Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunday Sharing

Even though we didn't get much
I still enjoyed sitting out in it!
Making the most of it
Whilst it is still HERE
Napped whilst waiting to go out fur more!
Dreaming of my next game of SIBERIAN RULES FOOTBALL - watch how I turned a video shoot into a game of FUN!
(some of woo have already seen this since we are khonfigured to post our YouTube uploads to our FB page too)
I am also dreaming of a certain visitor who will be khoming later today to spend some time with her favourite khousin!
I know many of woo have met Skeletor AKA Skelly already but we wanted to share his blog with his furry special story with all of woo!

He certainly is one lukhky pup! Despite whatever he was through prior to meeting his special angels here on Earth, he doesn't let that get in the way - his loving khanine resilent spirit is SO there!

Yes, Mom is on the road again today - she left furst thing this morning for Sunday's furst leg of Hagerstown MD to Harrisburg PA! The run inkhludes five passengers but two drivers per leg were skhheduled - Mom has two special boys and will try to make sure she gets some shots of the other three passengers!



Saturday, February 27, 2010

Saturday Khaturday Sharing

I spent most of Thursday watching fur the snow 'they' promised us - of khourse, Mom kept taking pikhs of me - and then realised it was too many to post 'here' so she put them in a Photobukhket Album so woo khould gaze upon my snowy beaWOOty!

Plus, it's THEIR day today
Butterskhotch and BroFur were in their khondo when Mom went out fur THEIR photoshoot
He ran off BUT Butterskhotch stayed fur a few more
Of khourse, this was pre-snow 'storm'
Mom got him on Thursday fur a khouple

FINALLY, prior to heading to bed Friday morning
The snow returned!
I went out as far as the tether pawmitted me and enjoyed it! Mom took these pikhs not knowing how they would look - they aren't great but they are FUN so we've inkhluded them!
Here I am Friday morning - sitting in the snow as it snows - watching the khanines next door play on their dekhk - we really only got an inch or two - it was diffikhult to know how much it was fur the windy kept kharrying it away from me - that was okay bekhause it meant my buddy BILOXI and his SibeLings were getting pawesome snow snow snow!
Still watching
Watching to make sure Mom was watching
I went ovFUR fur a khloser look!
Have a GREAT Saturday evFURRYone!



Friday, February 26, 2010

FrEYEday SkEYEday Free Fur All

Enjoying my 'old' snow on Wednesday - hard to believe it is just up to my 'ankles' now
Sun fur a change during our Wednesday walk so my furiend Shadown khame along
Since woo hadn't gotten to see her fur a while, she wanted me to show her from various angles
She insisted on following me when we hit the next sekhtion of the neighbourhood
I tried to speed up but she always managed to stay with me
When I returned to Snow Mountain, I got to watch the new khanine next door play in the snow - Sammy is some kind of XXXpoo - Mom isn't sure yet - I watched him last week when he furst showed up - then he khame ovFUR whilst I was napping one day - Mom went out and snagged him - that is how she knows his name is Sammy - he is furry furiendly - when he's out, I usually sit ovFUR by my pussywillow bush and watch
Of khourse, I obliged the flashie beasite with a pikh of THE KHWEEN OF SNOW MOUNTAIN!
Wednesday afternoon napping
Wednesday waiting fur the kitchen to open fur Khalifurnia Naturals Lamb&Rice time
Sniffing to determine if it was soup yet
A pikh
And another bekhause she thought THIS time my eyes would be open - snikhker!
Freshly floofed from being outside beFUR bed
It was snowing THEN but when we woke up Thursday AM, not much had arrived ovFUR night - the bushes had maybe a 1/2" but that was it

Here is the link to this week's PHOTOBUKHKET slideshow of sky and khloud pikhs

I would like to share this khlip of a furry special and beaWOOtiful Sibe - many of woo saw her during Wednesday evening's Olympikh khoverage but here she is again - please do say HI TO ISOBEL!!!

(Rumour has it a certain handsome Belgian Tervuren in MinnieSNOWda khouldn't take his eyes of the television skhreen)

I hope all of woo have a GREAT Friday AND weekend!



PeeEssWoo: If woo get a chance, please chekhk out the furry pawesome post Trixie's hooman wrote fur her! She was able to see the signs Trixie had made it to The Rainbow Bridge! Mom is still leaky thinking about how special it was to read!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thanking, Thinking, Thoughtful Thursday

I must start off with THIS pawesome piece of work put together by Asta's furry special and talented mommi Ami
It khaptures all of us that took part in The Max Tour!
I know being part of that will always be one of my most favourite blogging experiences!
I'm howling to go out!
Akhtually, Mom khaught me at the end of a yawn but it makes fur a better story this way!
Savouring the snow
And thinking The Snow Thief khan't take it if I'm there
I want to see him try!

We MIGHT be getting more but that remains to be 'seen' as I paw this post together! On Tuesday, the weather babblers started mentioning some storm they seem to have neglekhted to inkhlude in their forekhast - one of those 'just an inch or two either way is going to blah blah blah how much we get'

So, khome bakhk tomorrow fur MY report on how much we got!


Now to share my thanks fur this tasty and sweet award from
Keiko The Puggle and CoCo (and Tiffane too)!

Thank woo SNOWIE BABY fur this beaWOOtiful one!
We were pleasantly suprised to read a khomment on our blog saying we should visit Under One Roof's blog fur a thank you khard
We had seen a rekhwest on Amy and Her House of Snakhks blog to paw some words of support fur Itni's khrossing
Now fur some happy news
Here is Alonna in her new life
Mom had transported Alonna (along with her mom and siblings) last September - Mom rekhalls it was a fun transport - Cailyn The Mom was an awesome mom to her pups - very attentive and it showed in how well the pups travelled and interakhted
with each other and the drivers

This is Rexie
Rexie in the snow!
Rexie showing some tongue!
Rexie used to be khalled FUSION - and she was one of Victoria and The Ten Speeds pups as my mom nikhknamed them during the transport!

Mom says THAT was another fun one too! Two khrates filled with pup pup puppies and snoopervised by one furry special mom!

It is alway so khool and rewarding to get the email updates from the furever families touched by our furry hearts! THAT is why I let Mom take the Xterra on the weekends!

See woo here tomorrow!



PeeEssWoo: Mom and I want to thank woo fur stopping by Trixie's and Chef's blogs to paw some woo's and purr's of support!