This is my 700th post!

(akhtually, that is my other neighbour - 'Chloe' The Flat Dog lives on one side)
Mom tells me her transport was furry fun! Mom and her pups (my mom named their Photobukhket Album Victoria and The Ten Speeds) smelled good on my mom! That is always a bonus! She said they kharried on fur the furst miles - then settled down to sleep. They also knew the travel drill: as Mom got off the ramp fur Khabelas/Hamburg, they started singing again! I've heard their videos: JUST WAIT UNTIL WOO HEAR 'EM TOO!
Mom did take twice as long to get bakhk to me - about five or so miles from the I81/I78 split, traffikh suddenly khame to pretty much a khreepy khrawly standstill - which khontinued fur about five or so miles past the split - well, Mom kept expekhting to see SOMETHING that had khaused it...well, she's still looking! We are guessing it was just the holiday traffikh! She was khwite 'relieved' to get home when she did!
I will turn it ovFUR to her now!
Thanks Khyra - yes, I was quite relieved to get home!
Here are Victoria and Her PuppiesAt The Cracker Barrel in Harrisbug

and if you check out that link and/or google Redbone you will see for yourself! Kate said a relative of hers breeds Redbones - that is why she saw it soooo quickly!

Here is the link to the Photobucket Album from today with 10 videos and 61 pictures; here is the link to just the slideshow of pictures!
Whilst the videos were uploading to Photobucket, I took Khyra for a walk - during our stroll around the neighbourhood, I got this message on my crackberry:
Hi All,
Sam asked me to shoot out an email....we arrived at our final destination where several adoptive families were waiting for us. FOUR of the 10 pupsters were adopted today! Mommy Victoria was SOOOO great with everyone--almost as if she were giving her approval to each family who adopted one of her babies. She is a wonderful dog, sweet temperament and will hopefully be adopted quickly too.
Thank you to all who helped saved these great dogs from a certain death! It's been a truly THANKFUL Thanksgiving Transport!******
Khyra had mentioned in Sunday's post about a special dedication for this leg. Well, last weekend, Princess Eva and Brice The Handsome's mom sent me a message as I was heading to get Skid that one of the dogs on the weekend transport from MO to MN had gotten out during one of the first Saturday morning legs- they tried to catch her for about 40 minutes but finally had to continue. Folks continued to look for her AND local shelters/vets/etc were notified about her.
Unfortunately, Eva and Brice's mom got a note on Monday about her and posted this to FB:
The Aussie pup that escaped from from our transport this weekend has been found. Sadly she has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. Please light a candle in her honor tonight and hug your pups.SO, Victoria and Her Pups were transported in the memory of the Aussie girl that didn't make it to safety 'here' - I'm sure she's been well received at The Rainbow Bridge.
Along with the Aussie girl, I also did the transport for Eva and Brice's special mom - she's been a great friend to us - and she's trying to inspire others to help with transports.
It is a way to help without having to bring another dog into your family - and it always results in many pleasant memories and the feeling of knowing you made a difference!
I mean, look at Victoria and her ten angels from Sunday? Can you imagine how close they were to NOT being 'here'?
So, thanks again for your support!
Khyra will be back to tell about things tomorrow!
Hugz&Khysses from Khyra's Khorner
hey Khyra,
You impress me with your modeling ability! You have perfected how to act in front of a camera. I could learn from you! And yes, you are funny! You looked like you were having a grand time posing for your mom!
Glad your mom's transport was a success. Those pups and the mom are very pretty doggies, and they look so sweet. I will keep my paws crossed that they all find loving forever homes!
p.s. great photo of the pup with his/her tongue sticking out!
Congrats on 700 posts! That is pawsome. Momma loved your momma's tranport pups. They are adorable and reminded her of her puppy run last month.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
You are most prolific! 700. Amazing. Your transport work continues to inspire. Beautiful, lucky dogs!
hay Khyra and Mom,
Mom I have said it before but I will say it again, you are an angel!!! Thank-you and all the others who do this wonderful work for the pups that need your help so badly. I wish no dog ever had to be without a home, but things are not always that way! Thank-you so very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What cute babies.
Sally Ann
The Mom looks so small to have such a huge litter, but they are just darling. Great to hear several have been adopted already and I hope Mum finds a good place too.
Good on you for doing this work, Phyll, its just so important!
So many puppies!
And so many posts!
Are you making faces at your poor mummy!! hehehehe!!
Pupppeehhhs! oooo they were so cute. btw: i did look at photobucket, but forgot to tell you. you posted my FAVORITE pict of her in the middle there. she's pretty. i hope she gets adopted soon too.
wild dingo
Oh what beautiful pups today! We are thrilled that some of the pups have furever homes already. That first photo of you is precious!
Teddy Bear
Khyra, 700 posts - congratulations! You and your Mom are an inspiration to us all. Your Mom does such great work with her transports. Those pups yesterday were just adorable - we hope they all find good homes and their Mom too!
Loved the photos of you too!
love and woofs
Monday is a very special day for us because we so love reading your stories each and every week. We were saddened to hear of the little Aussie who didn't make it, but things are certainly looking good for Victoria and her 10 pups!
Hi Your Handsomeness Khyra, your posts cheered me up because I am feeling rather down... a weekend guest busted my washing machine and I just discovered it.
Gotta get it fixed now.
Did Mom give you Thanksgiving leftovers ?
Wow, look at those coooties!!! Coonhounds, definitely coonhound, BOL!!! And congrats on the 700th post, that cools!
I hope all the pups and Mum find their furever homes fast...they look like so much fun!
Hey Khyra, sure hope you'll enter my Howling Howliday Giveaway!!!! The way you pose for pics you'd sure get lots of votes! http://johannthedog.com/Johanns_Howliday_Giveaway.html
Woofs, Johann
Hi, Khyra -
Congratulations on blogging 700 posts. It will take Mama a very long time to get that many.
Victoria and her pups are so adorable.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
That is sad about that little pup, but she is running free now.
What a great transport to have furever families waiting right there to great their new pals.
And oh, miss Khyra, those are some sassy faces.
Congrats on #700 - that is wonderful! Bigger congrats to the Mom for her continuing work to help others. Mom and the pups are all beautiful. We love the lighter colored eyes. Hopefully it won't be long before the remaining pups and Mom bring joy to some loving families.
MFT, good job on the clowning and posing.
Woos, the OP Pack
Hi Khyra,
I wouldn't have beeb nearly as scared of them horsies if you could have been with me. It would have been fun seeing you do zooomies with the horsies....they was so fast. Mommy was so happy but next time I'm staying home.
Congratulations to your Mom on another sucessful transport, Victoria is beautiful.
We are so sorry the Aussie Girl didn't make it. It must be heartbreaking to be so close to rescuing only to see it fall apart.
So happy Victoria and her angels made it to safety. Paws crossed they all find great homes. ~S,S,C & F
Congratulations on your 700th post! That's a lot of posts and a lot of photos! BTW, the first photo of you today is so funny!!!!! You are a khlown, Khyra!
700 th post - wow!
Sad about the Aussie pup, but when I think of all of the others that have been safely transported - salute to all of you who help with the Rescue Train!
700 barks for ya khyra! here is to 79 more! way to go girl!
What a bunch of cuties - we think our Mom would have had a hard time turning them over to the next leg.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Well done! 700 posts is quite an achievement indeed. Victoria and her pups are beautiful. Keep up the good work Khyra's Mom!
Transports is such a huge part of rescue work!
Khyra - Your mom is a saint, a true saint to dogs. Give her a great big hug from all of us. I'm so glad that those boxers are finding homes.
I love that you have a chocolate lab photo in your post! I also love seeing green grass. We won't see that again until April... but snow is nice.
Woo...could you come here today and give us some tips? We hear that a "Christmas" photo shoot is in progress today. HAH! Costumes are involved, chaos will rule
Congrats on 700, Khyra! That's a lot of typing for such a pretty dog! Your Mom does great work helping all of those lucky dogs find forever homes. Thank her for me for helping our fellow dogs.
Grrr and Woof,
your mom is so wonderful. we is sad that the aussie girl wented to the bridge, but we is so happy that 4 of the puppies gotted adopted already! we is purrring and purraying the victoria and the rest of the pups will find awesome furefur homes.
such a helpful dawg and congrats...wow, 700posts!!!!!!
the pups are so adorable and your mumster is such a generous, kind hooman ....
she is an ANGEL, a beautiful beautiful hooman angel bol...
700 posts and all those transports... congratulations MFT and Mom!
700 posts!!! YAY!!!
We look forward to your posts everyday.
You and Khyra are very special!
Victoria is such a pretty momma! Her babies look just like her!
Congrats on your 700th post!!
We are furry sads to read about the little dog that died before getting to its FURever home.
700 posts! My goodness you are prolific! Of course, you have so much to say☺
Our momma took a look at those pups and we told her SIT STAY NO! Sometimes when she sees pups and kittens she gets this far off look in her eye and it is skeery! We told her - only senior dogs from now on! They need homes the most, especially the black ones. Momma said YES!
Congrats on your 700th post Khyra & mom. Thanks for all you do.
Love Ruby & Penny
Khongratulations on our 700th post. That is a lot of pawing.
And Khongratulations on all the beautiful doggies you have helped find homes.
Misty the aP
Wow, what cute puppies!! And 700 posts!?!?! Holy crap! I'm so impressed, you are so awesome. But for a supermodel like you, that's nothing! Rock it girlfriend!
Okay, we'll admit those puppies are cute. Congratulations on your 700th post!
Hi Khyra,
Congratulations on your 700th post! We look forward to the next million posts!
We're also happy to read about your mom's successful transport. And the puppies are ALL so cute and adorable. Great that they are getting furever homes.
With this, we want to let you know that we have an award for you --- we could not complete the list without you in it for it's the Best Blog Award. Weeeee Please head over to our blog to get it.
- Fudgie, Princess & the Piappies
Wow and WOW
700 posts and those adorable babies - a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.
So great to hear good stories like this one - thank you for all you do and for sharing.
Well, what else is there to say! Thank you for all that you do!
And very happy 700!!!
awww what sweet pups! And congrats on 700 posts! Thats a lot!
700... i mean to bark, SEVEN HUNDRED woof hoo!!
Once again a mixed feeling post. Mum was leaking one minute because she said how lovely that the beautiful pups and their mum were saved from death, oh goodness thats so brilliant. Then the poor little one that didn't make it. It is a wonderful thing that you and the other volounteers do. It is so worth it when we see and hear these lovely outcomes.. Hugs GJ x
oh my.... she definitely had some precious cargo there... very cute little guys khyra.
none came home w/her? hmmmmmm surprise surprise!!!
theBUSTER, Ms.Persephone & Ms. Blue
We are so very sorry about the Aussie pup. At least s/he is safe and sound at the bridge now.
Those puppies your Mom transported are very cute!!!
We love the first picture of you Khyra...it made us laugh.
Well done on the 700 posts and aw Victoris and her pup are adorable.
Wow! Congrats on 700 posts! That's incredible!
I'm so sorry to hear about the Aussie pup.
Victoria and her pups are soooo cute! I'm sure they will have no problem finding a forever home!
I love the pic of you clowning around! :)
Wow, amazing post! Really... Lovely lovely khyra first :) Loved the first pic especially... And what a journey! and with pups yet!
Wow 700 posts - that is crazy! Congrats! And it sounds like it was a good transport other than the traffic problem - the puppies and their mom were all so cute!
We were very sad to read about the poor Aussie pup though. We are sending her purrs and prayers up at the bridge - I am sure Floyd will show her around!
700 posts -- with all you do -- that is certainly an amazing accomplishment.
We loved Khyra smiling in the sun and looking quite the diva as she posed.
And the ten cuties -- lots to be thankful for.
Jake and Just Harry
I are so happy for ur Mom and the goggies. Dat is wunnderful. :)
Those pupsters are very cute and the perfect lookalikes to their beautiful momma. we hope tthey all find furry good forever homes quickly! Great job!
Oh my, those pups are ADORABLE! Khyra's mum, you are wonderful.
Oh they are so cute.. Maybe Redbone. Dad's family had Redbone's a bit longer ears but they are mix. Mom can still remember hearing the howwwoh barking.
That was such a sweet note.. We are so sorry to hear about the Aussie..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Great Snooter shot Khyra!
And great news about the mum and puppies
And congratulations on 700 posts! I'll be 95 by the time that happens!
What adorable pups - your mom did ELEVEN good deeds this weekend transporting all of them!
Congratulations on your 700th Post! What a milestone of sharing your wonderful life and stories and photos! I look forward to reading 7000 more!
Khyra, you look lovely in your pictures! You look like you're easy to take pictures of. We don't stay still very long, so Mom has a hard time! Congrats on 700 posts! That's so cool! -Hec and Lola
Wow..now that is an accomplishment..700! Love the picture with your nose in the air..Cute
Benny & Lily
Khyra, honey.....yer nose kinda looks like mine in that first pitcher. You know, kinda flat and pig - er, I mean - PUG like? (No offense, honey.)
Congrats on the big double O seven (backwards)!!!
Congratulations on your 700 post! WOW!
Your mom is soo nice to transport!
Victoria and her Puppies are so very cute! At least my mom thinks so!
We love your pictures!
They all are sooo adorable!
Good job, Mom!
Kisses and hugs
What a beautiful Mommy and babies! You're pretty kute too Khyra!
We are looking forward to your next 700 posts Khyra!
Oh what an angel your mum is Khyra!! Love your stylish poses :)
Miss Khyra
I think you secretly tell jokes to yourself.. that's why you are smiling. That was sad about aussie girl running away and now over the bridge but you are right. Look at all the ones you helped and saved.
Maybe that's why Miss K is always smiling.
Khyra and mom
congratuations on your 700th post. I cannot even imagine that ever happening!
I wanted to tell you that some from moms workie place has a neighbor that does the transport too- clear across the US i think!
Moms talks about you and your mom at workie.
Its nice to hear about those that were rescued. Their pictures were beautiful
We will light a candle for the little Aussie at the Bridge.
ConCatulations on your 700th post!!!
We loved seeing the puppies. Our Black and Tan Coonhound pal Abby was visiting for Thanksgiving!
We were really sad to hear about the poor woofie that went to the Bridge.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
That was fun looking at your clowning around. What a great transport--they are beautiful, we love the hounds around here. It sounds like they will all have a home for christmas. Great story!
love & wags,
Congrats on your 700th post!
You look fabulous as usual, Khyra!
Thanks for caring for so many pups in need and happy 700th!
Such a great topic for your 700th post, congrats! Love Khyra's smile, and mom and the pups are irresistible! So many thanks for your devotion to rescue. :)
There were a lot of pups on the transport and we're glad to hear the good news about them. We hope all of them get furever homes soon!
Congrats on your 700 posts!
I think Victoria looks much like me...a Ridgeback!
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay happy 700th post!!! those pups ar verry verry kyoot but i am sorry to heer abowt the pup hoo wuz lost it is verry sad wunse i bekum king of the wurld i wil mayk shoor that evry pup has a gud home!!! ok bye
What a boisterous group of pups. Victoria looks like she was a great Mom. We definitely think that the coonhound was spot on, what a great combo!
We are sorry to hear the fate of the Aussie girl, but think of how many have made it to furever homes!
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