I got the news on my way to Hagerstown - and the sky began to react like a SRV song - and so did I - the title of this post is what the subject line of the email read -
Please take a moment to paw some words of support - I know all of them are still in shock - I'm sure D.K. will post an update once he can do it - right now, holding The Herd Minus One close to his heart is the important thing - and when he did post one, it was incredible! Of course, I know Kodiak and Kiska were there to help with crafting it!
A candle will be lit tonight as Kodiak makes the journey all of us will make one day - just not supposed to happen like this -
Phyll and Khyra
P.S. Please see our regular post below - I just needed to do this once I returned from transporting Dreamy and Sue Ellen
Our purrs and praayers are with them at this very sad time.. Hugs GJ xx
One thing abut the c-monster...you get some time to say good-by. Sending love to the Herd.
aaahhh...sending good vibes and thoughts to all
Benny & Lily
We are all heartbroken over Kodiak. Run free, dude.
Always so sad. :(
We are so very sorry to hear this news. Our hearts are breaking for Kodiak's family.
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We were so sadden to see this on FB this morning. I so praying for a miracle for Kodiak. We will light a candle to help Kodiak on the journey. Our hugs and prayers go to the family of The Thundering Herd. We will stop by their blog as well. We know Cleo was the first to help welcome Kodiak to RB. Winston, Amiee and HoundDogMom
We're so sorry to hear about your furiend. Our thoughts and purrayers are with his family.
So heartbreaking...run free kodiak!
Oh dear, we are sorry about your frind, Kodiak! Purrs...
Two bright stars in the Heavens tonight for sure...
My heawt bweaks fow the Thundewing hewd Wun fwee sweet Kodiak you will be missed , but will always be in my heawt
sad smoochie kisses
Such sad news. Run free Kodiak.
Thank you so terribly much for this post and your kind emails over the weekend. We are still very much in a state of shock. I am trying to a get a memorial post done, but hard to type when you can't see the screen.
D.K. Wall and a Heartbroken Herd
Such very sad news - RIP Kodiak.
Oh, no! This is such sad news.
heartbreaking, we will stop by & paw our respects,
RA, Isis & nuknuk
Lots of tears for D.K. and The Herd from here. Soft woos and gentle hugs from all of us. Beautiful tribute to their special boy. So sad.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
We are very sorry to read this about your friend. We will be purring and praying for the Thundering Herd!
Grete woofie is sending all her doggie woofs and tail wags to Kodiak's family. Us kittie are purring, but Grete wanted to lead the way on this one.
xoxo Khory
So very sad about Kodiak.
I went to leave some love too.
I am so sad to hear this news. We haven't made it to the Herd's blog yet...but man...just so sad. :(
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