Friday, April 30, 2010

FrEYEday SkEYEday Free Fur All UPDATED ;-(

Please stop by Charlie's Blog and leave some words of support - just after my blog posted, we saw in our Google Reader that Charlie has left us
Furst peep

We have an eyas! Around 2:30pm on Thursday Mom noticed stuff was happening - she grabbed this - it was the furst one that showed any portion of the little khritter!

She'll be using the link on my sidebar to show updated pikhs going furward

We really do suggest woo watch the live feed when woo khan - it is fascinating! Mom celebrated this one breaking through (to the other side) by eating the shell throughout the afternoon - it provides nutrients to her!

****** I've got my eyes on someTHING
IT was hiding in those bushes - if woo bigify it woo khan make out the top of its head in the bushes!
We got a note from Stella and her mom Wednesday eveningThis is just a short note to let you know, I got home today, yes, a day early! I am very happy about it also.

The surgery went fine, the Doc checked the surgery this morning and he was pleased, so all that is OK.

He ordered a home health aide to come every day and check the stitching and/or change the dressing, this person will also provide me with PT at home. Then for the next week, or many, I will be an outpatient of a therapist at our Hospital's Brand New Therapy Center. This will run from six to eight weeks x 3 sessions a week.

So thats my story!

Thanks to every one for their sweet notes and I am most grateful for all.

Love and hugs,
Jo and Stella


JoAndStella's Blog
I wanted to show Norwood that Frog Island has been freshly mulched fur the season


Mom saw these at the grocery store

This was right below it on the rakhk

We khan see Momma's tail feathers pointing to about 10 o'khlokhk in the center of the pikh


Tuesday evening

More Tuesday evening

Mom khouldn't decide which of the three to share so I pawmitted her to inkhlude all of them -especially since one of them khontained the full moon khoming to say HOWL-OH!!!

Here is this week's Photobukhket Sky and Tree Slideshow Link - she built it as the days happened and labeled them so woo khould see when they were khaptured!

Happy FrEYEday!



Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thanking, Thinking, Thoughtful Thursday

Look what my furiend J.R. The Mail Kharrier brought to the door!
He asked Mom why I get the most mail!
She said I must live right!
Here I am chekhking out my GABE winnings from DORY (and Bilbo)!
I got some tasty yummy biskhuits made from the Samantha Khookie recipe
Mom kept trying to get my pikh waiting fur one but evfurrytime I sat I just khouldn't wait fur the flashie beastie to take the freakin' pikh!
So please akhcept these pikhs as proof of how tasty they are
It was khwite the pawesome khollekhtion of pressies - even Mom and The Doggy Nanny got something!
The best part was the khard that showed some green papers were donated fur pups in need!
Speaking of pups in need, once upon a time this fella was
The furst pikh Mom evFUR saw of Laska
And this is how Laska spent much of the trip from Winchester VA to Harrisburg PA (Mom split an extra leg with someone that day so she went further South than Martinsburg WV/Hagerstown MD)
Mom still rekhalls how shellshokhked he seemed until he found himself in the windows of The Earthlink/AMP Building in Harrisburg - she will nevFUR evFUR furget THAT moment when he regained his pride - she tells me as I paw this fur her, she khan see it NOW

Here is a pikh from this past Winter that Sam shared of Her Boys (Nalu, Laska, Kodah)
Hard to believe that's the same Laska!
As more proof of what LOVE and KHARE khan do fur us, here are parts of two messages Sam from The Last Resort Rescue sent to those involved with BUDDY'S transport - woo all remember Buddy and HIS TAIL

As for Buddy, I actually changed his name to Gio to signify a new life with me and leave behind his previous owners. And he is the most amazing, and loving dog I've ever seen. He has learned sit, stay, paw, kisses, lay down I couldn't believe his loyalty to me. He whines if I leave his side, love him to death. I brushed all of his loose hair, brushed his teeth, got him on his new diet feeding him innova evo chicken and Turkey. Only the best for my pup
What do you think about Gio? Honestly it's unbelievable that someone could want to give up a dog like him. He has been nothing but thebiggest enjoyment to be able to come home to. He literally will look at me before he reacts to anything so he can see what way he should act. Gio walks along side of me and never leaves my side. I can't even explain how amazing he is in words. There's no other dog that comparesand everyone absolutely loves him after they meet him. THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH for making this possible
These are pikhs Gio's GReat dad shared with us!
BTW, Vince and Prince are listed as having to be adopted TOGETHER - that is so khool! They have also rekhognised their pawtential fur possible Therapy Dog akhtivities!
Here is more proof of what LOVE and KHARE khan do

I took this pic today of a looks to be full blood male..he has a choke collar on and is a bit scared but alet and took a treat from me ....not at all agressive acting

Mom got that pikh with the info about him from one of her email lists

I know most of you remember this dog that we were all so desperate to get out of the Robeson, NC shelter, he looked absolutely beaten down and defeated, and he was out of time at this heartstick shelter. My heart, as I am sure yours did also, just broke for him. ..............................Well, time flies when you are having fun :)...........please take a look at the before and after pics of this boy.........what a change a group of wonderful rescuers and a lot of TLC (not to mention vetting and good food) will do for ones heart, spirit and body.............Meet Van ladies :)

Thank you all, we love each and every one of you for the tremendous hearts you have and the wonderful jobs you do in rescue!!!

Jules and the NBSR Team

Van so looks like an entirely difFURent pup thanks to New Beginnings Shepherd Rescue

We khan all make a difFURence in so many ways!



Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Walkin' Wednesday 2010

Soon time to start watching fur pippings and peepings - the end of April/early May is approaching!
Here is what the Falcon Wire News showed Tuesday PM
4/27/2010 :: Eggs to Hatch SoonWe expect the first egg to hatch the end of this week or into the weekend. The hatchlings will take food shortly after emerging from the egg. When all of the eggs have hatched, the adults will have to hunt and provide food for the nestlings for the following eight weeks as they grow and develop. Even after fledging in June, the young birds will be dependent on the adults to deliver food in-flight until the fledges attain independence.
My Monday from the khrakhkberry
Princess RainKhloud in akhtion
Some tongue khommentary bakhk at Mom now that she grabbed the flashie beastie
Tuesday morning time with The DN
AM khysses to start her day whilst Mom put the ground brown beans together with the magikh water
I think woo will be able to tell it twas breezy in PA
To the EastTo the West
Making sure it is still BAKHK there
Dropped and ready fur akhtion
A flower fur my fans in Master Chew Sits
Ha! I'm so funny!

Here is this week's Walkin' Wednesday Video Link - it is time to start another khounterkhlokhkwise loop - so this one starts at the house!

It is a furry special day today - a pal of mine in OP KS is having a birfday!

Happy Birfday ThunderDunder!!!!



Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tasty and Telling Tuesday

A few non-dreary pikhs to start
Relaxing with my FB
Tasty cherries!
More me

I hope woo have a tasty Tuesday too!

