Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tuesday Telling And Tasty

My pegleg has been dekhorated with a pretty pink vet wrap - YEP, it was my trip to the vet - Mom took the khamera - but fur some reason kept it in her pokhket whilst we were in there - even though I did my best Timmy in the well Lassie head moves - even the vet asked if I'd blog about it - he rekhalled from last year that I had a blog and planned to share my trip - so she felt guilty and shot THIS VIDEO when we got outside -
Earlier in the day I had walked the plank like an urban Pirate - Mango is khorrekht about how toned and buff I must be after three walks a day - I was down SEVEN pounds - the nice vet man said I khan even have another THIRD of a khup of kibble -

Now fur the BIG YELLOW fur MURRAY post - which inkhludes tasty stuffs too!

All of the miles Mom drove in The Xterra on Sunday meant it needed to be rejuiced before she khould return to York - she watched the prices on I81 and I78 as she took Coco to Hamburg and decided to stop here on the way bakhk - appropriately enough, it is lokhated at the exit where ROADSIDE AMERICA is - Mom had shared this attrakhtion in the past with Murray's mum in khase they wanted to visit it during their trip to The US - they might make that a priority on their next one!

Whilst Mom was filling the tank she spotted something that khaught her eye on the McD's billboard

So ovFUR she went

Nah - not this side of the billboard - she's already had one of those tasty MANGO pineapple smoooooothies

Hey - how did this Labradork get here? Oh...Mom says she saw this on a khar at The CRACKER Barrel

Even the bakhk of Mom's receipt was trying to lure her into having MORE MANGO but she had one of these

She thought it would be a good way to celebrate The Phillies having khlinched the National League East Saturday evening

Official PHILLIES M&M's - and NOT the Maggie and Mitch ones!

Which got me wondering

If McD's khould khreate

A Skhwirelly McFlurry with berries!

I hope woo get something tasty today and khan tell us about it!




Kari in Alaska said...

you look so pretty in pink :)


Two French Bulldogs said...

pink is your color...hope all is well. Careful of the tree rat
Benny & Lily

Shane Kent Louis said...

Hey khyra! you look had a great time in Mcdo, and I saw the cute squirrel out there! :)

Dog Fence | It's All About Pet Fences

BeadedTail said...

You pull off the peg leg look very well Khyra! We're glad you were all svelte and did well at the vets! We like your idea of a squirrelly McFlurry!

bichonpawz said...

You look very nice in pink!! We love pink too!! Good for you that you get more kibble!! Our mama stops at Love's when we are on the road too...we like them because they have LARGE parking lots with plenty of room to turn around in!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Denise Schoen said...

Love the conga kicks! Looks good in pink but would look good in any color. Khyra is so beautiFurl!

Clive said...


What fantastic yellow photos for Murray today! He was mega excited this morning reading your blog! That huge LOVES truck and then McDonalds!!

He wants to know when are we going back over to visit!!

Even your squirrels are easier to find than our ones!!

Thank you so much for such wonderful 'Murray' photos! Really makes the getting 'very big now man' so happy!!

- Clive & Co

ps-Clive was loving the idea of that squirrelly McFlurry too!!!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

That squirrel totally needs it's tail nomed.

Dandy Duke said...

OMG - those are the coolest M&M's! This is a sign that the Phillies will win, right? Better not tell our dad we said that! shhhhhhhhhh

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

There are many curious things in this post for sure. First and foremost... you only go to the vet once a year? Sheesh! I think they have a room reserved for me!

And what's with the 40 pounds? Like Pea is twice your size.

But, most important, those Mango products at the MacDonalds drive thru. I have a good mind to stick my head through the window and demand to know what's up (or maybe I could get a job adding slobbers to the smoothies to make them more authentic).


P.S. Your DOH needs to brush up on her pirate speak. She has a whole year to work on it.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Great news from the vet stop. Love that pink color on you even if purple is your signature shade. Great nommies here. Do you think that squirrel was hoping your Mom would brush his furs?

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Mack said...

Of COURSE you dazzled them! You dazzle us everyday!

PS: You know you weigh only TEN pounds more than me!!!???


K9 Katastrophie said...

Hi Khrya! I hope you are feeling alright! As the others say, pink is your color!


Sally said...

Pink, is a wonderful color for you.

Nice woooh

TimberLove said...

Harrooo Kyhra! That mango is good stuff! We think your idea of a squirly smoothy is a grrreat one BOL!!

RA, Isis & Nukie

Sheila and Bob said...

Khyra, so glad that your vet visit went so well.
Hamish & Sophie say pink is nice, when Sophie had her surgery she had a hot pink wrap covering her entire left back leg.

Sheila & Bob
Hamish & Sophie

Sychoberians said...

Another yes vote for Squirrel McFurry.

Remy and Flash

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Firstly glad the vet visit went well. What yummy treats on show there.. Mum was quite drooling at the sight. That squirel iss quite cheeky and I laughed at the thought of a squirrel mcflurry.. Hugs GJ xx

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We hope McDonalds gets right on that for you Khyra!!!

Teddy Westlife said...

I didn't get anything tasty today. Mind you, it's only 8.30am so maybe my tasty thing is still coming.