Walkin' Wednesday Time!!!
But furst....

Here is the K H L I K H K here spot fur THIS WEEK'S walk!

And if woo want to see fur yourself, please khlikhk H E R E - you'll see the still khamera AND there is a link fur the media player to see the live khamera stream! I would expekht we'll see some white fluffs by this weekend!!!
Please keep in mind we are on eastern daylight time here...with sunrise coming around 6 or so...and sunset coming 8'ish!
Mom has taken more of those tree pikhtures - she'll post some more on Friday!
PeeEssWoo: It is supposed to be khooler today! Thank Dog and Toasted Cheeses!
PeePeeEssWoo: My mom gets up at 5am evfurry Monday thru Friday...we khome downstairs about 5:30 so she khan let me out whilst she has khoffee and starts doing my blog bidding! When she leaves fur work, I'll khurl in my chair until The Doggy Nanny khomes down...then I head bakhk up to bed! THAT is why I'm up and out THAT early!
A later evening shot...there was SOOO much akhtion...she kept looking and khokhking her head at them!

Look at those eggs! Khyra, you are not tempted to play with them?
Adele, Vincent & Bella
Poor Khyra! My pawents don't get up until 7. Than, when my daddy drinks coffee on the porch (and smoke-yuck!!!)I go pee and than back to bed untill mommy is behind the PC.Luckily she is not working, so I'm with her all day long.
Kisses and hugs,
You're sure up early, Khyra! Not to catch worms for sure, right?
Can't wait to see the little chicks.
Those are some huge houses you see on your walk.
We are looking forward to seeing the babies.
Bugger, getting up that early.
My mom doesn't get up till 7:15 or so... then on the weekend she sleeps even later! Lazy lady!!!!
Lovely photos - how did you let that Rabbit get away? Yesterday I pulled so hard on the leash to chase after a fox - that D's right arm is longer than her left. But he was taunting me I tell you...
My D is up early too - she likes it because it is quiet - and she can do stuff on the computer!
Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy
I like all the fluffy photos of you. :)
~ Bae
Oh the eggs will be hatching soon what fun. The mum bird looks as though she was lifting up so you could look.
Mum gets up at 4.45 when on earlies, its a quiet time, I expect it will be cooler for you too. You would like it here at the moment, its cold and rainy.
Hugs your pal GJ x
Your mum is amazing. How did you train her so well to do your blog bidding at such wee hours in the morning? My mum can barely get out of bed at 7 am!
oh.. this is so exciting khyra! we hope all the eggs survive... umm.. we were wondering.. do the khats and skwirrels "mess" with the eggs? we hope not!
drooly kisses,
Very cute pics of you as usual!
I can't wait for the eggs to hatch!
That could have been called Barking Wednesday with all of the greetings you were getting this week. You must be quite the celebrity Khyra!
Ha! We get up at 5AM too because stupid Pee-Wee always starts pacing and biting momma's nose and looking for breakfast. I would much rather sleep in.
Mum goes away for two days and I miss out on all the news! Hmph. Happy Wednesday Miss Fluffy Tail!
Huffle Mawson
Hi Khyra!
We can't believe it's that hot already! Sorry about your air conditioner. You must be hot under all your fluffiness. We don't really need air conditioning where we live, it never gets that hot.
Can't wait to see the chicks.
Love Ruby & Penny
Our Daddy has to leave for work early too. So's Monday - Thursday we get up super early to say good morning (even though it is still dark out) to him. Then everybody but Mommy goes back to bed. ~S,S, C & F
Did BM really touch your Mom?
Looked like you had a great walkie! Hmmm, I wonder when those little birdied will hatch? They look so much like Quill eggs. Yum!
Solid Gold Dancer
wow, you get up real early! My parent doesnt does that, unless they are being force to ...
best regards
Woo Khyra, poor thing having to get up that early. I wake Mommy up at 6:30 for a potty break, then back to bed for me until noon -2 or pm....
Nice bunny pictures, I don't think I could do that Zim thing, I want to chase that bunny!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
We get up early too - all the cool stuff happens then!
Your Mom and the little man would be well suited - he loves to get up really early - not like the rest of the gang!!
We're really excited about those eggs - can't wait to see them hatch!
lots of woofs
Hi Khyra! We loved your Walkin' Wednesday, as usual. That's a very pretty house, and I'm glad that dog didn't run out at you. Congrats on winning our contest! I almost came by and told you, but it was more fun to let it be a surprise. Happy Wednesday!
See ya!
wooooo...baby birdies sooon!
Ok, we know why you are up early. Can you please explain why Teka is up at 5:00? I am too old for this!
We humor Mommy in the morning too - she wants us up and going for a walk at 5am - HAH - not a chance we get up - eat and go out quick - but not walks at that hour.
Woodrow, Sweetie & MJ
Hi Khyra
Like everyone else we are very excited about your eggs. We enjoyed the video although the dogs barking meant that Martha & Bailey had to both join in!!
We are sorry to hear about your air conditioning - sounds like you are goind to need it this summer. Especially a fluffy tailed dog like Khyra.
See you tomorrow.
Martha & Bailey xx
Wow your mommy gets up early!! When mine gets up at 6:15 I am still sleepy but somehow I manage to eat breakies...and then of course have a loooong AB (after breakies) nap!
That momma looks a little nervous - I bet it's almost time!
happy wednesday!
we always love seeing what you are up to!
Happy Wednesday! We're early risers too and go back to bed after we've been let outside to tinkle. We can't wait to see babies! This is so exciting!
Oh you get up early. We are like my Mom is a night person and so are we.
Diego Dog
Khyra, my Mommie gets up at 5:00, too! I am glad she does because my stomach is grumbling by then.
Just stopped by to tell you my mom was visiting the falcons and saw you had all kinds of pictures up of them. Your mom has some skills to catch them showing their eggs cause every time my mom goes to visit they won't get up!
Thanks for the eggie pics, I can't wait to see the chicks.
I am trying to do that Zim Zen thing too. I have had a lot of practice since I am not allowed to chase Ali Zophia, so if I can manage it with her, maybe any critter, right?
Are you and Ali Z having a fight? Be careful, she is a mean little bugger.
Hello Khyra...
thank you for khoming to visit, please come back again because we have updated/changed todays
picture... a bit, just a bit!
Maggy & Zoey at Zoolatry
Oh, I excited for the big hatching!
Another great ww with lots of fluffy tail action!
Khyra, our mommy gets up at 6:30 and then she wakes us up and we go for a short walk. When we get back, we get to have breakfast. She would then spend 5-10 minutes petting us(she would sit in the middle of the couch and we both sit on each end of the couch).
Oooh, it's no good when they try to take your picture before you're awake!
Your pal,
Rabbit stew is very good (we hear). Our human once had a pet rabbit so we will never know.
Having read the last bit, we understand why you were up so early, Khyra! That is sweet of you to keep you mom company before she heads off to work.
Over here, it is now light until after 9pm and by June, it will be light until after 10:30pm. We love it!
Can't wait for the eggs to hatch!
Your Friends,
Tommy and The Girls
Wow, Khyra! Lot's goin' on at your place, today. I wonder if that mom PF hears what's goin' on inside? I wish I could train my mom to get up that early, but she stays up to read.
I can't wait for the babehs to be borned. :)
That looks like such a nice lawn. I would love to run and play in it.
Hi Khyra - your comment to Samantha (lizard pic) about not needing car insurance was funny... good luck with the eggs. Woof, Tank
Very nice walk we shared with you today or Sunday or whenever it was. Dakota says thank you and Mom was thrilled to get another glimpse of that house. It is very nice.
Almost hatching time for those eggs? Our grandbipeds' nest has four baby robins who are all growing fast and furious and have already sprouted their quills, feathers to follow soon.
Woos, the OP Pack
Wow - the mom looks cautious and beautiful! Sorry you had to get up so early, but hope you got to go back to bed!!!
Khyra - LOVE your comment on lizard!!! Tee hee - very funny!
Hugs and Love xo
I like to wake mom up about 5 a.m. too. I don't think she takes it as well as your mom.
Those falcons are such pretty birds! Those beaks look like the business end, though.
Wos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Can't wait until those babies come! And, my you get up early! And I liked how you watched that bunny although your stance wasn't quite so zen like as Zim - it was a more of a "let me at 'em" stance!
We only get up early if the baby is up and irritating us to play with her. Otherwise, we wait for dad to come home about 8 and then the baby instigates even more!
Madison only gets up early if we have to go somewhere. Otherwise we might sleep in until 9.
The cherry trees here are all blossoming. Madison's nose is running.
Oswald!?!? What are you doing in Khyra's neighborhood?!!?
Be careful, Khyra. He'll start renting out bushes and pines as condos before you know it!
Play bows,
I am sorry I have not been by much. I bet those eggs are popping like popcorn, uh?
We are getting rains and floods in KS, so not alot of outside playing and no bunnies...
Boy you sure get up early. We are early risers with our Father though so we know how you feel. Cool pictures of the bunny, darn things, we always try to catch them. Actually Gibby caught a baby one once but Dad made him drop him right away. BOL!
Wags and woofs Khyra,
Benson and Gibson
That's so cool - we didn't know you were watching falcons too, until Ludo told us! Our nest is in Ohio and the chicks just hatched yesterday and today!
A cute little bun in the grass? did you go visit him?
What a wonderful walk you had. We love your fluffy tail too. We are sure Mango will be impressed..
Those eggs should hatch really soon. We can't wait..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
The wee hours of the morning are the best part of the day!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Khyra,
Mommy went to the post office today. Hopefully you'll get your prize package soon. There's one thing in there..hint Ty..that I told Mommy she had to get for you. Let me knoiw when yoy get it.
It was a symphony of barking on this walking Wednesday. Sorry it was so hot for your walkies!! Can't wait for next Wednesday!!
Hi, Khyra!
Happy Walkin' Wednesday!
I want to see the little birdies!
My mom goes to work at 7:15 and I go from my big bed to my grandma's bed and I stay there until 9 o'clock.
Kisses and hugs
Woah! Tiny spotty eggs! I bet you don't get to eat those eggs. They just look too fancy.
Wow Khyra -- you really walk at a fast clip! Alice just has her nose to the ground almost the whole way & usually I have to drag her out of some sniffing to get going ( I need to get some exercise too!) We don't get up till 6:45 -- no morning people here, including the animals. Alice stays tucked up in her bed if the weather isn't nice; she refuses to go out in the rain!
Wow, look at all those eggs. How exciting! I can't wait to see your new brothers and sisters.
Teddy Bear
I love seeing your photos, Khyra!
You are a beautiful doggie girl!
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