
In khase woo stopped by my khorner prior to our getting the news, JAXON IS HOME!!! How khool is that!?!
SO, now we need to khoncentrate on getting Sue and Piper to give up life on the run
Mom also saw on The Rotts 'n Pups FB page that Hudson is doing furry well with his furever family - inkhluding his new sisfur Harlee - he instantly fit in AND the two of them are in love with each other - khomplete with KHONSTANT playing!
One day we so hope to see the same great news fur Misha and The Mob - I know Mom is still thinking of her - and now that she's seen SiberianGSD pups, she khan't wait fur one of THIS Sunday's passengers - she'll be driving fur The Last Resort - and Lola is khoming North - once Mom saw her, she sent The Nice Sam Lady the link to the Photobukhket album with Misha's sweeties so she khould see them - Sam SO agreed Dad was GSD after taking a look at those khuties!
We were just wondering if Husky-
GSD puppies would stick around guarding the place or would they be off on an adventure.
Misty the alpha Poodle.
Lola is adorable! Definitely Sibe-GSD!
Love the cloud pics! Very cool!
Such great news about Jaxon!!! We'll keep our paws crossed for Piper and Sue.
Teddy Bear & Sierra
We like the look of that tasty birdy, we mean sweet birdy!
Hooray, Jaxon is home!!!
So glad to hear that Hudson has settled down so well too!
We are so happy to read that Jaxon is home! What wonderful news to wake up too!
Our paws remain crossed for Piper!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Very impressive sky cloud pictures. And nice to see you getting a ROTE.
Very pretty sky pictures!
We think Lola is very pretty - We love it when the sibe/GSD mix leans more to the sibe look and the GSD coloring.
Great clouds, love the swirling formations.
We are very happy Jaxon was found. Now, Piper - get home!!!
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
looks to me like the pupsters get quite the comfy transport :)
Khyra, your XTERRA looks furry Khomfy!!! Those sky pictures are just beautiful! Thanks for sharing!!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
You take such great pics! Thanks for sharing!
We hope Khousin Abby is having fun in Prescott! Khyra, it's nice of you to check out your Xterra to make sure it is comfy enough for the pups on Sunday.
We're so glad Jaxson is home! We're still crossing paws for the others not home yet.
I hope while you were checking out the conditions of the Xterra you also were riding to Dairy Queen. If not, I think your mom should do that next time.
Fanks for the update Khyra. We lubs yoo.
Morgan says that of course those puppies were cute if they were half GSD!
Dear Khyra, woo look very khomfy and beautiful in the car! I really like the cloud pictures, too!
Fingers and paws khrossed for everyone to return home.
Good thing you're checking out the car. Your mom does a great job helping all those pups.
Khyra's in love with her car. Very cool photos.
Remy and Flash
I hope you are sitting down while the car is moving, Khyra. It's not safe to stand and drive.
so cute! Sorry about that icky weather Khyra
Benny & Lily
"Seems khwite do-able!" -- you have me LOL! :D
You are such a thoughtful soul to make sure mom's transport guests are comfy enough on their ride! Between your mom's care and knowing they are heading for a wonderful second chance, I bet every pup who rides in your vehicle thinks it a limo!
Hi, The first picture is adorable! All of them are but that dog's face is so compelling.
Have a nice night!
WOWZA! What a Most Beautiful sky you had on Sunday. Did you just stop and stare at it for the longest time?
It was good of you to check and make sure the travel accommodations for your mom's passengers were up to par.
Wiggles & Wags,
That sure is great news about Jaxon! We'll keep our pawsitive paws crossed for the rest! :))
We love the sky pics and the yellow flowers are pretty too!
Of khourse we love the Khyra pics best!!
Looking forward to your walking wednesday post!
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