Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Walkin' Wednesday 2009

Walkin' Wednesday Time Again!BUT FURST, I have a furry special message fur my Siberian BF and his khute sisfur:
It is that day again!
Some kholour (sorry it is a bit khamera kharrier furgot to switch bakhk the setting)
Let's go
Attempt at facial pikh
Kind of
Let's go!
Floofy Tail AND Pantyloons!
Here is the link fur this week's video

I hope woo enjoy it!



PeeEssWoo: My 'pals' Maggie and Zoey of Zoolatry have invited me fur a visit at their place fur Weird Wednesday and fur a Thursday Thrill. I'm sure it will be all THAT and MORE!


Karen Jo said...

You certainly do enjoy your walks, Khyra! I love your fall colors.

Princess Eva and Brice said...

Great floofy tail action!

Ziggy Stardust said...

I love Khyra's Walking Wednesday. You are so graceful and you have the prettiest pantyloons ever!!

licks and sniffs Sasha

Cheyenne -Millie said...

That is a great walking video! We likes your Halloween scarf!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Hmmm, those look like Calvin Kline pantaloons, SO very fashionable!!

Martha said...

Beautiful Autumn or Fall as you say day for your walk!!
We loved the blue skies and the autumn leaves.
The colours at this time of year are the best.
We thought that big pile of leaves was really cool - we are quite happy to pee on film - sometimes your mom is no fun!!!!!
love you lots
Martha & Bailey xxxx

Noah the Airedale said...

Nice scarf Khyra. Getting into the Halloween spirit I see.

Noah x

Snowie Baby said...

love yr fluffy tail! nice video too!! hope uve enjoyed yr walk and yr visit to yr friends' place.
and happy birthday to yr furpals, kat and steve!

woof, with love, snowie

Cocorue said...

love your video and mumster wants to smother you with kisses....

aha somehow i'm not jealous like i was with THAT Chanel she kissed during her Bangkok trip - go check out that little flirt on her WW post.....urgh


The WriggleButts said...

We love walking with you, Khyra!


Sally said...

Hi Khyra,
you looks so wunderful.
And happy birthday for Kat and Steve.

Nice woooh

Sheba said...

I also started my morning with a walk! Isn't it great?

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

What a fabulous tail, its almost as fluffy as mine.. MOL.. I oved you on Zoolatry.. What beautiful photo's.. Hugs GJ xx

Bae Bae said...

What nice fall colors you get to see on your walkies.
How come you are stripey.. Did you brush your fur?

~ Bae

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Gotta love all that floof!!!

We also love your racing stripes markings!

Chris and Ricky said...

You have the most fluffy and most gorgeous tail I have ever seen!

Maxmom said...

Hey there Khyra.
I love going on your walk with you...(even if I just get to see you pretty pantaloons and floofy tail). I must say however that the red tree is exquisite!
...AND of course the 'Jacaranda'/purple dog lead is the cherry on the top.
Lots of licks

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We will be right over to run and jump in those readymade piles of leaves - how nice of your neighbors to make them available:)

We have wooed birthday wishes to Steve and Kat too.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

Mack said...

It is so pretty over in Khyraville.
Nice pantyloon pic!

Teesha and Bindie said...

Its very nice of yous to take your human for a walk, we loves your fluffy pantaloons.

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Great floofy tail walk.

Piper, Carrleigh and Java

The Meezers or Billy said...

great 'tocks shot!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Hi Khyra, You have a super floofy tail and pantyloons. Now I have a question for you. Are those things only for Sibs or can any fur folk have them??? The reason I ask is... well, I may just might... possibly have... oh never mind please forget that I brought it up. YOURS are grrreat. Super walkie today.

D.K. Wall said...

Laughing - we love how hard you made your mom work for a face shot at the end of the video.

KB said...

"Floofy tail and pantaloons" made me chuckle! Looks like you had fun!

Sam said...

Preety fall colors! I bet they'll look even prettier next week. Our leaves aren't done changing, either.

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

We always look forward to joining you on your Wednesday walk!

Ruby's Raiser said...

Love your tail, so feathery! The softness jumps through the screen, nice shots!

The Oceanside Animals said...

The face pic might have failed a little but there's lots of floofy tail!

Hank said...

Khyra, do ya get them fancy stripes in yer coat? Is it natural or do ya have tuh go to the beauty parlor?

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We always love seeing you smile, Khyra!

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

Thank you so much for the birthday wishes! We've gotten lots of new visitors thanks to your post!

Steve and Kat

Donna said...

I loves the tree colors! They are very pretty! :)

Woodrow, Luna, MJ Campanella said...

Pretty trees - what a wonderful time we had walking together with you

Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ

Scout and Freyja said...

Floofy tail and pantaloons make our momma smile alla' da times. We don't has those things and she thinks dat dey is so cute☺

Too Cute Pugs said...

We think you are so beautiful!

Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

Look at that tail!


Amy & the house of cats said...

Your Walkin Wednesday posts always pick up my spirits Khyra! You are always so cute in them!

Dog By Nature said...

We love your tail Khyra! Thanks for the walk:)

BeadedTail said...

We love your videos Khyra! It's hard to get facials on walks around here too. Too much else to see!



Hi Kyra,

You were in a hurry to see all the pretty FALL colors, so who has time to pose for pictures, right? Right!!!

Riley and Star.

Anonymous said...

OH love the pics. Beautiful fall colors. Since we don't really get them here Im enjoying yours.

Love your puffy pantaloons pic :)

Mochi and Bali said...

Did you smell anything good in that pile of leaves?


Anonymous said...

What a fun walkie!!! The trees up here have passed peaking. Mom's sad that she didn't get 1 picture!!! At least your mom did, blurry or not!

Dexter said...

Momma said we will have to watch your movie later because she is at the work place on a conference call... huh?

So I am super glad that you included some still photos of your FT to tide me over.


Sierra Rose said...

Hey there pal! Quite impressed by that video. How does mom operate vid cam, camera, lead, walking nicely with woo!?!?!? My mom can barely operate, just me!
Lovely pantyloons!

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Khyra
We like your scary skull scarf.
Love Ruby & Penny

Cloud the Wonder Dog said...

Khyra, your lovely fur looks like you just got brushed. Am I right?


Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

we love walking with you sweet Khyra!!!
And we love the red trees!!!!
Happy happy fall sweet girl....
You look sooooooooooooooo elegant and beautiful!!!!
the video is wonderful and we love your fluffy tail!!!!
Sorry for not commenting a lot dear friends....but mommy wasn't very she didn't help us a lot!!
But now she's ok and we could reading about you again!!!!
Pleaseeeeeeeeeee...don't forgive us!!!!!!
HAve a wonderful day!!!
Tons of love and kisses!!!

Ben said...

Thanks for the morning walk. The peeps were running late today, so I have to hang at the office ALL day and wait for my walk.


JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

You really do have a fantastic floofy tail and pantaloons!

White Dog Blog said...

Looks like a great day for a brisk walk amid the changing colors! Hope you enjoy two more today!

Lizzy said...


You seem to me having a very nice Autumn walk! Your fur looks extra soft today!

Happy birthday to Kat and Steve!


Byron y Xinver said...

Autumtime is nice for walking, not too hot... It it's now rainy it's superb.

doyle and mollie said...

aw khyra the autumn change is upon you - make the most of those walkies!!!

JD and Max said...

Hi Khyra - ooh, you do have a spectactular tail you know!! Hey, we met the husky who lives on the corner of our street today - he woofed quite loudly at little Max - we've never seen Max turn tail and run away before, he he!!! We still love to play with Ty, the husky puppy though - he's fun!! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

Daisy Dog said...

Thats what pantyloons are! Oh love the fall colors! We don't get much in Khalifornia.

Archie and Melissa said...

oh what a great walk!

the sun came out today so momma promised me a walk too!

keep your paws crossed!


Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Kute pantyloons!!! Meowm is always pinching my "pantyloons".~~Junior


Hi Khyra,

Just wanted to thank you for your unending support for our blog. It's doggies like you that keep these old fingers typing.

Riley and Star's mommy.

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

What a wonderful walk. You really have some pretty leaves..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Clive said...

A brillant walk Khyra! We love the autumn colours.

take care

Teddy Westlife said...

Mum says if it's Steve and Kat's birthday, then it's one year ago she actually got to meet them.

Nice floofy tail!

Duke said...

Hey, Khyra! Mom and dad were getting off the highway tonight after having pizza without us and they saw a Siberian poke her head out the car window that was only a short distance away from them! Mom said she looked just like you only her tail wasn't as floofy!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Jans Funny Farm said...

What were you laughing at in the first photo?

Sakura said...

Well Khyra you have a lovely day and the photos are great
thank you for the visit

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We saw you at Zoolatry. We has an award for you. ~S,S,C & F

Lorenza said...

Happy Walking Wednesday, Khyra!
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said...

That bandanananana makes you look totally TOUGH! wow. I khant believe you got snow already, its going to be 100 here this weekend.

Abby said...

Hi, Khyra...

What a great day for a walk...

Abby xxxooo

Valerie Cummings said...

That tail is SO fluffy!!! Happy Wednesday! Hugs Joey and Kealani

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...


Looks like the trees are changing in your part of PA, too...

Um...have you seen the sun recently? You know...that yellow thing that's suppposed to shine ONCE IN A WHILE???

And the high here this week is 39 on Friday...and rain...SNOW in the mountains...

Khyra...WHERE IS FALL????? We can't find it???!!!!!! Sheeeesch...

Hey...Mumsie was at Petsmartie tonight and saw a puppy Sibe...she was ADORABLE!!!

Your PantyLOONIES are so cute...I need to rethink my fur style...




It's fun to sneak up on Mango and

S H R I E K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(I think I may have made him well um...make a large puddle....)

Life With Dogs said...

Beautiful foliage! And yet it pales in comparison Khyra. :)

Teddy Bear said...

Aren't walks the best part of the day? You are so lucky to see the colors of fall.:)

Teddy Bear

Anonymous said...

Hey Khyra,
A fine autumn walk and we're even getting a few changes in color here.

Cindy said...

I get lots of walking photos of my dog too, at least his butt.

The Luke said...

I love your pantyloons and your swishy tail.

Just sayin.

wif love from the Luke

Anonymous said...

Pantyloooooooons! Khyra is such a little hussy (tee hee) with those pantylooooons!