Of Trees and Tasty Things
I was taking in the new tree planted as a tribute
Then I rubbed my scent all ovFUR the khat tail tree
Tasty Stuff One
Yum Yum Nom Nom
Tasty Stuff Two - and too!
Thank Woo Daisy and Tucker's Mom - we opened the strawberry furst - we'll let woo know when we khrakhk the seals on the blackberry and the apple!



We are glad evFURRYone enjoyed the trio of transports from Sunday - Mom has already started making THOSE faces at her pawtential passengers fur THIS Sunday - here is a preview of the Momma - paws khrossed the run will fill without too much human paw twisting!
How beautiful is Misha. She looks like a little Khyra.
Misty the alpha Poodle
What nice gifts. We would eat those strawberry things first too
Benny & Lily
Way to go Khyra, rubbing your scent all over the tree just like a bear!
hey Khyra,
*drool....chicken sausage....nom nom is right! And the jellies/jams look very yummy too! What a very nice friend Daisy and Tucker's mom is to treat your tummy to such tasty treats! :->
Good job rubbing your scent on the cat tail tree. Keep those cat tails away!
I can't believe you have a package of Mango's sausage!!!
Happy, Waggin' Tails, FUREVER!
Stumpy and me
Khyra, nice job rubbing your scent all over the khat tail tree! You are very clever!
We would have opened the strawberry too. That looks very good and what a thoughtful gift!
Homemade jam is one of the best things ever!:) Luck you.:)
Teddy Bear & Sierra
I don't think Mango will be happy to see that sausages that you have.
Love homemade jam. Any more to share?
We love that pic where you are smelling the roses :-)
Don't get your nose TOO close my dear!
What wonderful treats! Enjoy!
- Clive and Murray
Now that must be made with REAL Mango! HOT AND SPICEY!
Oh yeah!
YUMMY! that sausage looks delish!
Misha is Beewooootiful! But of course not as much as you Miss Khyra!!!
Good thing you made sure people and dogs know that tree is under your protection.
Looks yummy! Now I'm hungry!
What great gifts. Mom loves jam!
That looks very yummy!! Khyra is very beautiful rubbing her scent on the tree! Lots of love, Holly & Mom
We can't wait to see and hear more about Misha and her pups - hope all the links on the transports get filled.
Yummy sausage treats for sure. AND that strawberry stuff looks great. Mom puts some on her toast in the morning and sometimes we get a little nibble.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
What yummy stuff, Khyra!
Misha really is gorgeous!
I do not get to eat no chicken sausage or even jellies! I'm lucky to get some peanut butter ever now and again!
mmm yummy treats!
We always beg mom for some of her toast when it has preserves on it! yummmmmm
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Oh she is a cutie! Well, not as adorable as you, obviously.
I lost all train of thought when I saw those sausages!
That will show all those darn Khats that the tree is a Khyra tree now.
Remy and Flash
The foods look like the start of a party! You have very nice friends.
Someday the tribute tree is going to be tall and sheltering and you will be able to sit beneath it and remember wonderful times with great friends.
Oh the sausages have us all drooling on the computer...even Rama!
Hi, hi, Khyra! I'm back! Did you miss me? I missed you!
Gosh, those treatsies look SO furry DEE-lish! I'm kinda gettin' all drooly here.
Wiggles & Wags,
Yummilicious post!
Sure it was grrreat!
Kisses and hugs
Hey Khyra - maybe you can use those sausage things for Sarge's Bobbin' for Tube Steaks Game at the Picnic :)
The Road Dogs
those snausages look yum yum yummy
Thats right Khyra,,, let everyone know that is YOUR tree!
Yummy treats,, oh I can tast them now!
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