I'm thinking someone needs to make Kate a furever member of their family - please head ovFUR to
Benny's Blog - okay, it's Tesla's and Hansel's too - to read all about her!

During our walk Tuesday night, all we khould think about was Misha - and how we hoped to see the message she was safe

I thought maybe a Poodle Bush khould lure her

Or this hot Bun E FooFoo - all flattened due to the heat

Oh to nibble on those ears!

I asked my khattle pals to put out the word


I asked our OTHER pair of Red Tailed Hawks to spread their wings to direkht her home

This tower is within sight of the park I go to - and if ONLY someone would put a path through the khattle play ground, I khould walk Mom to the park during our loop -we did see the other pair on THEIR lines - the ones I had on Wednesday's post - on our Wednesday night walk, they were sitting side by side on one of the bracings BUT Mom khouldn't get a khlear pikh since one of the support beams was blokhking them BUT it was furry khool to see!



I asked the bees to buzz their pals too


Even the YELLOW fur
our GOLDEN pal The Daisy who's rekhovering in Master Chew Sits

If only we had one of these, we khould have zooooomed to NJ to help look fur her - Mom had taken this pikh sometime ago fur another
Fiona Mom - but it works fur Murray too! -

But this one summed it up furry well!
I hope the nice Amy Lady will share some details of how Misha was rekhovered - all I know is Mom was thrilled to see the messages on her khrakhkerberry as she was khoming to Wednesday morning!
Khongrats are in order fur THE LAST RESORT RESCUE - they've had their 1K - as in 1000 khanine saved!!!
Happy Thursday EvFURRYone!
Happy Thursday Khyra!
Togo, Tagar & Gamby
Misty the alpha Poodle
Yippee for Misha and ConCatulations to The Last Resort Rescue!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
A little nibble on those bunny ears sounds pawfect!:)
Teddy Beat & Sierra
I was so happy to heal Misha was found! I knew that would totally make your day!!
HUGE congrats to the Last Resort Rescue for such a wonderful milestone!
i would like to nibble on Bun E FooFoo too. what a great name. and pleeeease...what on earth is a poodle bush? i don;t believe we have that here!
Oooo... c'mere Bun E FooFoo!!
we are thrilled Misha made it home safe ~ where do we go to read the update?
Hi Khyra!! And her Mom!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh, Ruairi, Ivy and Todd
We are just loving that Poodle Bush. How pretty it is!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
That poodle bush is very pretty - wonder where we can find one of those.
Hooray for the finding of Misha. Hope she stays put for good now.
We have been wooing good thought for Daisy too.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
So happy dat Misha is home!
Happy Thursday Khyra!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Hi Khyra,
We are so glad your friend was found.
That bunny is very cute!
Happy Thursday! :)
Happy Thursday!
Great shots!
We love the one of the daisy!
We LOVE(to destroy)flowers!
We wish the best for Kate!
I like the smiley in the last picture! So glad to hear that Misha is doing well!
Ohhh! We finally saw a bunny over the weekend. I knew there had to be some in the woods...
A poodle bush?!?! Where's the Khyra floofy tail bush?!?! :)
We'll send our good thoughts--We've had so many for us and are so grateful that we find we have some extras!
I hope you're having a good day!!
I'm so happy to hear Misha is recovered! PHEW! Stories of missing pups break my heart. :(
Anyway, happy Thursday Khyra!
Jen and the Black Dog Crew
Happy Thursday, Khyra......xxxxxxxxxx
those bunny ears look very nibble-able
Khyra, all your wishing and hoping worked and we're so glad that Misha was found! If you had one of those fast yellow cars you could come visit us too!
Well Miss Khyra, with all those critters spreading the word, there is no way Misha wouldn't have found her way home!
HEY KHYRA~!!! Man, have we missed WOO~!!! We're back now with our brandy~dandy new blog. Hope you can come for a visit...
Awww, Khyra! You did good getting the word out to all the creatures! Happy Thursday, beautiful one!
I will have to take a photo next to my dad's yellow car for you Khyra. :)
Yeah, like the other Jan said, You have a POODLE bush? Where do we get one?
Happy Thursday to you and your mum.
Oh I am so very much happy to read this post!! I'm so glad Misha is home safe! Can't wait to hear the details.
Thanking Thursday, indeed!
Our paws are crossed for Kate!! We thought that was us, but it was a bunny, BOL
Benny & Lily
Wishing Miss Daisy a happy and speedy recovery... and there was SO very much in that post that piqued my attention!
with love from the Bleu
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