Enjoying my 'old' snow on Wednesday - hard to believe it is just up to my 'ankles' now

Sun fur a change during our Wednesday walk so my furiend Shadown khame along

Since woo hadn't gotten to see her fur a while, she wanted me to show her from various angles

She insisted on following me when we hit the next sekhtion of the neighbourhood

I tried to speed up but she always managed to stay with me

When I returned to Snow Mountain, I got to watch the new khanine next door play in the snow - Sammy is some kind of XXXpoo - Mom isn't sure yet - I watched him last week when he furst showed up - then he khame ovFUR whilst I was napping one day - Mom went out and snagged him - that is how she knows his name is Sammy - he is furry furiendly - when he's out, I usually sit ovFUR by my pussywillow bush and watch

Of khourse, I obliged the flashie beasite with a pikh of THE KHWEEN OF SNOW MOUNTAIN!

Wednesday afternoon napping

Wednesday waiting fur the kitchen to open fur Khalifurnia Naturals Lamb&Rice time

Sniffing to determine if it was soup yet

A pikh

And another bekhause she thought THIS time my eyes would be open - snikhker!

Freshly floofed from being outside beFUR bed

It was snowing THEN but when we woke up Thursday AM, not much had arrived ovFUR night - the bushes had maybe a 1/2" but that was it
I hope all of woo have a GREAT Friday AND weekend!
PeeEssWoo: If woo get a chance, please chekhk out the furry pawesome post Trixie's hooman wrote fur her! She was able to see the signs Trixie had made it to The Rainbow Bridge! Mom is still leaky thinking about how special it was to read!