I had to chekhk Mom hadn't brought Dreamy home in my YELLOW transport bag - The Doggy Nanny had two Pomeranians at one time and still has a soft spot fur them - but he wasn't in there!
Time to let Mom tell her story - furst, I have to paw that the emotions of the day kind of affekhted her brain when it khame time fur the videos - she kept thinking of seeing the email about Kodiak - and knowing how empty it would seem in The Maggie Valley - especially how Kiska would miss her boyfriend Kodiak - so if she seems extra babbly, that is why

Thanks Khyra - yes, it was a challenging day but thankfully Kodiak watched over us -


I got to Hagerstown to find Andy's Foster Mom Diana there with this beauty Josie - and found it a fitting combo - she's Rotti with probably some Husky in there - at least that is what her eye told us!

Then The Last Resort Rescue's passengers showed up - this is Gracie

She was a sweetie!

And Spellman was all dressed up in his Mango Suit!

Okay, I heard all of you - SQUEEEEE for Sue Ellen


One of Dreamy's Sunday morning drivers had sent him along with a great ski vest parka - he so needed it - as it was 43 degrees when we left Merryland - I think the high temp I saw for the day was 51 or so - that would be 6 and 11 for those of you using the C chart!

Our first YELLOW for MURRAY as we passed the car dealer right across from The McD's in Hagerstown

Another try - unsuccessful of course - to snag a shot of Khyra's Malamute Boyfriend Summit's Construction Company sign - the sky was still crying for Kodiak

It followed us to Pawsylvania

Because Dreamy was so chilly, I let him be shotgun - so I could keep him covered - if he wanted it - and I could direct some heat in his direction - of course, Sue Ellen wanted to ride with us too - and actually did sit with him for a time - didn't get any shots of that due to how close the three of us were but trust me WAY CUTE!

Look into my eyes - please love me furever!


She settled in the back corner - between Dreamy's crate and the side of the Xterra - I had tossed her the football to distract her from wanting to chew on the plastic ties securing her crate

Sorry some of the pics are blurry but pointing blindly results in that but I did want to include them anyway - since they are so freakin' cute!

No caption required!


See? Even with the blurries, her cuteness RULES!



She had the neatest waves in her coat too!



Since Dreamy was cold AND because Sue Ellen wanted to romp a bit more, I put him back in the Xterra whilst we ran around a bit - he had positioned himself to watch us out the front

and so wanted his pals to join him

So we got back in - because we were heading to Hamburg - their next drivers Lisa and Brian - had called shortly after we arrived in Harrisburg to say they had to pull over about ten miles short of us - with some major vehicle issues - so Lisa called the driver they were supposed to meet in Allentown - actually Don had been a Saturday replacement due to another driver having an emergency of their own - Don said he'd meet us in Hamburg at Cabelas

Dreamy SO found his personality there - he came alive - it was so cool to see!

I got both of these shots whilst we waited for the light to reenter I81 - she was just stunning!

He napped a bit

then gave me the look like I wasn't asleep!

and in the back, Sue Ellen was resting up to meet her new dad in just two more legs!

The light to exit I78 and turn onto Route 61 - the Hawk Mountain range hills were covered in fog

Dreamy and Sue Ellen were safe and dry with Don for their ride to Raritan NJ - good thing I had gotten all the pics in Harrisburg because it was raining too much to really snag anything in the Cabelas lot -

Of course, the additional miles meant the Xterra needed to be rejuiced so I had a chance to visit Loves again -

With more YELLOW for MURRAY!


Almost back

Mission Accomplished - another 295 miles to show how
As Khyra already commented, it was a challenging day - the emotions of Kodiak's sudden crossing - along with the images of all those affected by the evil c just took so much from me - I was so glad to have been able to spend more time with Sue Ellen and Dreamy - but sad for Lisa and Brian - who I did get to wave and beep at as I pased the rest stop they had managed to get to before declaring their Explorer unfit for driving -
The Photobucket includes many pictures from Saturday - and some sent from the awesome place MaKayla and Nikki will call HOME - I do think I'll share more about their story later in the week - since it will take time I don't have right now - so you'll see some of those pics again as well as others I received Sunday night
Here is the link for the slideshow - and here is the link for the album and videos - I did snag short videos with the other pups I had encountered in Hagerstown
Thanks to Rotts 'n Pups
and Homeless Paws NJ - for making a difference!
Once again, thanks for the support - and all the kind words for the LIVEstrong post and for Kodiak
I think Gizmo's Mom's words about Kodiak's sudden crossing were quite telling - even the evil c permits time with them as they leave us -
Of course, it's not furever - it's just - fur now - but the pain is still there - along with the holes in our hearts - that will be filled with fur and memories -
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner
P.S. Sue Ellen is now called NAHLA - what a beautiful name!
So sorry to hear about Kodiak. We're purring for him and his family.
Great rescue as always! Come and see Soup, our rescue turtle?
You had a very pawsome duo with you this week. Mum was oohing and ahhing all day with the pictures.Two very lucky families are getting those amazing sweeties..Kodiak passing so sudden was awful. I saw the loving post his mum did. Take care.. Hugs GJ xx
What a handsome group. It is all about what their eyes are telling you, isn't it?
Mom is squeeing big time over here!
pawsome group of pups! Of course those rotties always make mom's heart sigh, not a day goes by she doesn't have a thought or two of her Rosie-Posie rotti girl. Best wishes to all in their new homes!
Love the pics of that long bridge of arches as you re-enter harrisburg - so beautiful.
We've been pretty down her over Kodiak, too. It must be a wonderful place, over the Rainbow Bridge, cause its full of wonderful pups!
jack & moo
Phyllis, Job well down, we know how hard it is to keep a happy face when your heart is breaking.
Sheila & Bob
So sad. Hate that c-word.
But what cuties!!
We were very saddened to read about Kodiak too.
#1 say she has to declare a huge soft spot for Sue Ellen, now NAHLA. What a cutie! A friend of hers just got a Rottie pup and she can't wait to go and meet him!
Although all those furry ones are adorable, we would have checked mom's bag too
Benny & Lily
Olá... Gostei de voces e do blog.
Quanta aventura. Estou seguindo o blog (members your blog). Ficarei feliz se voces me conhecessem e seguissem também.
Entende? Espero vocês com grande alegria.
Aus aus com amor...
VERY cute pics of Dreamy, SueEllen and the other rescues. Wonderful job on the transport as usual! Bless you and Rescues Do Rock! thank you..
SAD to hear about Kodiak. So quick.
WE are crossing paws and praying for him and his family.
All I can say is SQUEEEEE!!
Whew! What fantastic pictures! I love the girl with two different-colored eyes. Must go take a nap!
we are so sorry about Kodiak - the mom has leaky eyes
We are all still reeling from the news about Kodiak. Makes us all very sad to know that such a beautiful boy was taken away so suddenly. Our hearts got out to all of his family, human and canine as we are certain they are truly having a tough time.
Dreamy and Sue Ellen must have been a bit of a good distraction for the Mom as she traveled an extra long transport.
Off to check out the photobucket.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
We rushed over to pay our condolences about Kodiak. So sad.
What a great transport, we loved the faces and that little Pom was so sweet!
Khyra, I have to paw this myself today bekhause my mommy is outside waiting on an orange Xterra bringing her Dreamy.
It sounds very sad, I never had the pleasure of meeting Kodiak. We is sorry to hear about the pain his passing has caused.
You had two beautiful rescue's as always!!
~lickies, Ludo
Nahla is a gorgeous girl! I'm glad she has a new family. And Dreamy looks very cute in his coat.
It's just so sad about Kodiak.
I'm sending a SQUEEE all my own to that Josie. Wow! Of course Spellmen, well, who doesn't want to be striped?
OMC Dreamy is soooo cute! Dreamy is just like a little Cubby!! Thanks for letting us know.
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
I always look forward to my puppy fix on Monday - and their joy and romping was so much fun. Your dedication was so touching, but we want to point out that pups just kept having fun. Kodiak would appreciate that and truly approves.
Rescue lives just beginning...what a wonderful opportunity filled with joy. Too many lives ended too soon. The cycle of life is an emotional roller coaster.
If I was gonna have a dog of my own,(and not that stupid cat) I would pick a Rottie.
Do you mean to say, Khyra, that your Mom buys you two TAKHOS to eat by yourself. Talk about a lucky pup!
we can see where Dreamy got his name
What adorable passengers once again. I just love the little jacket on the sweet baby as well.
Sorry for overloading you with comments all at once, we are trying to get caught up on all of our friends blogs and are going in alphabetical order. :)
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