I bet NorDude might need a froggeh blankeh with all the skharreh stuffs khommencing next week ovFUR at his

Some skEYE from earlier this week



A preVIEW of tomorrow

What do I have my EYEs on?


Well, it will be THAT day of the week!

Some Fall

With a bit of summer still holding on

Happy FrEYEday EvFURRYone!
Oh we love froggy blanket! What a beautiful day for a walk
Benny & Lily
Cute froggeh!!! And we are lovin your FrEYEday! As you've come to expect, we'll do our best to emulate you... and please remember that imitation is the highest form of flattery!
We love you, MsKhyra!
with love from the Bleu (and ok, the HaREUFley!)
Wow, beawootiful pictures! That rose is lovely! Nice to see your trees, ours are just turning brown & falling off. Grrreat frrrroggie! Bet Norwood will really like that one!
jack & moo
We just love your sky pics! It is the same here....a little Fall and still a little summer...with the flowers! That frog blankie looks very soft! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug
ooooooooooh - the rose is so pretty, Khyra!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Happy FrEYEday! That is a great tree and a bootiful rosie. We have ONE rose left, hanging on by tenacious thorns.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Awesome sky pics! Have a wonderful weekend! xx
love that froggy blankie, i'm not into toys buts I do love cuddly blankies and have a small teddy blankie I sleeps with. lovely pics as always
Looks like it is going to be a great day! We want Froggeh!!!! Sniffs, The HoundDogs
I like your a bit summer and a bit fall pictures, but the froggie blankie looks really really good!
LOVE that rose. Mine are long gone, thanks to the deer moreso than the weather.
oh I love that frog.
our flowers are still hanging on here :)
wow the colors of fall are so pretty there.
Have a great weekend.
Nordude will be needing a blanket with the snow coming, too. A froggie blanket will help with his frog-huntin' DTs.
The trees...you're making us homesick, again...
Happy, Waggin' Tails, FUREVER!
Stumpy and me
That froggie blankie looks quite warm, bet some of our short-coated furiends would love to snuggle with one of those.
Beautiful sky and flower photos.
Were there some kitties prowling around there?
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Beautiful picturess and did you see Khats.. Hugs GJ xx
We think you are looking at a khat!!!!!
We enjoyed your preview for that day which of course I know is SADIEday! Hope it hurries up and gets here!
What kind of flower is the pink one? It is very pretty!
We are looking in the same direction Khyra.
Remy and Flash
Thank you for visiting us today.
Sure looks cold out there but the fall leaves are sure nice to look at.
♥ Cinnamon
Fall is the best season. Still so pretty :)
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