This was from Sunday morning - I'm resting up fur one of Mom's long posts

From Saturday's walk - some YELLOW fur Murray!

Also from Saturday's walk - we thought the sky was kind of khool - of khourse, later in the evening it brought weather - but nothing too bad around my part of the area
Time to turn it ovFUR to Mom so she khan tell woo about Misha and The Mob!
Thanks Khyra!
I appreciate you allowing me to take your Xterra for Misha and her adorable pups. I did get a sad email whilst waiting for them to arrive. I was almost in the same spot that I had taken a special picture of Rocky that I still have on the crackberry when Amy sent this

She had been transported on Saturday - actually, had I not been working, I might have driven her to Harrisburg - when I saw the email, I KNEW the leg would be dedicated to Sue - and to Jaxon - and to all the other pups on the loose - I see so many friends sharing others on Facebook - it was our omen - and since Misha and The Mob had travelled across TN prior to turning North for NJ, I thought maybe some of the energies would help get Jaxon to safety

Ready to go again


I think these folks were confused!

More YELLOW for Murray!

AND a special khombo for him!

I got to see the passengers I missed since I had Misha! - this one is ChaCha

These two were adorable - you'll see them in one of the videos in the Photobucket - along with this handsome hunk - and that one is Mambo


And yes, that is a string-o-slobber! He was a real sweetheart! I would have enjoyed chauffeuring him - of course, Khyra has already sent his pictures off to a certain Rotti in The UK!

Oh the pups!

And The Mom!

This one didn't want to come out when the other two of the cratemates did - we did not force the issue

I was having some special time with Tanner

He was taking all of it in

My special sweet Siberian shotgun!

I lost count of how many times I told her she was beaWOOtiful!

Pawsylvania woo'ed HI!

I also lost count of how often I told her what a great mom she was

She made sure to keep the other pup in line!


Good thing one doesn't need to shift gears too often on the interstate - she made herself comfy - and made sure to have contact with me almost the entire trip - my right wrist was often a chin rest

She enjoyed the Husky Khool Air coming from The Xterra

I kept telling her she was safe now - and soon she'd know furever happiness

We were racing the weather - this was looking North as we crossed the river short of Harrisburg

Dreaming she could fly - or maybe she was sliding in the snow!

After we got to Harrisburg, she decided to test out the driver's seat - I did have to lift her out as we transferred the precious cargo to their next driver

One crate of cuteness

And more

She watched out of the Durango taking her to Allentown - once again, more proof of what a great mom she was - her six were quite healthy - and even chubby - with great food sharing - two actually shared a treat in Hagerstown from each other's mouths - no guarding issues at all

This week's Harrisburg shot

A wee bit wet, eh?

Looking South from the bridge

and then West

And South again

But once I was back into Northern York County, it was dry - although within about thirty minutes, that changed!

Oh the difference twenty miles can make


Here comes ours!

I had to wait and run out to snag this one - it was still raining but I managed to snap it AND then it let loose again!
Mission Accomplished!
To say this was a rewarding transport would be an understatement - to know that Misha and The Mob had been living under a trailer - and now they will know all the good things khanines should have in their lives!
Thanks to A Pathway to Hope for helping to make a difference once again!
I'll admit it would have been difficult to part with her had I driven her to Allentown - and I think she might have felt the same way - I think she felt the Zen from The Xterra - and I think she knew a Siberian sucker in the skin!
Here is the link to the Photobucket slideshow - with some pics from the other transport I encountered - and here is the link to the album with NINE videos - there would have been MORE - but you were saved by the rain!
So - as we say - RESCUES ROCK!!!!!!!
Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner
P.S. Please keep Sue, Jaxon, and all the others out there on their own - we need to get them home safely
P.P.S: JAXON IS HOME!!! Sissy pawed a comment on Khyra's post - now to get Sue, Piper, and the others back where they should be!
We're sad to hear about Sue but we are crossing our paws that both she and Jaxson are found soon.
Misha is beautiful! She looks like such a sweetheart and her puppies are adorable! Our mommy would have pupnapped them all!
Wow, what a story about Misha and the pups. She is absolutely beautiful and that face, you can just tell she is waiting to be the perfect girl for a lucky family. Her story breaks my heart.
Khyra..Misha and her pups are so fortunate to now be safe. We hope thye soon have their new furever homes.
Lots of pawsative thoughts for Sue & Jaxon.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
What a beautiful group of pups once again. We've got our paws crossed for Sue and Jaxon and hope they will be found soon.
Teddy Bear & Sierra
Khyra we're so impressed by how good you are with other dogs. You're a furry fuzzy cutie!
We are purring and purring for Sue, Jaxon, and all the others out there on their own ... may they all be found safely and brought home.
Such a lovely post full of beautiful dogs and pups. We wanted to just take a moment to say how much we appreciate your mom's dedication to helping these beautiful animals. We know just how special she is: YOOR MOM ROCKS! (and so do ALL the other rescuers). Thanks fom our hearts.
Milo & Alfie, and our mom xxx
We got lost in Misha's eyes. She is so beautiful and we're so happy that she and her pups are safe! Our paws are crossed for Sue and Jaxon. We want them found and safe too!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
We keep our fingers and paws crossed for Sue and Jaxon, hope they get home as soon as possible. Their families are in our thoughts too.
Those little doggies are really cute, hope they find their homes soon.
Thanks for sharing the pictures, they are precious.
We hope all the lost and missing pups will be found soon and safe. Mambo and Cha Cha were just so cute. As were all the other pups too - gotta love those ears - looks like they took those from Mom. Misha reminds us a lot of Flurry and yet there was something about her demeanor that was Phantom-like too.
Too bad about the rain but at least Mom was able to get a few videos before it poured.
Congrats on another successful transport. We send our very best for Misha to conquer that heartworm.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Your mom is so very brave to drive those sweet puppers in that rain!
We are crossing our dewclaws that Sue gets found FAST!
And I can see Mambo likes the ladies like me!!!
And Jaxon is HOME!! Thanks for the help, and hopefully Sue will be next!
You rock, my friend!
such cute puppies
oh my, what a cuteness overload you had! And they all look sweet and well behaved. At least in the pictures.
Glad you got through the weather safely and back to Khyra in Pawsylvania.
Gussie n teka
Cute pups indeed! Mom did two legs of a transport last Sunday for 2 super cutie puppies!
We bet it sure is tempting to want to keep all those pups. Yikes, what a rain storm..
Benny & Lily
Misha really is gorgeous, and so are all the pups!!!
PS: Fernant's family has returned. Phew!
What an amazing Res-Q Khrew this week! So much cuteness, I don't even know where to look!
Paws crossed for Sue...
What a great transport! That mom looked quite a bit like Arwen when Arwen was a young thing. And one of her pups looks like a baby Nyx! Glad you made it home safely.
Those puppies are adorable, and I hope the lost ones get found very quickly.
That is a khar full of special passengers!
WDA woos and positive energy being sent that those pups allow themselves to be helped and brought home safely and soon. Trust, dear ones, so many care and want to give you a wonderful life.
The passengers were so full of life and hope...thank you and the others for giving them a real chance and a loving home.
I'm ending my day reading your post and as always, it's a great place to end...Misha has quite a story, as so many do, but she has touched my heart because you see so much in her beautiful eyes...Thanks for sharing the pups with us!! I hope your week is off to a good start!
We read about Piper on FB and a blog but didn't know about the other 2. Is Jaxon the one in the reward poster or another?
Paws crossed for Sue and Jaxon.
All the puppies are so adorable!
I know Misha and all of them are going to get all the love and attention they deserve!
Kisses and hugs
OK, Khyra, SoME dudes drool!! Butt they are very cute when they do so!! Mamma Sibe looks like hantom to me. She shas his soulful gaze!!
Thanks fur sharing!
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