Due to the hot and sunny and humid and hot and wikhkednastyweathah we had this week, we didn't khapture furry many interesting skEYE scenes BUT Mom took this opportunity to inkhlude some more STUFF - some flowers - and extra pikhs from the Butterfly and Bee Bush that is on the property akhross from Norwood's Frog Island Fantasy GetAway Khamp
Here is the link to the PHOTOBUKHKET SLIDESHOW fur them
Please be khareful out there!
Khyra and Khousin Merdie By Proxy
PeeEssWoo: LOBSTAH....YUM!!!!
miss khyra,
thankies bunches 'n tons for crossin' your paws cuz my mama and daddy are supposed to go to the beach in NC next week, and they are worried that this earl dude is gonna ruin everythingie!
oh, and i totally think that cloud looks like a hooge lobster, too! heehee. also, we have those toads at my house everywhere! i like to beep them with my schnoz so that they hop super high! :)
the booker man
pee s -- i don't know if there is a swing large enough for the mango. bwuahaha. ;)
pee s -- WOOT! i'm first! :)
You can cross all paws at once. You are indeed a multi talented Sibe.
Misty the alpha Poodle
We're crossing paws too that Earl doesn't hurt anyone on the east coast.
Do you have purple frogs in Pawsylvania? He looks on the purplish side. The butterflies are very pretty and the lobster made us hungry!
We like seeing your phloof and loons Khyra! And of course we like seeing Merdie Froggie Doggie!
Have a great Friday!
Your birthday stuff looked just wonderful and you are most deserving, Whitney and Mom! I would like for someone to send my Mom a new laptop so she could quit sticking the old Dell together with bubblegum!
Stella (and Mom)
Awesome post, as always Khyra!...We love how you crossed all your paws for everyone to be safe from Earl!...Of course, Merdie does the froggiedoggie pose better than Talulah!...The butterflies are beautiful and we love your Lobstah kloud; lobstah is Mommy's favorite!...Happy holiday weekend, gorgeous girls...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Now that is one packed post! Thanks for the cheery sendoff. Have your bottle opener at the ready? :)
Thanks for the crossed paws - I measured the distance (well, my odomoter did), and we're 1.16 miles from the Marina, and not much further until it opens up to ocean. Layla loves sitting in the rain - but she's not allowed if things are flying around!
Awesome Lobster cloud! Layla loves playing with lobster before we cook them, but then she also loves eating them. I tell her and Casey that not every dog gets to share lobster off my plate, but they were too busy munching to listen.
Jack does that leg stick out thing just like Merdie!
Between you an' Sweet Praline, we are up to our eyeballs in panty-loons today!
Yesh, we are crossing paws and sayin' PURRayers for all those in the way of the storms. It is furry skeery.
We have our paws crossed for NC. That is one big toad. It is wickedly hot here too.:( Let's keep our paws crossed that we'll both get cooler weather soon.:)
Teddy Bear
I likes the flowers. I would luv to sniffs dem. :)
You are queen of the paw cross my dear!! (and FROGGIE DOGGIE!!! *cheer*)
Phew! There are so many things happening in your post today! I like seeing all your creatures... we don't have toads here (i dont think?).. or big butterflies.
Hoping you have a happy weekend! And of course the FroggieDoggie too.
You sure are talented! You could be an acrobat with all that foot crossing!
you and your mom be careful too. Our bad weather from Mr. Earl should be over by the end of the day.
Did I tell you that muzzer and dad are the weather equivalent of Joe Bfsl&^$%K?
Love the beautiful pictures. that is a super chubby toad.
I hope that you get some good weather this weekend. This storm is reminding me of a vacation in Nags Head NC that my family took in the 70's when we were hit by a huge hurricane, which we insanely decided to ride out in our bay-side cottage on stilts. Fortunately, the storm veered and we were ok.
I hope that the sun shines a little for y'all!
That frog and butterfly look very nommable
How did you paint that bee-u-tiful kloud into the Lobstah shape? Made me hungry.
We have been gettin inundated (that means lots and lots of)
with toads and frogs this past week. Even trying to climb in my window, well, that may have been a frog. They are sneakier than toads.
Beautiful pictures, floof and all!
We are crossing everything we have over here that Earl doesn't affect anyone.
Have a great weekend!
We hope efurrybuddy stays SAFE wiv the hurricane.
We love the butterflies ~ and whoo and Merdie! MOL!
Oh I like your Lobstah cloud!
Dad has to pick my pool (aka water dish) cause of the winds that we'll be gettin'.
woof - Tucker
Are you sure that is a cloud and not some of your phloof in the sky?
We hope you have a marvelous weekend!
A double paw-cross should take care of things.
You look sleepy Miss Khyra! You sure are pretty!
Dilly day
Great pics, Khyra! Love the loons n floof!
I see the lobster in the cloud!
Don't forget, we moved to http://dogisgodinreverse.com
Beautiful butterflies, "phloof" and "Doggie Froggie"
Have a wonderful weekend!
Beautiful Khyra with your paws crossed! Love the pictures of Froggy Merdie too and the little toad in the driveway! The flowes and butterflies are pretty. Great post all the way through!! Have a great holiday weekend! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
We love the crossing of ALL the paws! Talulah is furry cute! Maybe we can introduce her to Bubba? He's our deck toad. And that lobster cloud is super!
Hi Khyra, we just love your blue butterfly and the butterfly & bee bush is pawsome.
Nice paw placement.
Oh Khyra, that is wonderful paw placement you have today.
Great crossed paws for luck.
Pretty pics and we loved the butterfly bush.
love and kisses
Martha and Bailey xx
Hi Khyra and Mom,
So sweet of you Khyra to think of us on this holiday week end!! Thank you sweet girl!! If MOm's going out on the road we hope everything gos well with her too!!!
Take care, Bambi and Fern
send some to us!!!!!
El'bow & Hauwii
Awesome, crosses, floof, loons, frog legs, toad legs and blue butterfly's. Too much aint enough.
Remy and Flash
I am hoping that all my friends are all ok in this weather you are getting.. I love the crossed paws picture and wow that huge toad.. Pretty butterflies and gorgeous sky's and of course Miss Merdie, we got it all.. Hugs GJ xx
Delightful photos of you and Merdie, and the other purrty things. You be careful over this weekend too!
Waaaaaaaah I am afraid of toads. They are so dangerous. Our vet says I should stay faaaar away from them. The risk of intoxication is very high by touching them. Be careful my friend, be careful.
Nice woooh
We have our paws crossed for the people on the East coast also..
Ya another toad-frog for Norwood..
What beautiful butterflies..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Loved all the crossed paws and the Merdie shot.
Hope you have a wonderful long weekend as well.
And Merdie by proxy...hehehehe, loooves it.
Dat a crazy cloud...dat what happens when you expecting a hurricane...they turn into sea creature shapes?
Ya floof be looking gooood today Khyra!
We're keeping all our paws crossed here for everyone to be safe in New England too!
H & K
I has never seened front and back paws crossed at the furry same time afore. You do be so talented Khyra! Nice flutterbyes you has there, too!
I hope everyone is safe in the crazy weather!
Khyra, we've been jonesin' for some floof and loons!
Lobtyer is on my list of things I must do while I am back east. I'll take mine on my plate, though!
Thank goodness we have water close by! As long as we're in the water we do';t care how humid it is!
wow that cloud does look like a lobster!
Hi Kyhra,
We really enjoyed those beautiful photos. Thanks so much for sharing them.
Riley and Star.
Thanks for the floof and loons. Lots of variety pix. Are you sure the toad is Talulah and not Theodore? We aren't sure either. Sure the toad doesn't care.
Have a good night.
That looks like merdie is half way through doing the macarena...
Hope our beautiful weather heads your way! Transport? Have a wonderful and safe weekend. Tell mom, "All we are is dust in the wind...."
Mom just loves her butterfly bushes! They smell so pretty and they attract so many beautiful butterflies! Thanks for all the smiles, Khyra!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Thank you for the awsome slide show.
The bee bush and butterfly bush,. we have them too
be safes to all
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