WOO HOO! Khan it be Thursday ALREADY?
I wanted to take the time to share this award that a very handsome khanine from Khanada pawed my way a few weeks ago!
Thanks Chef!

If anyone hasn't done it yet, please try your paws at it!
I'm trying my paws at something!
This is my April showers bringing the May flowers pawsition. I was out sulking bekhause it was raining...so we didn't get to walk...bummer!
We did khomplete the Iditawalk 2009 on Tuesday with a total of 1755 minutes! We ordered a tshirt that Mom will use fur a sleepy shirt!
Now, time for me to thank and think!
One of the newest bloggers Lexi
tagged me fur FIVE random things about myself...hmmmmmm, let's see:
1) I am the 7th Sibe my mom has had BUT I'm the furst that is all hers! The other Sibes that woo have seen 'here' live with the person that khame befure me...I visit them when time pawmits.
2) NOPE, I'm still not digging this ice thing. Evfurry so often Mom will see if I've changed my mind.
3) I love the bed - I love snoofin' it up to get the bedkhlothes just soooooo. YET, shortly after Mom gets in, pets my tummy, rubs my ears, and gives me khysses, I hit the floor to MY spot. It so frustrates Mom since I spend the bulk of my day on the bed!
4) I've never destroyed a stuffie - never even had it lose a fiber of fluff!
5) I really love being part of The Blog World! It is such a khool hobby! I'm glad I make Mom do this instead of something else!
SO, there woo go! As with the Name Game Meme from Tuesday, if woo would like to take a turn at this tag, PLEASE do! If woo didn't get to visit L E X I yet, please do! She seems to be settling in khwite nicely! She's one furry lukhky girl!!!
But then again, aren't we all lukhky girrrrlz/boyz?

We did khomplete the Iditawalk 2009 on Tuesday with a total of 1755 minutes! We ordered a tshirt that Mom will use fur a sleepy shirt!
Now, time for me to thank and think!
One of the newest bloggers Lexi
tagged me fur FIVE random things about myself...hmmmmmm, let's see:
1) I am the 7th Sibe my mom has had BUT I'm the furst that is all hers! The other Sibes that woo have seen 'here' live with the person that khame befure me...I visit them when time pawmits.
2) NOPE, I'm still not digging this ice thing. Evfurry so often Mom will see if I've changed my mind.
3) I love the bed - I love snoofin' it up to get the bedkhlothes just soooooo. YET, shortly after Mom gets in, pets my tummy, rubs my ears, and gives me khysses, I hit the floor to MY spot. It so frustrates Mom since I spend the bulk of my day on the bed!
4) I've never destroyed a stuffie - never even had it lose a fiber of fluff!
5) I really love being part of The Blog World! It is such a khool hobby! I'm glad I make Mom do this instead of something else!
SO, there woo go! As with the Name Game Meme from Tuesday, if woo would like to take a turn at this tag, PLEASE do! If woo didn't get to visit L E X I yet, please do! She seems to be settling in khwite nicely! She's one furry lukhky girl!!!
But then again, aren't we all lukhky girrrrlz/boyz?
Hi, Khyra!
Congratulations on your award!
Sorry you did not have a walkie!
My mom wishes I'd go away from her bed sometimes!
Have a great day!
Kisses and hugs
Congrats on the Iditawalk 2009. Make sure your mom doesn't put that shirt on woo!
Princess Eva
really? you did not destroy even a single stuffie?
you must be a demi god Khyra! it takes super powers to resist the stuffie.
drooly kisses,
Congrats on your award, Khyra!! I'm sorry I haven't been visiting enough these days...but I love the 5 random things about yourself! *wink* My favourite is number 3...I love the bed too! hehe!
There's a little something for you at my blog as well! Please come over to collect it! *grins* Hope you have a great week!
Add me to the list of dogs that don't eat stuffees! I have all the ones I have ever had and never tear them up. I also like to sleep on Mom's bed , and go jump in my own, when she turns out the light!
I am totally amazed and impressed that you have yet to 'kill' a stuffie... Hershey's killed about 10-15 in total and she is not even one year old yet!!
I'm sorry you did not have a walkie! But you are right - we are furry lucky boys and girls!
Hi Khyra
We can't believe it is Thursday either - nearly Easter!!!
Congratulations on your Awards.
What a pity about the walk but as you say it is April Showers season!
Well done on completing the walk - good time too. You wont miss one day walking after doing that - declare it a rest day.
Thanks for sharing your five random things - the most amazing of course is that you have never destroyed a stuffie! We are in awe of you!
We will pop over to visit Lexi right after this.
Have a good day
Martha & Bailey xxx
No walkie? Because of a little rain. Our humans know better. Walkies everyday if they want the house to remain standing. Something about a team effort of destruction?
Woohoo! On completing the Idita walk!
Great random things about you Khyra. I casnot believe you has not destroyed a stuffie, you must be super gentle with them.
~lickies, Ludo
We agree with your number 5 Khyra. Blogging is great as you can connect with so many other people and dogs all over the world.
You are very good with your stuffies, Zac is terrible with them, he destroys a lot.
Fun list, we will check out that new blog.
Congrats on that walk!
Holly & Zac...XX
Oh. Does the big bed belong to the Hoomans? Me and Teka thought it was ours and we kindly share it with the two-leggeds.
Hi Khyra congrats on the Iditawalk. You did a lot of good there. We salute you! Thanks for introducing us to Lexie, nice dog!
It is ok you don't destroy stuffing, I don't play with them unless I am destroying them, never just to squeak them or fetch?????? Whatever, Huskies don't fetch.
what never destroyed a stuffy? What is wrong with you? :)
Congrats on another award and more congrats for completing the walk and more. We are very glad Mom did the blog thingie too because we wouldn't have one either if it weren't for her.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
You cross your paws like such a little lady!
Mom wishes SO BAD that I didn't destroy my stuffies!
You've never eated a stuffie??? Wow!
Your pal,
Khyra, I am glad you are part of the blog world, too! You are a khool doggie.
Hi Khyra. I cannot believe that you have never demolished a stuffie. You are SUCH A LADY!
By the way, since you were among the first to leave a comment to our post today, and in the spirit of "Pawing it Forward" after receiving that great gift, we would like to send you a little something from France. So could you please email us your snail mail details to tom at ikkyu dot biz?
Your Pal,
It's snowing here. I TOLD them it would and it did. ;)
PS: Thank roo for the compliment on the blog header!
Congratulations girlfriend, great job on the Iditawalk! (We gotta get mom to update the blog).
Furry nice things about woo too! But woo really gotta give destuffiing a stuffie a try.... really.
woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
We really believe you didnt't destroy anything. Byron neither, he was a very good puppy.
Always good info and pictures.
oh khyra you are so sweet with your paws crossed like that! squee.
4) I've never destroyed a stuffie - never even had it lose a fiber of fluff!
Really? You never ate a stuffie? Wow, i think we need to call you St. Khyra!
Wow Khyra... that photo of your paws crossed is SOOO lovely.
You have not destroy any stuffie at all? I destroy stuffies all the time. Mom doesn't buy me any more stuffies. Love, Samantha
I love to sleep on the bed too! Mom always ask me where she is suppose to sleep and I just look at her and then go back to sleep. Love, June
Congrats on your award, Khy!! Cool facts about you, too! :) -Hector and Lola
Yayyyy on your Iditawalk 2009! I hope your Mommy will take pictures of her shirt when it arrives.
Teddy Bear
I too have never destroyed a stuffie, I suck on them til they are sopping wet, mom hates it. =)
Lucky doesn't even begin to cover it.
Huffle Mawson
Yes, we are all lucky boys and girls :D Great list Miss Khyra, congrats on your award!
Slobbers xx
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay hmm yoo hav never destroyd a stuffie??? then how do yoo punish them for beeing evil and wispering things in yore eer wen yoo ar alone in the krate??? no seeryusly i need to no becuz they ar driving me crazy ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ok bye
No, no, no! Rusty is NOT food with flowers! He is our brother.
It frustrates my Mom too when I have been on the bed and she gets in and I go to my bed because she likes to cuddle with me but sometimes I'm just not in the mood! ;) Cute rolly pictures of you yesterday! :)
Congratulations on the Iditawalk 2009! And I enjoyed learning more about you! Sadie destroys stuffies pretty much immediately!
Hi again. Thanks! We missed your post on March 29 and you explanation about the eggs that come later... Now it's clear.
I understand being tired of the rain. That's all it's done all week. And not just the normal drizzle, but a real rain. Luckily it's supposed to be sunny tomorrow. Want to come over?
Khongrats!! I khan't believe you have never sploded a stuffy, it just feels so GOOD!
Those lobster cookies look dee-lish!
You never destroyed a stuffie? OMD, that's amazing! My stuffies are gone in 5 minutes! :)
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