanks Khyra!

I had to chuckle - and smile at the omen for a good day when I saw the license plate on The Pathfinder - it was GKP and four numbers -

Since I call THAT big building The GKP - as in Great Kibble Provider!

It was a remarkable day - although I encountered fog as I headed to Harrisburg - it also seemed to hug the hills between I81 and The Turnpike for a good part of the day

I couldn't resist taking this one - as it featured one of PA's plates for a cause - and since Muzzer had also mentioned Breast Cancer and October - well, another smile and omen for a good day - a special one with Angel Claudette

These got on after the Scotland exit of I81

Wouldn't they be fun to drive?!? I saw another transport with three of them as I headed North - I had also seen a FEMA Homeland Security Motorhome but it was also just out of camera range

This YELLOW for MURRAY was in Chambersburg - and just as I crossed over Route 30 - The Lincoln Highway

The 5A exit for Halfway Blvd -

Yes, more YELLOW for MURRAY - especially since it includes one of his most favourite things!

BoBo - and his new leash - his driver from Winchester to Hagerstown had gotten these leashes from a girl who made them for her school community project - and she has decided to send them along with each passenger she has - they are made from sailboat rope - and very very nice - and BoBo approved too!

Betsy with hers


I managed to get a better shot of Summit's sign this week!

I used the official Xterra toy to entertain BoBo - Betsy was interested in the ties used to hold the crate together


And YES, he did an awesome FROGGEH DOGGEH!

One state closer

I heard your squeeeees!


Then he decided Betsy's neck made a great pillow!

Then he decided her back was special too!



It must have been some PAWty in VA Saturday night!



Getting ready to hop out in Harrisburg

So handsome!

Betsy always wanted to make sure she was on his heels!


I've told people he was an old soul in a puppy body - his eyes were just so deep and special!


Bummed I didn't snag the plate BUT it was from WV and said BIGDAWGY!

This week's shot of Harrisburg -

Back I go

Passing The GKP again

Back at the light four hours later

Mission Accomplished - safely thanks to Angel Claudette's special guidance and company!
What can I say?
Well I do know the dedication was difficult - and I missed saying so much - but I know all will understand
I had listened to Warren Zevon's The Wind CD during the journey - I urge strongly all of you that aren't familiar with it to check it out - it was released on August 26, 2003 - two weeks before he lost his battle with the nasty C - he recorded it as he was dying - one of the videos in the Photobucket includes one very special song - and here is another one - please check it out - in fact, I would suggest you check out all the videos from that user as they walk you through the album's songs -
It was funny that although I kept asking Betsy and BoBo to come up and sit with me BUT I guess they knew Angel Claudette was there!
Here is the link to the album with videos - and here is the link to the slideshow of just the pictures - enjoy!
These four month old khuties were examples of how RESCUES ROCK thanks to Rotts 'n Pups!
They spent their first night of their furever lives - Betsy in PA and BoBo in NJ! I'm sure we'll get pics - and I'll share them on Thursday but there is one of Betsy with her new mom and sister in the Photobucket as well as one of BoBo and his people!
I also got pics of BoBo's brother Baloo to share on Thursday!
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner
Nice to see your FLUFFY tail again my dear *gRumble*
Love all the pics.
Have to agree that you had a special Angel riding along - animals can see the spirits that we unfortunately can't. Those pups were so cute sleeping in the back though.
We love yoo guys ~ rescue rocks. xx
Two really sweet pups along for the ride with you and your special rider.
Sometimes words aren't needed at all. The drive with the song were just so perfect.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
So glad it went well and safely.
Thank you
What a pair of cuites! We'r so glad they're in their Forever Homes now!
Oh my how cute is BoBo, that had to be a fun transport.
Im that that Angel Claudette was there with you. I didnt know her since we just came to DWB but I wanted to say im very sorry for the loss of your dear friend.
Darling doggies, but that photo of Bobo with his leash in his mouth... I know it's a horrible habit, but it's so darned cute! Both of my boy dogs would do that too, and I miss it.
Khyra you gave mom a wonderful picture! We are not sure we would have been that nice knowing all those kids were in your ride
Benny & Lily
Wow, what great pix! Those two pups are adorable. Hey, my mom was just in Harrisburg last week for a meeting!! At least it wasn't raining on you. Great transport.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Another great transport accomplished! Thanks for all you are doing and them two pups looked like they really liked each other. sniffs, The HoundDogs
That first picture is so khute, Khyra! I know the only reason your mom can leave you is to help other puppies in need! so good of youto allow her to do that!
Im still doing the SKHQUEEEEEEEEEE!!!
Happy, Waggin' Tails, FUREVER!
Stumpy and me
oh puppies make my heart melt
Stop on by for a visit
fell head over heels withe bobo. those eyes kill me. so much gentleness in them ..... we are sure that angel claudette was delighted to help you take them to their happy furever homes
pibble sugars
the pittie pack
Awesome pics! Hey, do you think that little one would like to play football with me?
Bobo was quite cute!! Mom wants to know how can you possibly keep your eyeballs on the road with THAT much CUTENESS in the backseat!?!
Holy smokes! Meowm has no idea how you let those little cuties go!!!!! Great job on another transport!!!
What adorable passengers this week!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
I'm so glad those babies have new homes!
Those puppy faces were just too much for our mommy to handle! What cutie pies!
Woof woof! I glad for ur Mom & all teh reskyoos. :)
Lovely tribute and most appropriate music. And best of all, two lives that begin afresh. What a great way to celebrate a life cherished.
What a fantastic post!
Such great puppy photos - they were adorable!
Then McDonalds for Murray! You should have heard his excitment! Many thanks and for the yellow truck too!!
You're very good!!
Clive & Co
Oh my gosh, they are adorable. Thank you so much for all that you do!
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