Furst off, khudos to Summii's Mummii fur suggesting today's title! My mom told her that we had warned evfurryone to be ready fur a WINDY walk!

My Doggy Nanny laughed when I told her how many of woo thought Khloe was a deer! The furst few times The Doggy Nanny saw her run through the yard she thought the furry same thing! She's not on a leash bekhause she has working ears! Her peeps khan let her out the bakhk door to go answer Nature's khall and she stays in their yard OR she'll khome over to ours to chekhk out the smells. We've nevfur played together. Fur some reason, when I see her out, I bark and bark. Yet, when we pass during our walks, I just look at her! Go figure! She doesn't seem to be bothered by the khats! What's up with that?
Okay, I've taunted woo long enough! If woo khlikhk H E R E , woo will be blown away to a Walkin' Wednesday 2009 segment! Please exkhuse the slightly abrupt ending! The battery died just as Mom was wrapping up the babble - I mean khommentary!
PeeEssWoo: Yes Sitka, that was a blowout woo saw in The Wubba! That was The Wubba woo sent me! It just happened to be the one I had been playing with earlier in the day! It still has lots of fun left in it!

You sure look fluffy and pawsome when you sun bath. :)
~ Bae
We bet the cherry trees smell wonderful when in full bloom!
Princess Eva
It certainly was windy!!! We are supposed to have wind here tomorrow. :( Also, I know a little biped that would just love your fluffy tail. He was tugging at mine today but mine is not that interesting as it is pretty fluffyless. :) Is that a word? BOL! Have a super day!
Waldo wuz not confoozed abowt Chloe. But mebbe onlee da dogz who get confoozed fur large animulz like horsez and deerz can rekugnize eech uther?
Gus (and Waldo)
Hi, Khyra!
I sounded windy!
My mom loves to see the cherry trees! We don't have them here!
Have a pawesome wednesday!
Kisses and hugs
That was a very windy walk! Thank you for showing us the cherry trees again! :) We love looking at them!
Wow, Khloe is sure lucky that she can go out off leash. I can't since I have selective hearing! :)
What a good mommy keeping her eggs warm!
PS...I see him! :)
Hi, Khyra,
wonderfull view from your walk with camera:-) My mommy is thrilled when she sees blossom tree:-) Is that wild cherry tree? In my garden I have cherry tree...I'll post it today. And white magnolia...
Hehe, you should run with that "deer" as I'm running with small "deer" Ron. That would be fun to see on your camera:-) Just an idea for your mommy hehe...
Love and hugs,
Boy it sure was windy on your walk! I'm so glad you didn't get blown away.
Teddy Bear
You sure do a good job of guarding your area. Windy walking or not.
We like your blog! You look really happy there out in the sunshine! I have a brother dog... Monty, who likes to sit in the sunshine.
Hi Khyra,
Happy Hump Day! Wishing you a great day and less wind!
Loves from pugs,
Rosie Marie
Hi Khyra,
Looking as booti-ful as ever! How was your walking wind-nesday?
We loved your walkie today, Khyra, with the beautiful cherry trees! Thank you!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Beautiful pictures under your tree as always. And we really enjoyed your Walking Wednesday edition.
My mum loves cherry trees, they will be lovely in full bloom.
Mmm your neighbour doesn't mind cats, then he is sure a lovely long legged mmm Dawg.
I think I am going soft in my old age..
Dad did make mum soup but it wasn't the kind you like noooo
Hugs GJ xx
Hi Khyra,
My goodness, I thought that wind was gonna blow you away. Love the cherry blossoms.
Mommy sent to an e-mail about your prize.
Wow what a windy walkie!!
You looks so cute sleeping in a ball!! xxxx
Not windy here. Sunny and nice and breezy. Lots of pretty flowers are coming out though. At my finca the spring jasmine is out too but silly Misery hasn't taken a pic recently.
You look soooo furry comfy on the grass.
I think the fluffy tail is getting fluffier.
Huffle Mawson
That's right, MFT, keep the Mom moving - it will help keep her warm.
Spring is such a pretty season - between the beautiful greens on the ground and the flowering trees - it is just so pretty. We have the green and the flowers, now we just need some warmth.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Awesome sunbathing segment. Enjoyed the walk
You make such a tight Kresennt! So small and snuggly.
Our cherry trees are almost done. Cept it was 30 degrees today and windy. It snowed almost all day long yesterday. No sticking though. BOOOO!
Enjoy the tree!
Wait ... you mean that WASN'T a deer? ;-)
A Khyra Khroissant!
Those were indeed some pretty cherry trees.
It was really windy yesterday here, branches blew down everywhere... so you Mom actually does cards! Wow, how nice she is.
Pretty trees!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Your FT is awesome in the wind, MFT! Our huMom said to please ask your mom to take some close-ups of those beawootiful cherry trees when they finally bloom. Paws crossed the trees don't freeze their buds off with this cold snap!
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
In the first couple of photos, we thought you looked like one of those large helicopters, ready for take-off!
It's windy here too...
Your Friends,
Tommy & The Girls
Great walk, but it looks and sounds like it was freezing!!! Love the sun pix and your "walking tail" is pawsitively marvellous and... thanks for keeping us abreast of the falcon comings and goings - love to see what's up there!
Hugs and Love xo,
Hi Khyra
The cherry trees are beautiful. We had a windy walk today too, with snow flurries.
Did you thing our Leo was butterscotch kitty cheesecake?
Tucker and Daisy
Hi Khyra
Your fluffy tail was sure blowing in that wind. Those trees are going to be beautiful!!
Hope you had a lovely Windy Wednesday Khyra.
Martha & Bailey xx
Nice tail Khyra! My tail looks like that too(it's the Husky part of me)! Love, June
You always look so khomfy when you are talking your naps outside.
Hugs, Sammie
It has been cold and windy here. I prefer sunny and warm myself. I don't bark at cats and mostly leave them alone except when they tease me. Then I chase them. ~Fenris
We love your tail, it would be fun to play with. ~Scylla & Charybdis
Some of us cats have more sense then my sisters. I promise to leave your tail alone. ~Socks
Khyra, you look freshly brushed there in your croissant pose. Have you ever had a bug crawl up your snoot whilst lying down outside in the sun sleepin'?
Just wondered.
Hi Khyra
We wish we had lush green carpet to sun nap on. All we have is soggy brown stuff mixed with snow.
We enjoyed the windy walking.
Love Ruby & Penny
Wow, Khyra! Your grass is sooo green. Ours is still brown-y. But our snow from Monday (3"!) is pretty much gone now. I'm going to have to come back and check out your video later.
Your pal,
We had some of that wind the other day! It really got me excited. It didn't blow away our cherry blossoms, though. Come on by to see them!
You sure know how to get all small and cuddly to bask in the sun.
Isn't that funny about our reactions to our neighbors once we are out walking?
Your pal,
happy wednesday k and mom!
your pictures always make us happy!
m & e
You have such a pretty fluffy tail!
-Mika's mommy
Great preparation before your walk and oh the wind. I see bunny #2
Hi Khyra! Ooh, the cherry trees are looking good! It's always nice to go along on a walk with you.
See ya!
We had a windless Wednesday walkie.
But we did have snow dis morning. Dat was fun!
Husky kisses,
PeeS: At least maw won't bite our ears off like dem chocolate sibes she's making.
What a blowy walk.. hehe
To bad you don't get to play with Chloe..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Looks like you had a lovely windy Wednesday!
lots of woofs
Woo sure look furry pretty in the sun! I think woo should walk even faster next time. It's good training for woor mom! When I go jogging with my brother, I always like to make it a competition to see who can go faster! So far, I'm winning. =)
You must get lots of vitamin D with all that morning sunbathing.
You're so clever in using words, Khyra, first Momday, then Windnesday, and Sadurday, oops, don't want that!
Love ya lot!
hey, you look so cute cuddling there! AND, i left you an awardie right.... this way!
That's a really windy walk. Love all your pictures. You're such a graceful and beautiful gal ;-)
It sure was windy but it was fun nonetheless!
What a great day you had!
Wow, that IS windy! If there was snow on the ground, I would think you were here in North Dakota!!
Nice weather to be sun bathing! Love the video, as always...your Mom always does a great commentary! *grins*
I tagged you for a little game! Please stop by my blog to check it out...*wink*
A Greyhound that doesn't mind cats?? You sure she's not a deer??
It's been windy here too, don't feel bad.
Feather, Darla & Pappy, the TN Bull Terrors
You look so happy when you lay outside! I like to lay infront of the glass slider door and watch and watch and watch. Sometimes Mommy even hears me start to growl! BOL
That was not a Siberian Breeze, that is like the crazy winds we have been having here, holy cow!! Toward the end there it sounds like you were in a wind tunnel! Sorry you didn't get to visit the evil khats.
Wow! We don't get side blowouts here... CM goes straight for the tip!
Can you believe it is Friday and I am only now getting to see your Wednesday movie? Something wrong with that.
We have cherry trees in our yard but they are afraid to let their blossoms come out because it is too cold.
Are you sure it was actually windy out or was that just your mom breathing hard trying to go as fast as your FT self? Hee hee.
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