Okay evfurryone...grab a beverage and settle bakhk fur a FULL post:
Star and Jakhk-a-Roo's mom wanted some up khlose pikhs of the cherry blossoms...
We thought we'd grab a few of them on our morning walk!
Woo all know what THAT is!
This is up the street at a neighbour's house
More sunbathingnappingsnoozing!
What? Again?
Just chillin' on the patio...
Okay, now fur the thanking part...I hope I've remembered to paw 'em all in this post. If my sekhretary and I overlook one, please furgive us and paw us a note so we khan khorrekht our oversight!
From Ransom and Princess Isis
From Ransom and Scottie
From Rosie and Ransom

Okay, now fur the thanking part...I hope I've remembered to paw 'em all in this post. If my sekhretary and I overlook one, please furgive us and paw us a note so we khan khorrekht our oversight!

I'm honoured and flattered!
From the top of my head to the tip of my fluffy tail, I hope any of woo that would like to add these special and beaWOOtiful awards to your blogs will please do so!
Since this post was already running long - and not wrapped up yet - I've dispensed with some of the 'rules' that went along with them. I would enkhourage woo to visit the blogs that pawsented them to me...especially if woo aren't familiar with those khanines!
Now, fur some thinking!
all tagged me fur FIVE RANDOM THINGS!
Here goes with a twist in that they will be things I'm thankful fur:
1) I'm furry happy my mom changed my name when I adopted her...I really wouldn't want to be Whitney!
2) I'm furry glad my mom likes to take me fur walks! We went fur TWO on Wednesday!
3) I'm furry glad Mom will get to go to work next week. They khalled when we were up at the park to say khome in on Monday!
4) I'm furry happy I have such nice lokhations for my naps: under the tree, on the patio, in the chair, on the bed, on the floor, etc etc etc
5) Once again, I'm so furry happy to meet more and more nice bloggers! I khan even overlook the fakht the some of them are KHATS!
Well, if any of woo would like to do the five random thing tag, please do! I would also suggest woo visit any and all of the bloggers woo don't know! There are some furry special angels amongst us!

Congratulations K on all your awards. You do have a fab blog!
The cherry blossom is a beautiful tree!
And we're thankful that your mom found you!
Princess Eva
Hi, Khyra!
Thanks for the pics of the cherry blossoms!
Thanks for the pics of the beautiful yourself!
Thanks for being my friend!
Congratulations on your awards!
Kisses and hugs
Those are some pretty pink flowers!
Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer
Congrats on all your wonderful awards!
I'm thankful that you're my friend!
Beautiful cherry blossoms! :)
The cherry blossom sure looks very pretty. I wish I have that tree too
~ Bae
some days are even too restful and sunny under those trees to bother with the ball behind you.
try tell the human to go fetch.
w00f's, bute ti ful trees...me will have to talk a piksur of me twolips, and highbiscuss...and mamas japanese maple, its always purdy this time of the year...congrats on u awards..
b safe,
Hey Khyra!
Congrats on all the awards!
Yup, Khyra definitely sounds better than Whitney! :D
Beautiful blossoms, beautiful Khyra, and a great list of five random things from a happy girl!
Your Friends,
Tommy and the ("khitten") Girls
Oh, the blossoms are so beautiful!!!! And look at the fluffy tail gal posing so nicely for the flashy beast. We are also happy for all the same reasons - especially that Mom takes you for walks, so we can see YOU and hear HER. And the news that she has work next week is wonderful.
We will be gone for a few days but we will be back.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Those are great thankful things!!
You are definitely not a Whitney! Khyra suits you sooooo much better!
Those pretty cherry blossoms are pawsome!
Congrats on all of your awards you deserve them for being such a great blogger and introducing us to all of the other bloggers out there, I think we will go visiting.
-Kira The BeaWootiful and Scampi too
hey Khyra,
Great pic of your fluffy fluffy tail! And the pretty cherry blossom trees. Do they draw squirrels?
I also like all of your new awards, woofs to you!! Job well done!
Hi Khyra
Congratulations on your Awards - well deserved! We liked your random things and agree Whitney is not the name for you!
The tree is looking just lovely as are you Ms Fluffy Tail!
Have a lovely Easter weekend, who knows the little eggs may hatch soon......
Martha & Bailey xx
Congrats on all of your awards, Khyra! You deserve every one of them.
Is there an award for "fluffiest tail"? If so, you would have to win that one too.
How in the world do you sleep on that hard ol' tree trunk, Khyra? I have to have nice soft fluffy things to sleep on.
Behr Behr :)
Wow, you weren't kidding about a full post. We enjoyed efurry word of it.
Those cherry blossoms are beautiful! Mom is getting ready to go to WV very early tomorrow morning and she's hoping to see lots of blossoms on her way. Congrats on all your awards. I'm thinking, I'm thanking you for being such a thoughtful pup!
Wow, what pretty cherry blossoms!!! Congrats on all of your award!
best regards
Congrats on your awards! Those are some really pretty trees!
Dear Khyra, Gess what?! What! Hi! As you know (thanks for stopping by and checking!) we were at the GrandHumans and then also skaring everybody like you with the swirls HAHAHAHAHA! And then we felt that we could not properly be decint dloggers withour a bloggy roll with all the outstanding doggies we are meeting and so we have werked very hard to make it! And now it is made! And of course you are there with your very outstanding pikture!
So anyway also now that we can show our furry faces again we must say these are as ushual very outstanding piktures with the pink and such and also, WHEW! That you were almost going to be Whitney all the time, Khyra is much better and truly outstanding. And also, Two Paws UP! that your human is going to werk on Monday, even tho werk is evil, as opposed to careers, we do know that werk pays for the doggy foods.
We are not sure how the games and the stickers werk but we are going to study them so more and hopefully it will be OK for us to play 2 and also we will follow your lead and check out the new outstanding dloggies you mentshoned! Thanx for stopping by, Love, your bloggy-rolled PaLs, LuLu and LoLLy! http://www.luluandlolly.com
WOW ! The cherry blossoms looks lovely ! & congrats on the awards miss fluffy tail :D
Aw, would woo please give your mom a little snooter smooch from us to thank her for those beawootiful pics of the blossoms? woo made our mom furry happy.
woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Oh hi! gess what? What! It's us again! Becuz also we mint to tell you that when you sed get a bevrege and settle in that when we tried to get the milk out of the fridge it exploded and then so we sed OK, we'll pull up our water bowl to the computer and then all the water went everywhere and gess what?! what! we are in trubble due to making a mess. Love again, LuLu and LoLLy. http://www.luluandlolly.com
nice pictures! congrats on the awards :)
hi k!
oh what wonderful photos and random things!
we love learning more about you!
m & e
Whitney? Qannik says that is almost as bad as Snowflake was for him. Kodiak says Champ was ok, but he likes Kodiak better.
Whitney - no way unless you lived in Houston BOL (that was mommy's lame joke)
Hope you have a Happy Easter and I will blog with you in a week!
Loves from pugs,
Rosie Marie
Wow! Spring is looking beautiful there!
Have a great weekend!
Congrats on the awards!
Pruett and Daphne
Huge congrats on all your awards.
You have a lovely route for your walks, beautiful trees and flowers and lots of space.
A lovely mum who walks you as often as you need,
I think you are just so lucky.
You even have a fluffy big Khat as your friend.
Here's to friendship.
GJ xxxx
Khyra, we are furry happy that we found your blog and that you are our friend!
Beautiful blossoms!
Thanks fur the idea on the random things about you. We will do that fur Golden Friday tomorrow.
Sam & June
Those blossoms are totally inkhredible! khongrats on your awards, thanks for sharing the great pikhs.
Beautiful blossoms!
congrats on all your awards.
hi Khyra, you mom is going to work? that's great!
we like your cherry blossoms. we have some just like that in our neighborhood too. you look so lovely napping under your tree. and yes, we're glad your name is Khyra too!
Khyra what a wonderful list! We are so happy we are bloggy friends with you too!
Our Mom loved the cherry blossom pictures but she especially loves all the sweet pictures of sweet YOU!
Benson and Gibson
Congratulations on your awards, Khyra! I think you are very right, you do not seem like a "Whitney" at all.
Hi Khyra! Very nice thoughtful, thanking, and thinking post! Whitney! Whitney? Yikes! Glad your mom's going in next week. What a rollercoaster.
See ya!
Your blossoms are beautiful, Khyra!!! Ours are all gone. :( Just have greenery on them now.
Congrats on your awards, Khyra! I like your name - I really can't see you as a Whitney. ;)
Your pal,
You sure are a purrty woofie!
Congrats on your awards, and I too like your name now, the other one just isn't you. =)
What wonderful awards you got.. We love them but we really like the pictures of you better. he he
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
The cherry blossoms are just gorgeous, Khyra!
You don't look like a Whitney at all to us! Khyra is the perfect name for you!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Congratulations on all your awards, Khyra! I'm so happy that your mom gets to go to work on Monday. My Mommy is still waiting for that call.
Teddy Bear
hi!!! i just posted a song for you. oh and did i mention khyra you look great in every picture you post!
Alice says hi!
Congrats on your awards, Khyra! Khyra suits you SO well. Whitney, eh...not so much! Pretty flowers! :) -Hec and Lola
Your spot under the tree looks more comfortable than our bed!
What beautiful photos!
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
Congratulations on your awards; I think Khyra suits you much better than Whitney, and my mum is glad your mum gets to go back to work next week.
Huffle Mawson
Hey K, It's so nice a green and bloomy where you are. We're still a little bit brown up here. Probably about two or three weeks behind you guys.
About my collar ... I would get a Yankees collar except I'm just not really a baseball fan. But don't tell Joey I sais that, okay?
Hi Khyra!
You have been nominated over at my blog to be interviewed by Bark Kent fur next weeks Five Fur Friday! Stop by and vote (or check out the competition BOL) when you get a chance :)
Big licks to you
Oh Cherry Blossom, what is telling you that Spring is here other than Cherry Blossom?
Congrats on the Awards, Khyra!
Congratulations on your awards! And cute pictures of you too! I'm thankful I get to hear about your day every day!
Those blossoms are so pretty! Tell your Mom congrats on the job! WOOHOO!
Congratulations on your award Kyra! The cherry blossoms are lovely! We wish we had some in our neck of the woods ...
LIcks and Wags
TUffy of Dog Woods
Very nice Cherry Blossom pic's but the ones of you are our favourites, especially the one that shows your beautiful fluffy tail.
Congrats on your awards. :-)
We are thankful you are our friend as well!
Holly & Zac...XX
Great pictures and video! You look so beautiful in the sunshine, under your tree, among the cherry blossoms, in everywhere.
Congrats on all your awards!
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