Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunday Sharing

Some floofy tail and pantyloons to start your day
I'm chekhking out that furry attrakhtive khanine walking along with me
Mom khame out to chekhk on me and noticed I was applying my skhwirrelwar paint
Pondering my mission in one of my khommand posts
Smugly challenging them
Guess what I'm thinking?
A Braveheart moment!

Mom has a transport today - she's doing the Harrisburg to Hamburg leg again - fur a momma and her TEN puppies! They were pulled from Gaston and are heading to The Last Resort Reskhue

'Victoria' and her sweeties all have Ford Motor Khompany produkht names! The girls are Fairlane and Shelby; the boys are 'Bronco', 'Cobra', Ford, Fusion, Mustang, Ranger, Taurus, and Thunderbird!

Mom saw pikhs from their last Saturday leg - what sweeties!

Mom says she's dedikhating her leg of the transport fur a special memory and a special furiend - I'll let her paw more on Monday MOMday!

Have a grrrrreat Sunday evfurryone!




dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

I never noticed that lovely bit of red/light brown in your fur! You are such a bootiful puppy.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hi Khyra
We will be waiting to hear your moms dedication story.
I can imagine all the happy little voices in the transport- 10 puppies being saved. That is mighty awsome.
Your photos always look like you JUST got your hair all brushed and nice and neat. How do you stay so beautiful?
And the close up of you- my mom wanted to kiss your face,

Sam said...

I have to comment (or khomment) on your collar set-up for your tie-out - it looks Siberian proof!

Can't wait to see pics of the puppies..

Anonymous said...

Again, we must say, your momma is an angel to animals. There will be a special spot in Heaven just fur her with brave dogs to watch over her and to keep her safe and sweet kittens that will play at her feet to amuse her.

Anonymous said...

OM dawgs. Khyra is like, DIRTY? as in a dirty girl? oh my my my. I sure hope these photos don't end up in PlayPup and tarnish her virtuous MFT reputation! As long as her pantyloons remain neatly floofed, I'm sure she will maintain dignity. tee hee hee ;)
wild dingo

Scooter said...

Looks like you have things all under control there. Keep watchin the squirrels!!


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

That sounds like an awesome transport, Khyra!

Happy Sunday!

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

Well your momma broke our momma's record of number of puppies. She only had 7 one time! Good Luck...She will need it...BOL

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo

Martha said...

Hi Khyra, a floofy tail and pantaloons shot is a good start to any Sunday.
We like to see you on the lookout in your garden.
We were wondering about these pesky squirrels - how do they get from our garden to yours?
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx

JD and Max said...

Hi Khyra - ah, a bit of floofiness is the best way to start the day! Good luck with the squirrel patrol - schnauzer snuggles, JD and Max.

Dexter said...

Great way to start my day for sure.


Byron y Xinver said...

What a beautiful big tail you show!

Tosca the Lakeland Terrier said...

Wow that's a lot of puppies your mom's taking care of; good on her! I like your war paint. Maybe I should to that. Let us join forces!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Sporting some warpaint there, MFT? Time to get on the warpath against those pesky critters. Even with that smudge, your face is beautiful. Mom sends snooter smoochies from here.

10 pups!!! That is one full transport - safe travels and thanks again for all your Mom does.

Woos, the OP Pack

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

We can hardly wait to see the puppy pictures!! We are so happy that your Mom is providing this much needed help.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Happy Thanksgiving Khyra to you and your Mum.

Sorry we are late commenting, lots goin on here, computer time is very short nowadays!

lotsaluv licks and Paw Hugs

Marvin xxxxxxx

D.K. Wall said...

Excellent war paint. When Cheoah was called for breakfast, she did not respond so our hu-dad had to go look for her in the dog yard. She was about waist deep trying to find just the right color for her face.

tula monstah said...

Hi Khyra, the cutest little boxer pups you're picking up today! Alot of dogs at that shelter.. geesh. makes me furry thankful to have a home:) be sure to have extra foo foos in your pantaloons- getting colder out.

Happy Sunday!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

You are quite the thinker Khyra. Did you find one of those little squirrels? We have had quite a few in our trees out back. They really get me going and of course Louie not even knowing what I hear starts his siren going..
We are waiting on those transport pictures..
Have a great day and be safe Mom..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Unknown said...

Hi Miss Khyra
Nice squirrel blush... THat's cute the names of those pups.

Thanks for my daily dose of pantyloonies.

Tucker said...

You look very intense in those pictures Khyra! It's so nice of you to keep watch over those squirrels. In our yard you'd be protecting them from the bluejays who keep divebombing them. My little sis Katie takes care of guarding our squirrels. They don't bother me at all cuz they know I can't climb that tree.


Jack & Moo said...

Victoria & 10 puppies-- it's like puppy-breath overload! hope your mom ha a fun time. And your warpaint is furry, furry khool!

a-roos & woos,
jack n' tori

Piappies World said...

Hi Khyra,

The squirrel better be warned that you mean business in protecting your territory. Your floofy tail is just too adorable.
We wish your mom a safe transport once more. And we are looking forward to her post about the transport with the 10 puppies. That sure is fun.

- Fudgie, Princess & the Piappies

Stella said...

Your makeup is beautiful, Khyra, do you apply it or does Mom, or maybe Doggy Nanny. You probably use eye stuff to, do you? Such a gorgeous girl!

Stella, who would have to use something white for makeup . . .shoe polish?

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Hi Gotta go youngest boy bean wants the computer. ~Fenris

Farley said...

Your pantaloons are so fluffy and lovely! Hope your Mom has a safe trip with the puppies, and hope she will take pictures :)

JacksDad said...

Yeah mom! Give her extra wags when she gets home from her transport!!

Sakura said...

Oh! Lovely photos dear Khyra!
you are so beautiful!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Khyra you look so warm and fluffy. Sure would like to cuddle. Its chilly over here. Are you supervising the transport today?
Benny & Lily

The Oceanside Animals said...

That should be enough floofy tail/pantyloons to get me through the day, thanks!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Khyra!
Your fluffy tail sure is pawesome to start your post!
I am sure your mom is going to have a happy and safe transport!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Sally said...

Hi Khyra
We love puppies too. And violet the leash. Cool color.
Nice woooh

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

That fluffy tale of yours is great!! Your mommy sounds like some sort of rescue angel. We love her for that.
XX-BabyRD and Hootie

Thor and Jack said...

You look so fluffy and beautiful!
Hope your mom has a great trip!
Can´t wait to see the pictures of the pups!

Donna said...

Hugs to ur Mom and her reskyoo friends. :)

Teddy Westlife said...

I love your pantyloons :)

Yas said...

Hi Khyra!
It's always a great way to start our day by reading your blog and all the good deeds you and your mom does daily. It sure is inspiring for me and mommy!
Thanks for sharing your day and will be looking forward to hear about your mom's story.

Maxx & Mommy

Dog By Nature said...

Hi Khyra, Hope you had a GReat Thanksgiving! All the best on your mom's transport today too.

Mack said...

My Aussie cousin Sheila has pantyloons too! But they are not nearly as pretty as yours though!

Ruby's Raiser said...

Love when Khyra is skhoping out the skhwirrels! (Did I do that right?) Can't wait to read the transport post!

Duke said...

Wow! 10 pups is a lot of racket for the poor driver! We hope they were all sound asleep for your mom, Khyra!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

You just look so handsome strutting your stuff out in the beautiful sunny day! I bet you drive all of the girl doggies crazy when you walk by.

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Nobody, human or dog or cat, does floofy tail and pantaloons as well as you!

Chester said...

Does warpaint help when it comes to catchin' squirrels? If so, I gotta get me some of that. Those blasted rodents torment me and then run up a tree all the time.

I bet there was alotta families thankful for all your Mom's hard work transportin' doggies this Thanksgivin'. Me and Mom think it's "furry khool!" too!

Chester ;0=)

Ms. ~K said...

Khyra, every time I see your sweet face, I just want to kiss it!!!
Your mom is an angel!!!
Hugs and Rubs!

River said...

That's a lot of cuteness in one vehicle! The last resort had a lot of doggies looking for furever homes. We hope they all find families soon. Good squirrel watching!

love & wags,

Astrid Keel said...

Khyra, you have the BEST floof in the business! We can't wait to hear more of the "Ford" puppies!

Ben said...

A MOMMA and TEN PUPPIES - holy rescue mobile!!! That is one heck of a transport. And you Ms. Khyra - the floofy tail and pantyloons is always so fun to check out.

Mochi and Bali said...

Wow! Your mom had a big transport today! :)

Great job with the warpaint! Did it help you catch the squirrel?

Hope you had a great weekend!


Kate said...

10 puppies!!!

I like your warpaint

Taffy said...

Well, if I was you, I would be thinking it is time for a treat. Is that what you were thinking? Did you see any squirrels? Wouldn't it be so fun to catch one...and then ummm you know!

Snowie Baby said...

Hi Khyra:

Ur tail is so fluffy and beautiful =)

That was so sweet of ur mom to help out.=) cant wait to see those puppy pictures.

Hugs and Kisses: Snowie

BeadedTail said...

Even in squirrel paint you are cute! Hope your mom's transport went well today and we'll check out tomorrow's post!

Sonic said...

That looks like a great place for a walk, Khyra!

And you really don't like those squirrels, do you? I don't like them much either.


WCTs said...

Wow, your Mom ROCKS!!! Helping the pups. So sweet.

AND you are such a handsome woofie!

Daisy Jiji

Suka said...

hey Khyra,

Did you get beat up? Who gave you that black eye? It better not have been your neighbor kitty Butterscotch! Regardless, you look very pretty in your walking pics! So confident!


Teddy Bear said...

You are so patient to not run after the squirrels. How do you do it???

Teddy Bear

Joe Stains said...

woah WARPAINT! pawesome. I sure do hope that the 'bronco-itis' Mom is suffering from doesn't have to do with a khute puppy!!