This sweetie pie
Isn't she a dear? She's Gus and Waldo's khousin! She's a Mango in training!
I'm supposed to share ten honest things about myself...
Here goes with a twist...I'll let Mom answer some of them too!

3) I like to nap AND look khute...and she khan't stop taking pikhs of me !
4) I love sitting out in the rain...evidenced by my Monday afternoon...
See all the glorious moisture?
5) I love my tree...and my floofy tail! is the Blue Bird of Happiness!
He/she was in MY tree last evening! At one point he/she swooped down outside the window but Mom wasn't khwikhk enought with the khamera. Sorry these won't bigify...Mom has yet to figure out why some will and some won't...she doesn't do anything 'diffurently' when posting them!

7) Mom says if she had to choose her three favourite artists (male, female, group) it would be Steve Earle, Lucinda Williams, and Uncle Tupelo.
8) Mom is known to enjoy adult beverages...with red and white adult grape juice being her favourites BUT Vodka - no not THIS VODKA - is her sekhond favourite.
9) I'm not always a khuddly snuggly pup BUT I am extremely khyssy...and I'm usually within a few feet of her.
10) I'm furry furry happy I blog! But more about that on Thursday!
If woo haven't visited Stella, please do!
If anyone else would like to do this quizzy/khwizzy, please do!

Mom said to thank evfurryone fur their kind words about her transports. Due to our cirkhumstances right now, I'll need to be an only khanine but this way we khan help other pups! Mom has already volunteered fur a leg this khoming weekend...she hopes this transport gets filled fur she's seen pikhs of the three pawtential passengers! Khute is not just enough of word to deskhribe them!
Happy Tuesday All!
Khome on bakhk tomorrow fur Walkin' Wednesday!
PeeEssWoo: Please stop over and paw some vibes fur Honey...she's not doing furry well...
PeeEssWoo: Please stop over and paw some vibes fur Honey...she's not doing furry well...
We love your floofy tail too. Thanks for sending your twin to visit us last week. She was a cutie too.
Princess Eva & Brice the snuggler
Hehe, those are some very interesting facts about you :) I love that you like to sit in the rain, that is just so cool!
w00f's, Stella iz a cutie...nice facts about u..heehee me stays close to mama too, she mite eat sumthing that me not git sum of..
b safe,
Raindrops keep falling on my la la...that would go very well with your sitting in the rain.
We love your beautiful fluffy tail! Your mommy was so pretty when she was young.
I love learning more about you! :) Your mom's pic is so pretty and so is your floofy tail! My mom also likes to drink the white adult grape juice! Oh and vodka too, but only in appletinis! :)
It's always good to learn more about you (and see pix of course). Misery seems to think that your mom and her are a similar age.
Oh what lovely pictures again. I love the one of your mum, very pretty. The little bird that visited is a cutie also, but none as cute as you Khyra.
Looking forward to seing the lovelies your mum will transport at the weekend.
Hugs your pusscat friend GJ x
No one in the current Herd likes sitting in the rain as much as you do, but Nikita used to. Neighbors would ask why we don't let her in and we would explain that we do - she just preferred it that way!
Ah yes, Stella is a cute little gal. Reminds me of my Beautiful Raja... sigh.
I love your floofy tail too and it appears you also like to meditate whilst surveying your estate.
Hey, your momma is the same age as mine! Disco babies (hee hee).
Sadly it is. Well she seems to think it is sad. Better 50 that not, I say. I hope we don't have a repeat of her performance at 40.Your mom may be interested. it involves vodka!!
Yes, Khyra, Stella is a sweetie!
We always love finding out more interesting things about our friends and their people!
In answer to your question, Khyra... Well.... let's say that I am just keeping out of the hissing and growling. As long as I get my runs and my cuddles! But I did have my first nose kiss with Sei-Chan this morning. I think we're going to be friends, although Tama-Chan will always be my #1 girl.
We love Stella too - Mango should meet her.
TD would be very happy to sit in the rain with you, MFT - he can never get wet enough.
Thank you for telling us all those things and for sharing a bit of Mom too.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Hi, Khyra...
I loved reading more about you & your Mom...
My Mom says her yearbook was from a couple years earlier than your Mom's...I think she said something about 1971...
I hope the transport goes good this weekend...What a great thing your Mom is doing there...
Abby xxxooo
We love learning more about you. Our Mom likes that dark red grape juice too and drinks a small glass every evening - something about it helping her heart??
Have a terrific Tuesday.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
I like to sit in the rain too.... Ok, your Mom beats my Mom in age by a couple of years, but not much!
Mom like that adult beverage too.Nice pictures of the bluebird, we don't see too many of them down here.
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Adult grape juice sounds yummy! Have you ever had any Khyra? Thanks for sharing :-)
Khyra...we love your flooofy tail too.
Happy Tuesday to you too Khyra! Well done with your tagging - tell you mom we liked her high school picture! She looked very nice.
Strange you like to sit in the rain.... we don't.
Martha & Bailey xx
Happy Tuesday! Fun post!
I like to be in the rain too! I think its a Mud Husky thing! hehe
Your pal,
I think your mom is pawsome! I saw my name over there :DD
best regards
My Mom likes that white grape juice stuff too?? I prefer yogurt and peanut butter smoothies myself. :) Those pups your Mom transported are so cute! :)
Hope your furiend feels better soon.
My Mommie likes that yucky sour grape juice, too. Once I accidentally knocked the glass of red juice over. Onto the carpet. She was not smiling at me when that happened.
Wow, your mom has a lot of names!
Play bows,
That's some very interesting facts. Thanks for sharing!
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Your mom was pretty (and still is of course). I'll bet you're glad she didn't have one of those funny high school yearbook hairdos.
Misty the alpha poodle
Thanks for sharing your secrets with us. Both you and your mom are equally beautiful.
Khyra, honey.....may I say you are one nice-lookin' gal, I tell ya what.
My folks used to have one o' them Alaskan Malamutes, but I hear you Huskies are smarter.
Great picture of your Korner. I'd love to visit some time. Do y'all serve PBR?
Very interesting facts about you and your mom today! I love your floofy tail too Khyra! Sending positive vibes to Honey too.
purty pic of your mom khyra! tell we said thanks for helping with the transport. she is so kind.
Mom loves that red and white grape drink also. Thanks for sharing all the fun things about you both. Mom would like to say that she akhtually LIKES the heat out here. I think she is nuts.
Hi Khyra
Thanks for sharing about you and your mom.
We like the rain too.
Love Ruby & Penny
Your 10 things were so interesting! But we hate the rain so we don't really get the sitting outside in it...we really dont like it, so much so that we hold it until it stops raining if at all possible!
The Puppies
We learned some great new Khyra facts today!!
We are headed on over to Honey's bloggy right now.
Hi Khyra and mom!
Thank you for including me in your post today. You are really dear!
My mom has been hanging out with me today. We visited another doggie pal, and I hope to hang on a bit more with my family.
We enjoyed reading your list Khyra.
We love your fluffy tail too and are glad your mum can't stop taking pic's of you looking cute. We love seeing your cute pic's. :-)
Holly & Zac...XX
Oh we can't wait to see the puppies. We stopped over and offered Honey some Heeler vibes. We sure hope it helps...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hi Khyra!
Your mom's doggy Fluffy was very cute! I can't believe that you like to go out in the rain! I won't even go out to go potty if it's raining!
I hope that Honey is feeling better soon, I will stop by her blog!
:) Tibby
We think you are cute and we like your floofy tail too. Now we are gonna go see Honey.
Lovely to read more about you and your Mum. Amazing you like the rain - I absolutely hate it! Don't like getting wet at all!
Little man's mum has a fondness for the white and red grape juice too - only don't let on I said that!
Looking forward to seeing the photos at the weekend,
lots of woofs
My mom was born in 1976. I love your tail.
Thanks for coming to my blog with birthday wishes. You have a great blog. Thanks for being a friend.
Hi, Khyra!
Thanks for sharing all those things about you and your mom!
I am so sad to know the news about Honey.
Kisses and hugs
Hi khyra,
Thanks for sharing those interesting things about yourself. Kudos to your mom for helping the homeless doggies.
I think maybe Stella's head is bigger than all of me! BOL
Wags & wiggles,
Hi Khyra,
Everyobe loves your floffy tail!! Our mom would never let us post old pics of her.. she was wearing spectacles then (no contact lenses yet) and those spectacles look more like goggles! LOL!!
Very interesting things about you and your mum!
Huffle Mawson
raining here too. Cool pics. hey, our mom is just a few graduating classes older than your mom.
Khyra, you and your mom have 10 wonderful best kept honest secrets here, I loved it!
Now I know where do you get your beauty from. I still don't know where I got mine 'cause my mom is not that pretty and young!
I went to comfort Honey, I leaked like April rains!
Love ya
You did a great job on the honest stuffies!!! Love all the pix - especially the bluebird, but also love your gorgeous tail!!! And hate to say it, but mama love the red and white grapie too, but not Vodka (don't tell Vodka!!!)
Hugs and love and thanks for giving a cheer to Honey xo
Gee yer Mom looks swell in 'er highschool picture.... much younger than fair....
We remember that ya love ta look fer furries in yer yard...'n that's a great past-time fer sure....just don't eat the squirrels when and if ya catch 'em....
'n yer Mom sure is nice ta help out with rescue....all those sweet doggies sure are lucky ta get special homes...
Dewey Dewster here....
Hi cutie
First of all I am trying to have patience cause my monitor burned up, so mommy is letting me borrow one from someone and second- this puter is going so slow and won;t let me into my friends houses! Whewww, well i made it and I saw your pics of your mom - very pretty and a pretty heart too ,and her other pets- what cool pics, and saw you sitting in the rain, and all. Also saw the cute pics of the pups for transport. We have some blue birds but I do not think they are very happy. They scream a lot! Good nite my beautiful friend!
Wow, thanks for all the fun facts, Khyra!
Teddy Bear
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow that is a floofy tail!!! ar yoo shoor yoo arnt relayted to my sister trixie??? ok bye
You definitely look cute and you've got a booti-ful tail!
I used to have a favorite tree. It was growing at a 45 degree angle over the fence. I tried to climb it to get squirrels. Then Mom and Dad had two guys come cut it down. I hope that doesn't happen to your tree.
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