Not only is it Walkin' Wednesday, it is the 15th of the month so I'm working fur Eduardo The Snuggle Puggle!

The pair even made our evening news...please khlikhk H E R E fur that!

Even the eagles got into the akht!
BTW, Mom khan't take khredit fur the pikhs...she just happens to khatch 'em on THEIR WEBSITE
Whilst we were on our walk - please khlikhk H E R E to see that walk -Mom snagged a few shots from the OTHER direkhtion of the trees! Looking UP the street...
So nice! It is always too bad they khan't linger longer!
I hope you enjoyed my work AND my walk!
Those are beautiful trees on the street where you walk.
Hi Khyra
Your walk today was much quieter without the wind noise!
Some good close ups of your tail too.
Keep your eyes peeled on those golfers whilst you are working for Eduardo!
Your mom is quite right to use the website for the eagle pics - that is why we have websites!
Have a good day
Martha & Bailey xx
Better not get hit with a golf ball!
Mom can never get enough of those gorgeous cherry blossoms!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Awesome walk you have there. Love those trees. mum hasn't managed to get both irds yet but did get the owls to look at her.
Hugs to my dawwgy friend
GJ xx
Awesome walk as always. And a good dog nanny would never tell of any misadventures during the day.
Mummy wants to come and walk with you Khyra!
Big licks to you
It is wonderful to see you leading such a full life, Khyra! Thanks for all the updates and more cherry blossom pics!
Your Friends,
Tommy and The Girls
Look at that fluffy tail- flying and fluffing even without the wind. Thanks for the walk, we love to hear the Mom's voice.
Woos, the OP Pack
Neat trees. Have a good time snugglin for the puggle.
She didn't need pictures: I had the luggage tag between my paws!!!That's when she heard my overzealous crunch!!
Thanks for trying to defend me. Perhaps in a court of law -- but Mom's Justice is less hung up on Tek-Knee-Kal-Ities.
Your pal, the Perp.
Khyra you are surrounded by such beauty everyday! You are one lucky dog! How cool the Peregrines were on the news too!!! Neat!
Wags and kisses,
Benson and Gibson
hi k and mom!
happy wednsesday! what a great walk you took!
m & e
Your FT was in to form, MFT! We really like the close-ups of it!
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Hello Khyra
Mistress says to tell you she keeps clicking on your mom's blog and waiting to read something - she is always on the lookout for new dogblog person blogs.
She even thought about you when she made her last post on her own blog here.
Hi Khyra, The trees are lovely, we wishes the pretty blooms could stay longer too. ~S,S,C & F
Oh Khyra...I get spunk and tug feelings too when I am in a new place or when it is a wooded area where I feel I should be off leash. :)
You've got a bee-you-tee-ful walking place, Khyra. Ms. Alpha went nuts over the trees. Make sure your mom takes some pics of you when all the blossoms fall on the ground and it looks like a pink carpet.
If it ever stops raining here, I know I'm going to have to do some more poses, too!
Your pal,
Hi Khyra
Your tail was especially beautiful this Wednesday.
Keep up the good work for Eduardo.
Love Ruby & Penny
I bet Eduardo will be giving you a raise soon; you are such a hard worker!
While you're at it, make sure they don't pick up their balls and move them to a better spot!
I bet that garbage can smelled wonderful!
Your pal,
Wow, those trees are gorgeous! And I especially like the eagles. Missed you!
Hugs, Kodak
My dad's out golfing right now. Can you see him?
Play bows,
hy Khyra, those trees are beautiful. this is such a pretty time of year.
Your walk has worn me out. Great job on the job today. he he. =)
Beautiful neighbourhood!
Hi, Khyra...
Thanks for taking us along on your walk again...
Those cherry blossom trees are soooo pretty...
I'm still waiting for my lilacs to come out...
Abby xxxooo
You are doing a great job watching those golfers but don't forget to keep an eye on your tree too! Can't let your guard down with squirrels around!
We were wondering if the cherry trees really do get cherries on them. They are so pretty now.
So , are those trees edible? I would think that something called cherry trees would have yummy cherries? Did you enjoy your walkie? I did, vicariously!
--Kira The BeaWootiful
Another wonderful walk..
We love the trees..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hi Khyra,
Those are some very beautiful trees. I bet you really enjoy getting to walk past them when they are in bloom.
Happy Trails
Ziggy Marley
It would be nice if the blossoms could last longer.
Huffle Mawson
we enjoyed that split second glance back at the khamera at the end!! Mom got her taxes done a long time ago, so she is not stressing out today. Glad some of our dog friends will get their humans back!
Incredible sightings - so interesting - and incredible trees, all together like that - what a blossoming!
Hugs xo,
HaRoooo Khyra,
Dem trees is really startin' to bloom!
Be furry careful a stray golf ball don't git you.
Dem Eagles are so majestic. Dey ain't from Philly are dey?
Husky kisses,
Thanks for the walkin'!
Thanks for the trees!
Thanks for the birds!
Kisses and hugs
Thanks for "bringing" us to walk through those interesting pictures.
Adele, Vincent & Bella
What a beautiful street you are watching! Lots of interesting birdies too!
Gee Khyra.....DOn't ya just love Spring ???? It has ta be the best time of the year with all the flowers and trees bloomin'....warmer days and nights on the way....the grass gettin' greener and the vermin comin' out ta tease us....sharpen yer skills...they're just waitin' ta be caught....
Dewey Dewster here....
Thank you for these beautiful walks.
This is the only walk we get- so thank you for taking us along to see the beauty! And of course the picture of you sleeping- miss fluffy tail!
Beautiful tress, Khyra.
Teddy Bear
I can hear your mom much better without the wind. :) The trees are pretty as usual, but not as pretty as you!
Thank you for the link to the license plate. I'm going to have to steal dad's credit card!
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