Here are some TAKEDOWN videos - one starts the rumble - and two khonkhludes that round of fun - of khourse, we made it tough on the videographer - hehehe!!!
Khome by tomorrow fur THAT day again - I think Whitney khame by Khamp Khyra on Monday - she didn't stay long but she knew all The Boyz would be disappointed if she didn't make her appearance fur June!
Khyra and The Golden Khampers
PeeEssWoo: Mom says thanks fur the kind words about what I shared on Monday about her - AND we want to say the GR khount is out of khontrol again - so we'll be doing lots and lots of reading with non khommenting - please furgive us and please don't evFUR take it pawsonally - just need to manage her time better fur her! Woo know how Moms are!