My mission? Get home before the rains returned - which they did - we got wet from The Club property bakhk to the house
We appreciate evFURRYone's khoncern about how we are doing here - we are furry lukhky - ESPECIALLY when we see the pikhs on the news - Mom spent a Mango sized portion of her day taking khare of the khall off line at The Great Kibble provider - from 10pm Wednesday through 545pm Thursday, there were 60+ khalls she had to listen to and log on line - more than a few of them were khwite sad knowing the khallers had been evakhuated from their houses -
Here is the link to one of the lokhal stations which allows fur viewers to upload pikhs vids - pretty pretty unbelievable!
Happy FrEYEday EvFURRYone!
We're so glad that you're okay. We sure wish hurry cane season would end soon. So many storms are taking the same path and hurting our furriends.
We love your floofy tail!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
I am very glad that you were safe from the big storm. I love the pictures of your tail.
Woof! I'm glad that your feel good Kyra! I saw to your pictures in your home that there's a lot of frog, I really hate frogs Woof! but they look cute ahah.
Dog Fence | It's All About Pet Fences
Happy Birthday to your mom! We do so much love that tail! And hellow to Merdie!
Gotta send your mummy some kitten cuddles... and maybe some for you too!!
We are VERY glad that you all are OK!!! And....we love the TAIL!!! That big and beautiful TAIL!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug
We are VERY glad that you all are OK!!! And....we love the TAIL!!! That big and beautiful TAIL!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug
Honestly, this weather is crazy. Terrible floods in one place and terrible fires in the next. It's all very scary. Your FT makes us feel better, Khyra!
Those flood photos are so scary. I sure am glad you are OK, but it makes me sad to think of all the families that had to leave their homes.
We are so happy uoo are safe and are sending purrs for all who are at risk. xx
Glad to hear you managed to stay away from the storm, they can get quite nasty! Have a great weekend! ;)
I heard and saw the horrid flooding on the news last night. I was wondering how you were doing and if it would get Worse or Closer to you.
I feel so sad fur all those who have been driven from their homes.
I am happy you are safe....too many storms....
Refreshing to see that fluffy tail!
HappE Birthday to the momma. Love that little bird monster at your door
Benny & Lily
MERDIE!!!! We always love to see Merdie and of course we love your floofy tail Khyra!
We're glad you are safe from the storms. The flooding is so awful over on your coast. We're thinking of efurryone effected!
Glad you made it safely through the big storm sending purrs of safety and comfort for all who need them.
We thinks the frogs @ Merdie's are cute.
hey Khyra,
I am furry happy to read that you and your humans are O.K. Sad that so many in your area are having to evacuate their homes. Hope it ends soon.
Your video was fun! Harley sure knows how to have a good time! And your tail was extra poofy! Looking good! ;->
Hello, Khyra and Mom --- I am very glad woo are okhay and, as always, I love your floofy tail!
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