Monday, November 9, 2009

Monday MOMday

But furst some of me!Monday Pffffft!
Letting the sun play off my furs!
Likhking my lips in anticipation of FUN!
Settling In
Getting khomfy
Khrazy Moment!
Okay I'm set
Dang - where ARE my shades?
Befur I turn this ovFUR to Mom, my furiend Dakota ( I shared her pikhs last Sunday bekhause we had met at the Malamute Nationals in Gettysburg on Saturday) needs some Power of the Paws sent her way. She's had a furry rough week and I know her furamily would welkhome your support!
AND my furiend Juno Belle Jodhpurs from Wild Dingo has the doggie flu - she had been seeming to improve early Sunday, but Sunday afternoon her mom wrote my mom (along with Eva & Bricey's momma) that her fever had inkhreased. By early evening, her mom took her to the doggie ER and she's been admitted for i.v. fluids and monitoring. SO please send some vibes to Khalifurnia fur her. I'm invoking The Power of the Pantyloons fur my pal Juno...
Now to let Mom tell woo about Winnie!
Thanks Khyra! Winnie and I would like to thank you for letting us take The Xterra on Sunday. Winnie came from Murfreesboro TN
Shortly after leaving Harrisburg
She was a very good passenger
Look at THAT face!
Waiting at the traffic light off I78 to turn onto Rte 61
Blue Mountain
Winnie giving us a HIGH FIVE for getting her to her furever family!

The transport drivers that meet in Hamburg, have been using Kernsville Dam Park . I'm sure you'll recognise it from other transports!

Here is the link to Winnie's PHOTOBUCKET SLIDESHOW (with lots more pics) and here is the link to the album with THREE VIDEOS!

It felt odd to drive the other direction this week! Sadly, the deer debris is as bad in this direction BUT at least I saw LOTS of hawks!

Khyra will be back tomorrow to tell you the continuing saga of Brofur and The Squirrel!

Have a great week!

Hugz&Khysses From Khyra's Khorner


Anonymous said...

Bring Winnie to meeeeeeee....

oh ooopsie. she already has a furever family...good for her.

Thank you for the power of the pantyloons. Juno's jodhpurs need pantyloon power!
~wags & smooches~
Wild Dingo

Kate said...

That is the cutest little thing! I would quite like to snuggle in my house with her! Say hello to her from me, maybe a lick too.

JacksDad said...

That puppy looks so happy to be going home!

The pictures look really relaxing. It's a nice way to start the week!

bbes tribe said...

Like the scarf!!!! What are the pics on it?? Too bad you don't have shades like are on the bandana you are wearing. Shades would be good. Great expression on your face. Is that the Monday look?
Ernie & Sasha
PS Winnie is a real cutie. she looks like a good traveler.

Dog By Nature said...

Great job on transporting Winnie to her furever home!

Sam said...

That is one really tiny and really cute puppy! I think I'm in love.

Teddy Bear said...

Beautiful pictures, Khyra. SO happy that Winnie has a furever home.:)

Teddy Bear

BeadedTail said...

Winnie is a cutie! Glad she has a furever home already!

Khyra, you look so beautiful with your furs shining in the sun!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Thank-you Khyra!
We love your post tonight! Beautiful pictures! Winnie is just the cutest!
Licks,and tail wags,
Bambi, Happy, & Mom

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Oh my cat can they get any cuter.. That little Winnie is ascute as a button. JUst look at the eyes.. Who wouldn't want to give her a forever home..
I will go over and send some purrs to your friends in need. Mum is just helping me paw this before work, its raining again.
Looking forward to seeing the continuing saga of the squirel.. Hugs GJ x

Ruby's Raiser said...

Love the tongue pic and is that a bit of mom's shadow we see? Winnie sure is a winner, thanks again for all you do. :)

ocmist said...

You are sure a beauty Khyra, and your little friend, Winnie, is a real cutie! I'm so glad that you guys were able to get her to her forever home safely.

Sorry to hear that some of your furiends are having a hard time, and we will definitely be crossing our paws for them! OC

Mochi and Bali said...

I love that first pic! :)

I'm crossing my paws and sending Sibe Vibes for Dakota and Juno.

Winnie is so cute! I'm glad she found her furever home!


Yas said...

Happy Monday Khyra!
We've got paws crossed for Dakota and Juno and tons of vibes are already on their way!!
Winnie really is a beaut! She reminds us of the abandoned puppy we found at the beach last year, good news for the puppy cause a kind family adopted her soon after.
Have a great day!!

Cheers and smiles,

Clive said...

Khyra - fabulous photos of you in the winter sunshine.

Winnie is the cutest little pup - glad she's got a great new home.

Paws crossed for Dakota and June.

take care

Vicki said...

I would even put up with a puppy as cute as Winnie. I hope she is really happy in her new home....

Dexter said...

That Winnie is so cute, kind of makes me want a puppy of my own (provided it doesn't come with a cone).


D.K. Wall said...

Did little Winnie give a sarcastic woo from the backseat? Our humans woke up this morning still chuckling about that.

Of course we are thinking of Dakota and Juno and have been concerned about both of them. The power of the Pantaloon is pretty powerful.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We love Winnie's face - she has that look of poor pathethic but beautiful ME. Thanks for sharing her.

We are so upset about both Dakota of the East and Juno. We hope both of their mom get better reports on them today. We all are pulling for good news. Sibe vibes, power of the paw, good thoughts, and lots of prayers for all of those who are in need.

Woos the OP Pack

Mack said...

Are you sticking your tongue out at BM?

That puppy is soooo cute!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I will send some pawsitive thoughts for your furends who need them. Geee, I hope it isn't PIG flu.
Thanks fur sharing your yard shots with us.

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Winnie looks like such a cutie. We hope her furever furmily loves her. We so appreciate you letting your Mom use the Exterra for this worthwhile cause.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Deborah said...

Happy Monday! I like the pictures! The puppy is adorable! That is sad about the deer debris. I saw a lot of that driving from Pennsylvania a few weeks ago.

Gus said...

hugs and kisses back. Winnie is such a cutie....thank you for helping her.


KB said...

Winnie is a very very cute puppy!!!! Thanks for taking her toward her forever home!

the magic sleigh said...

Woooos! Winnie is so cute. I am pawsitive she will be loved in her furever home! Woos to MFT's Mom for helping!
-Kira The BeaWootiful

TwoSpecialWires said...

Have a great week, Khyra. And when you have a chance, check out Eric the Square Dog's tail! But don't tell him we sent you!

Heh heh heh!

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Khyra
We like your krazy moment picture. It's so cute.
Winnie is a sweetheat. We like her little white paws.
Love Ruby & Penny

Life With Dogs said...

Another superb transport job - and I had forgotten about deer debris on PA highways. Be careful!

Britny said...

Lovely Pics of you and that gorgeous wee pup.

Best wishes to dakota and Juno too

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Great photo shoot again Khyra!!!
And hooray for Winnie and that she has a new forever home!

The Oceanside Animals said...

I'm with you on "Monday -- pffft!" But yay for forever homes!

Anna the GSD said...

What a cute little pupper!!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Yay for Winnie!!

Anonymous said...

Prayers on the way for both doggies!!

Cute puppy!!!! Good to hear she has a forever home already lined up!!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Khyra...what lovely photos of you enjoyin' the sunshine that WE blew over to you from da Burgh...yes, we had that yesterday and we puffed up our terrier cheeks and blew and you got we have overcast and cloudy...possibly with a chance of meatballs, now wouldn't that be amazing...(Lacie's stomach growls in anticipation....)

Now, I did look at your KHOMMENT on Gussie's blog bout the size of my teeeny derriere and how you said that it was nice to see a terrier butt that didn't take up the whole puter screen like some Lakies...sheesch...everydog knows that Gussie's butt has been featured on the cover of Nat Geo...for size I can hardly compete with that...but I appreciate your thoughts...(NOT)

Kisses to ya...


Valerie Cummings said...

OMD Winnie is so precious! You too! Hugs joey and Kealani

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Woo look quite comfy basking under the shade of your tree. We will howl for your friends that need it.
And Khyra's mom we salute you for helping get doggies to their furefer homes!! (Boy Winnie is cute!)
The Texas Sundogs

Anonymous said...

Winnie is adorable!!! Love the high paw pic! And the picture of your doing razzberries? PRICELESS!

Khady Lynn said...

Winnie sure is a cutie!!! How nice of you to help her along her way!

Great pics of you too! I love the Monday Pfffftt pic!

We are keeping our paws crossed and sending lots of vibes for our sweet Dakota. I will definitely include Juno in those vibes. That flu sounds scary!

Phbbb and KhL

Stella said...

Ah, what a cute little Winnie she is!

Maybe Rat Terrier and ? A distant cousin of Clouds.

Good post!


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Happy Monday .. Glad Winnie will have a home. Oh! I have a post today chipmunk vs squirrel. Can wait to read your post tomorrow. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh look at Winnie's cute face! she looked so sad and then so happy!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Winnie is such a tiny thing. We are purring for Dakota and Juno. ~S,S,C & F

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Here I be sending lots of pawsitive vibes for your furiends.
Look at all the leaves not on the tree anymore! Winnie be so furry cute!!
~lickies, Ludo

White Dog Blog said...

What an adorable pup! Not as classically beautiful as you, Khyra (the shots today are especially nice), but the baby is cute (and now, thanks to your mom, has a forever home!). We stopped by and left positive energy for your friends.

Martha said...

Hi Khyra, you were looking very cool today - even without the shades!
Sorry to hear about some of your friends not being well - we will send some positive thoughts their way.
We just absoluted adored Winnie - that is one lucky family who are going to adopt her.
love and kisses
Martha & bailey xxx

Jack & Moo said...

Great pics, MFT! We'll go woo to Dakota. We still have our paws crossed for her & her beans.
can't wait to hear morea bout brofur & the evil ones!

a-roos & woos,
jack n' tori

Teddy Westlife said...

Oh gosh, Winnie is a cutie. I'm glad she has a forever home now.

Love the pffft photo Khyra!

Donna said...

Yay for Winnie. Yay for her noo hooman friends! :)

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

It is so sad to hear about all our sick friends. We stopped by and wished them all well.
That Winnie sure is a cutie.. We are sending high 5's too... Mom you are awesome...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Peggy's Place said...

Oh Khyra, It's so sad you have such a rough life. We should all be so lucky.

Amy & the house of cats said...

We stopped by to see Dakota and Juno and send some healing purrs and prayers their way. And Khyra those were some excellent pictures of you today - they brought a big smile to my face!

And Winnie - boy is she a cutie - what a face indeed! I am so glad your mom helped her get to her new home!

Peanut said...

Oh we are so glad Winnie is now with her forever family.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We are soooooo happy for Minnie's furever home!!!

Another awesome transport Sunday!!!!

Thanks so much for all you do!!!

the Mama Beth

Hank said...

Yeah....gitcher shades on, Khyra, honey. Don't want them beautiful eyes gettin' damaged!

An' yea fer Winnie!!!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

That was an interesting transport!

We like you in the sunshine...

Chrissie said...

What a cuteface! For a khanine, that is..but she's nuthin' next to YOUR face, Khyra!

Farley's Mom said...

You are awesome to help that little friend to a good home :)

Moco said...

Such good work your mom does. As always great pics of you.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Mom just loved the name "Pralinette" for my Baby Praline pictures. I'm going to use that in my heading tomorrow.

Two French Bulldogs said...

That must be a jail for juveniles huh?
Benny & Lily

Snowie Baby said...

i will cross my paws for yr furpals and wish they get better!

the puppy is really cute!

love, snowie

Unknown said...

Hi Miss Khyra
I went over to Dakota and Juno's blogs to wish them well. How sad...

And your are silly sticking your tongue out at us. What's next.

Sonic said...

When I was a little puppy, I had fur the same colors as yours! I wanted to grow up into a big Husky, but I never did :(

I'm so jealous!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Khyra!
Paws crossed for your friends!
Winnie is sooooo cute!
Glad she has now a forever home!
Kisses and hugs

animal lover, quilt lover said...

You look sososo pretty Khyra in all your pictures!!! You are a very beautiful girl!!!
I think you like to get your pictures taken, yes ???
I have found another night owl.
Talk to you later, Fern

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hi Khyra
we went to give some love and cross our paws for your friends Dakota and Juno.
We are so sad for them and their familys.

We are HAPPY Winnie got a home

Duke said...

What a cutie Winnie is! We hope she'll be very happy in her forever home!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

We love the photo's of you, especially the first

Winnie looks a little cutie.

Holly & Zac xx

Ben said...

That was some precious cargo your Momma was drivin'. Good of you to share her.

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Khyra -

Winnie is such a cute pup. We are so glad that she has a forever home.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Anonymous said...

Wow Khyra, that Winnie that your mom ferried has the most beautiful eyes. We hope that she is very happy with her new family. Tell your mom THANK YOU FROM THE BUMPASS HOUNDS AND KITTIES.