With some tasty to start

Poor Ab sent this on Saturday - it's a bit blurry fur she was trying to eskhape bekhause she saw towels being gathered

She hears some khomments about the hose needing a repair - so she hoped her daddy khouldn't fix it but

he did

She's using THE LOOK and THE FACE

She was treated to some pizza bones fur her troubles

She sent this one from her Saturday evening
Mom saw a trukhk from
this place whilst on her transport on Sunday

It was on the other side of the road so she wasn't able to snag a pikh but it made her smile - although she was wondering how Reufley had learned to drive!

Then she saw this - and sadly, the pikh didn't khome out well at all but this vehikhle had khome from
HERE - which is akhtually the town where
The Beastie inhabits - it is diffikhult to believe there khould be anything else in Wexford with the size of her - ummmm - BUMMMMMMM!!!

Then Mom saw more signs the day was going to be all WRIGHT -

I mean, what kholour is that Beetle?

And the sky?

BLEU of khourse!!!
Happy Tuesday EvFURRYone!
PeeEssWoo: Mom enjoyed all the khomments about Sunday's passengers - she said to tell woo they were SO much fun! The Nice Mary Lady pawed us how much she loved the videos with the brofurs chekhking themselves out in the windows! We also told The Nice Diana Lady how many nice things were pawed about Andy - BTW, we've added his poster to our sidebar - and khan share it with anyone that would like a khopy!
she needs more pizza bones!
Ut oh....we hope our woofies didn't see this. Rumor has it they are getting baths tomorrow.
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Tasty, tasty treats! Yum! We hope Khousin Abs got lots and lots of pizza bones for the bath time torture.:)
Teddy Bear & Sierra
hey Khyra,
Your poor cousin Ab! I was hoping she was going to make a run for it but alas, your story had a different ending. Well, at least she got pizza bone treats for her troubles! Yummers!
Still keeping my paws crossed for sweet Andy!!
We are probably headed for baths in the next couple of days too...no matter how hard we try to avoid it! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug Bet the pizza bones were great!!
It appears to me that PA is a hot spot for Mango products. I am going to have to get Sarge to muster the troops and help me shut down those operations.
Awhhhhhh so cute!
Khyra, may I point put that there is no photo of yo in today's post, and that is simply not right!
Baths are not my favorite either but I certainly feel better afterwards....
I just checked all, really having good information for everyone!
I've got one especially for dog/puppy training that you might like .... it's at http://advanceddogtrainingtips.blogspot.com
It's updated almost everyday and has lot of great info
OMD is "The Reufus" driving andf does "The Bleu" and "The Mom" own a trucking company and a Bleu Beetle.
Seems like evidence is all around.
Hamish & Sophie
I have but one thing to say if Reuf is driving that truck... SAVE YOURSELF AND GET OFF THE ROAD!!!
Miss Khyra, you sure know how to put a smile on this Sweet Boy's face with your very sweet and very Bleu post!
My Teusday Morning with the DOGtor is behind me, and I'm on my way to spend the afternoon with The Herd. I can't wait to get there and show them the Bleu Beatle!
With much love for The Sweet Yeu from the Bleu!
Poor Abby. SUCH indignity.
Poow kid
that hose is EVIL! thank dog cousin Abs at least got those pizzabones to ease the pain..I love the pictoowes they make mommi smile too
as fow that wound bloo caw, it seems oddly appwopwiate fow my BFF I think maybe it was made to fit, hehehe
smoochie kisses
Khousin Abby should get extra pizza bones every day now because of having to get a bath!
Hello Khyra!! We have finally gotten our internet fixed and I think we should have treats too! :-)
I hope all is well with you and your Mom!!
So Khyra, when I first read your peemail, I ERR OWN E OUS LY thought you had typed
Dear Bustie,
Then I read it again...Buttstie?
Hmm...for once I was flattered...that was short lived...
As for that vehicle being not just from da Burgh, but from MY little part of da Burgh...THAT ROCKS!! Didn't you feel all warm and ruffly when you saw that plate???
Oh...Mumsie took care of a patient the other day who has lived in da Burgh for 30 years...originally from points north of us...
His wife told Mumsie that Pittsburgh is the most northern city in Appalachia...ya shoulda heard the rest of it!!!
Khiss Khiss,
Miss Bustie
The best part of the bath is the zoomies after but treats is pretty good to. :)
OoH I would take a bath fur pizza bones! :)
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
we run when we see towels too
Benny & Lily
Yummy treats.
Lovley pictures from you.
Nice woooh
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