
Here are Mom's passengers fur later today

The Nice Mary Lady in Charlotte was responsible fur helping to get Lola into reskhue - someone had written her and Mary pawed her along - The Nice Sam Lady ofFURed to make her part of The Last Resort Rescue - and khooly enough, Mary's transport joined forces with Sam's transport and pawmitted Lola to hop on with Mary's group to get to her overnight host! Mary wrote that Lola was even more beaWOOtiful in the fur than her pikhtures!
Mom isn't sure she'll khross tiretrakhks with the other two transports this weekend - she's sad about that fur there are khuties on both of them - Amy's has some of those furry special HUSKIES - and some boxerhusky pups! Mom's leg is a bit earlier than the others AND Mom isn't meeting the next driver at The Earthlink Building - she's splitting the leg to Hamburg - she was going to do Hagerstown to Hamburg - when the next driver saw that, she said she'd meet Mom beyond Harrisburg - we believe The Nice Nicole Lady lives in that area - so there wasn't much sense in Mom driving to Hamburg and possibly passing her MDX on I81
Mom will share pikhs of the other passengers on Monda's post - she's sorry she won't get to meet Amy's khargo but she's furry mindful of the rotation!
We don't know the details yet but we do know that Homer has been adopted! We are hoping it was by Lucille's skin brother !
Thanks fur the kind words about Hamlet - his mom was furry touched by what was pawed on her post and on my khorner -
Happy Father's Day to those celebrating it - Mom is khwite mindful today that in 2009, Laska eskhaped on Father's Day - AND last year it was the famous Rocky - woo so know Mom will be holding on to Lola fur all she's worth!
PeeEssWoo: I'm sorry I'm missing from all the fun khookout and pikhnikh stuffs going on this weekend but Mom and I khouldn't find the time to pawticipate - as it is, the GR is ovFUR 600 and I'm afraid The Button of Doom will be pawed furry soon
FIRST COMMENT! Ok as you well know I have not much else i can do tonight ;) CoCochino has ears ALMOST as cool as BC
hey Khyra,
Mona is such a beauty! My paws are crossed and prayers go out tonight that she is safe and is found quickly. The poor girl must be so afraid, in a new area and all alone. Power of the Paws united will find her!
Your little blue avian friend is a cutie! I am very furry impressed you walked in the humidity. I have not had many walks this week due to the heat and super high humidity in my neck of the woods. blah!
What three adorable pups!
p.s. Khyra, I really missed you at the Blogville Picnic! It was so much fun and I am sorry you could not attend. You were really missed!!
We are crossing paws and the kitties are sending purrs that Mona is found soon.
Speaking of Brofur, we haven't seen him or Butterscotch lately. How are they doing?
The passengers are so adorable! Our mommy wishes she could adopt them all!
That Mona sure is pretty! We hope she is found and gets to her forever home soon.
The passengers are adorable - we send them big licks - hope they get their forever homes too.
Sally and Paddy
Lola is CUTE!!!
We'll keep pawsitive thoughts for Mona!
Of khourse for the rest of the pups too!!
Happy Sunday to you Khyra!!
Mona is very beautiful.
Cocochino is soo cute. Lola and Midnight also.
Nice woooh
Hi Khyra! Mona is such a lovely girl and we are crossing all paws that she will be found safe and sound very soon.
Have a safe transport, Phyll!
Mona is just beautiful! Our paws are crossed that she is found very soon!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hope today's drive goes well! And fingers/paws crossed for Mona!
Mona is gorgeous!!! Enjoy your Sunday
Hope they find Mona soon. She is so special looking, she should be easy to spot!
Have a safe transport today.
Wyatt and Stanzie
Your other passengers are quite adorable. A polka dotted poodle?
Benny & Lily
I really hope Mona comes back safe and sound! They is all so lovely!
Mona is beautiful!!! Sorry to hear she is gone missing. Keeping paws crossed she is found safely. All the others being transported,are in our thoughts they get wonderful loving homes.
Mona is a stunning Poodle. Me hopes she will be found soon!
Mona is a really unique beauty isn't she . .maybe a PooDal!
We will keep her in prayers until we hear she is found.
Cheers for your transports and keeping the messages going.
We didn't get to picnic either. Just so much anyone can do in a week!
Jo, Stella and ZKHAT!
I am cwossing my paws fow that most gowgeous fuwwkid to be found..how scaiwy.
Good luck wif all those lovely passengews!!!1
I did miss you at the picnic, but I know all about Wunning out of time to get to do evewything
smoochie kisses
Paws crossed for beautiful Mona-how scary! Please keep us updated if you can...
Khyra, I saw this post earlier and thought I left a comment, but it's not here...Was I dreaming??
I hope that Mona is found and I hope that you've had a wonderful day!! THANK YOU for the comforting words you've left on my blog!
I hope these puppies find new homes soon too!
Keeping our paws and fingers crossed for Mona! Such a beautiful dog!
Murray loved your photos with the flowers Khyra!
take care
Clive & Co
What handsome passengers!!
Khyra, Mom is squeeeeing over Cocochino and Lola! We're so happy Lola has a new home on the way.
Happy SUNday!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
pee ess - sorry we haven't posted lately but we lost a whole bunch of the blogs we follow on google :( BAD Google!!
You get the cutest passengers!
I'm pulling for Mona.
Happy Sunday, Khyra! We have our paws crossed for Mona.
Togo, Tagar & Gamby
Mona is a beauty...mom would be tempted to give Grete woofie a sisfur! Don't tell Grete I said so...
We purr and pray she is found soon.
xoxo Khory
Beau-Woo-tiful Khyra! Cutie Gordo and adorable transport guests! My fingers and Cassie's paws are crossed for Mona to be found khwickly and safely.
Sure hope she gets a furever home.
What cute pups. :)
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