But furst
WTF - as Joey would have pawed - well, he khrossed Tuesday afternoon - wrapped in his Yankees blanket - of khourse, I guess that means it was a bit khold in The Blast Furnace - we saw the news shortly before heading to bed - but we wanted to give Joey a SPOT and a STAIN of honour on WWW - and remind evFURRYone what Joey pawed to us when he shared the news about what was going on in his world - no tears or he'll send us Tanner!!!

I did snag this pikh from Joey's bestest pal Ike's post fur him - I think Ike might welkhome some support -
The Rainbow Bridge is going to be SO marked as Joe Stains let's 'em know he's arrived - let the pawty begin!
Here is the post his mom has shared with us -

One of the akhtivites fur this session of Khamp Khyra was an instrukhtional video fur The Bleu and The Reuf - The Bleu had pawed me fur help with The Kid's walking abilities so we did a training video fur them - please meander ovFUR to The Bleu's blog to see it - along with some stikhks and bones training videos!
Khyra and The Golden Khousins By Proxy
I am very sorry about your friend. May he rest in peace.
Poor Joe. He fought the good fight. I bet he is having a great time at the bridge with so many friends there to greet him and play. We are sending his family lots of hugs.
We are so sorry to hear about Joey.:(
Teddy Bear & Sierra
hey Khyra,
So furry sorry about Joe Stains. I unfortunately never had the pleasure of knowing him, but I pawed some words of love for his family and for Ike, his BFF. I would sometimes come across Joe Stains and he was always so funny. Thanks for posting about his passing.
Merdie is looking good in her model pose! And Whitney, teasing little Harley like that! You are whikhked! And then to give the little guy beer! Have you no bounds?! ;->
p.s. Your training video for The Blue and Ruefus was pawsome! Good acting!
We are just so sad about Joey. Rest in peace my wonderful friend!
Hi Kyra!
Sorry to hear bout Joe... One of my friend had crossed the bridge today and I'm gonna blog bout her later on :(
On other note,
We are finally back on track!! Sorry for not dropping by so often but we're back on blog again.
Be sure to check us out :)
Autumn and Jasmine
We are sure going to miss Joey. He was so funny and truly one of a kind.
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
We're going to miss the little dude for sure. I bet his eyes are popping out over your wicked photos.
Such a sad day with the passing of Joey. He was one special guy. We are sending our good thoughts to his family and Tanner. We love you, Joey, and we will miss you.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Very sorry to hear about your friend Joe.
It's just not right for Whitney to be so whikhked in front of impressionable Harley! :)
So sorry to hear about your friend. It's a rather sad time recently as too many furkids have crossed over the Bridge. Their families will be in our thoughts!
We saw that instructional video! I have a feeling the Bleu is going to need A LOT of help!
June, Khamp Khyra, yup, summer do be here!
Khrya, I hope your aren't khorrupting young Harley!
We didn't know Joe, but certainly had heard of him. he's a bloglan ikhon and will be missed by many.
Treats and scritches!
Stumpy and me
So sorry to hear about Joe.
Thor and Jack
Sorry to hear this....
We always so love pictures of Whitney's air conditioning.
Misty the alpha Poodle
We heard about Joe's passing. Very sad indeed.
We're sorry to hear about your furiend Khyra. We're thinking of his family.
That Whitney is very whikhked to pose like that in front of the youngin' Harley! Then to give him a beer too? Whoa Whitney!
Yep, that Whitney shows up right on time!
I am so sorry to hears bouts Joe Stains...I thnks we would haves been fab furiends. So sorry I didn't gets to meet him.
Whitney is KER-AZY...hehehe
Harley is just too darn handsome!
Khyra you sure are having a busy day relaxing! So sad about Joe
Benny & Lily
I think it will always hurt, even when they are not yours.
Great Whitney pics!
Need I say more?!
Very sorry to hear about your friend. :(
Those toys look like fun, especially the hot dog one. :)
YAY!!! We are so glad we made it back in time for Khamp Khyra!!!
We are furry sorry to read about your furiend.
We are just trying to get by and say hi to efurone, since we got back!!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
I didn't know Joe Stains but I know he was very popular in our world. I'm sad for his family.
Are you sure Harley is ready for all that wickedness? He is, after all, still a pup! Thank dog, Merdie is the voice of reason. The Bleu and The Reufus will certainly appreciate the training video but might appreciate a scholarship to Kamp even more! Welcome to the halfway point of the year.
Khamp Khyra now serves dog beer?
That is Whikhked!!
It is not easy, Khyra!
But knowing that he is now free of pain makes us feel better.
Aaaand yes... poor Harley!
Kisses and hugs
Thank you so much for this wonderful tribute Khyra. Tanner is still eligible for a grand prize, so keep the chin up :) We miss Joey so much but all of the great blog posts and comments have helped us a lot. We have had a lot of visitors thanks to you and we appreciate it so much.
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