
Here's some pictures from Cuddy from tonight when we got home. She LOVED running around our yard & has setted right in, it's really amazing, she is a very special dog...
All the best,
Amy & Tony

Hi Donna and Pam,
Buddy is settling in well and has really bonded with my son Quinn. Quinn keeps saying that he's Buddy's "person".
He's just the best dog. He lets the kids hang all over him, is very well behaved and is starting to sleep in places other than his self-chosen "cave" under the dining room table. He's very playful, sweet and we love having him in our family.
Thank you and thanks so much for all of the people who care enough to take the time to save and transport these wonderful dogs.
Rescue Dogs Rule!
Jennifer, Lee and the Minich Kids plus Bear & Buddy of course!
I've attached a few photos. I'll send more later
Hi Donna! Just wanted to check in and let you know how all your effort paid off. Remember all the barking my hounds did at the Clip Shoppe? Well, that's how most of the ride went after leaving NJ!! Things got better, though, and most of the ride home they were well behaved and slept. Starter (Art) and Thayer are best friends already, playing as I write this. He is smart and responsive, energetic, happy and so sweet. Loves the woods here, already chased a rabbit from the backyard a couple times, is better than my dog on rides. A little food aggressive and, in SC, hostile towards people outside of Kevin and I, but as he stays well fed and becomes more secure he seems to be leaving all that behind. I am blessed to have two wonderful hound dogs from opposite ends of the eastern US finding a home with me on the Massachusetts coast, and so grateful for there being so many incredible individuals willing to help out the dogs that are lucky enough to find homes. Please feel free to share this message and pics with those that helped in the transport.
Thank you-
Sean, Thayer and Starter
How's that fur happy tales about some of the most recent tails to ride in The Xterra?
Please furgive the multiple kholours - and text - but I had Mom khopy out the messages and paste them in here - and with Blogger, that is always one challenging khrapshoot!
Some of woo khommented or wrote wondering if I'd be doing pledges fur Tails on the Trails - well, I hadn't planned on it BUT since some did ask, I've asked Mom to submit the stuff needed to do that - when we get the link bakhk, I'll share it in a post along with on my sidebar - no no no NO pressure at all
Khyra With The Multikhloured and Fonted Blog Post
PeeEssWoo: Please chekhk out Bocci's post about writing a post which khan help get shelters some kibble - we had done one nine or ten days ago - but the deadline has been extended!
So many beautiful dogs and happy families. Glad you get a chance to get caught up on you naps now, Khyra.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Hi khyra, naps are so so important. lovely happy photos to
We just love seeing all those doggies with their new familys and so happy in their furever homes :)
Wyatt and Stanzie
It's always so nice to see the wonderful follow-up stories from the lucky pups who found their furever homes!
It is always heartwarming to see dogs find homes!
Monty wants to say Hi Khyra!
It really is heartwarming to see all of these beautiful dogs with their furever families!! Rescue DOES Rock!!! Rescue DOGS rock!!! Even Rescue PEOPLE Rock!! Thank you for all you do!!! You make so many families happy!! xoxo Chloe and LdyBug
wooo nice to see so many happy endings and that Miss Floofiness got her naptime too :)
How wonderful to see the next chapter in the lives of these beautiful pups!
Your mom is truly an angel, Khyra!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
We too have so much to be thankful for - we need to remember that all the time. So good to see all those happy rescues.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
You are very much Khorect Khyra.. we who have sooooo much need to remember those who are not so fortunate.
What an awesome post! Smiling in Minnesota!
a ONE penny toy?
oh such happy woofies!!
What a joyful post! And starting with the best of all the pics!!!
This just made our day, to see so many Rescues getting forever homes and living in happiness.
Thank you for all you do.
Sheila & Bob
forever home stories are good!!
Benny & Lily
We love these happy posts! Thanks for making us smile today Khyra!
How fun to see how the transport pups are doing in their new furever homes! Big hugs to your mom & woo fur all woo do to help get them there!
Multicoored fonts? More fun!
jack & moo
How cool. I LOVE the happy ending stories and photos. :)
It's always wonderful to hear that these dogs have ended up in great homes.
So much to be thankful for...all of oyur news makes a grey drizzly day dazzling!
We love happy stories!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Such happy tales (and tails!) They are always such feel-good stories! And Khyra, love that napping pic!
Its sooo kool to see the forever homes that the furries live in now.
They all look so happy
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