Sniff Sniff! I smell THURSDAY!
I've got LOTS to share!
WOW! I'm like soooo blown away - but not like the little Takho Bell dog kharried away in the tornado.
Here no real order...I'm going thru them as I pulled off the graphikhs!
I got the above award from

McCain ;
The Basset Babes Martha and Bailey or is that Bailey and Martha;

Tank Woo Evfurryone!
Please help yourself to any woo haven't yet received as my thanks fur khoming by my khorner again!
ALSO, if woo see some names that woo don't rekhognize, please go woo/purr/snort at them!
Of khourse, all these awards have left me:

I was lukhky enough to have been selekhted one of the winners from Life With Dogs March drawing!

We chose this one bekhause it is both the kholours that are favourites of mine: purply and orangie!

Tank woo to 'both' of woo fur the khool prize! I really love it and it will bekhome my special TRAVEL khollar!
On my blog yesterday, I had a pikh of me being one with O like Zim! Well Zim warned me the Oswald would begin to take khontrol and such. I wrote and told Zim it was already underway...

Well, tomorrow will be FRIDAY FRIDAY FRIDAY!
Mom has been saving some trees shots to khlose out the week and kikhk off MAY!
PeeEssWoo: Tank woo fur sharing your various rise times and why woo do! Mom khould get up later and go to work later but the day just feels better to start then. Traffikh is lots lots LOTS less stressful. It is just a khomfy time fur her to get up. The first few minutes khan be a challenge BUT by the time her feety feet have hit the bathroom, she's basikhally passes fur what is awake!
Mom khaught Mom and Dad chattin' about something!

Hi Khyra
Congratulations on all your awards , you certainly deserve them all and many more! What a nice looking collar you got, we love those colors too. You sure have been sharring some nice photos of trees and bushes and the eagles and bunnys and sunsets, and eggs hatching! Thank you ever so much for always taking the time to share your wonderful world!
Sowwy I've nglected visiting you again..I just can't get mommi to stay on the ball..Congwatulations on all youw awawds!
I love youw new collaw pawfect colow choice, heheh
I wondew what eagle pawents talk about?
and I had no idea that the wealestate mawket fow buns is still going stwong.
smoochie kisses
pee ess..Daddi gets up eawly..and then twies to wake Mommi wif Bweakfast in bed..she's tewwible in the mowning
We were finally able to watch your video from yesterday. Momma blames YouTube, I think it was user error.
Your new travel collar is very pretty. Maybe your mom should paint your toenails to match!
Princess Eva
Wow Kyrah, you sure are a popular girl! Congratulations on all your awards, which you most definitely deserve. And your collar is stunning. I always love your pictures - you live in such a beautiful place with so much green and all kinds of critters and birds. You have a nice life! Makes us want to move out to the country.
By the way, we were Googling animations tonight and we came across something you might like to post to your bloggie. Scroll down til you see yourself, k?
Here's the link:
Congratulations on all your awards Khyra! What a nice collar too! And uh oh on the new O and the potential tenant! Keep an eye on them Khyra!
What great Awards - you are a very well loved doggie!
We love the collar you picked - great colours.
Lovely pictures as always - see you tomorrow.
the Basset Babes!!
We liked that!!
What a great shot of you sniffing the air. You're a real regal dog! There's lots of activities in spring - what with the rent-seeking bunnies and serious parent eagles.
That is an awsome lot of awards and well deserved too. I love the shot of the bunnies, before you know it you will have lots more around there. The collar is pretty nice, well done.
I love the picture over at Zoolatry. Realy good.
Hugs to my doggy pal GJ xx
So many awards! Congratulations. Khyra! We just loved that photo of you all tuckered out from the excitement!
Looking forward to your write-up of that meme!
Your Friends,
Tommy and The Girls
Look at all those awards. Soon you will need to have a page just for the Khyra Awards. Congratulations.
That is a great picture of you - shows all your beautiful features - fluffy tail, curvaceous body, and Oh, that face!!!
Woos, the OP Pack
Hi Khyra
Congrats on all your awards and your pretty new collar.
Maybe next time you go walking you'll see lots of babies with the rabbits.
Love Ruby & Penny
Woo Khyra, congrats on all of those awards! And what a cool collar! You are one lucky dog! Mommy says the female eagle is complaining to the male about how much time he spends with the eggs!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
You got some aweful neat award, Khyra. You're so Popular! I like that photo of Mom and Dad havin' a little confab before the wee one's pop out. You supposed she's craving somethin' and is gonna send him out to the 7-11?
I think Eagle mom & dad were discussing what to name the babies!
That is such a pretty collar Khyra. Once again, I think you look pawsome in purple (and orange too!)
And thanks so much for helping me decide which tux to wear to the wedding!
Glad to see the collar arrived safely - looking good girl!
Now make sure Oswald does a reference check for that new tenant.
Wow, Khyra, we are so honored to know such a popular gal!!!
You do deserve all those awards for your pawfect record of blogging, and your beautiful and interesting photos, and your frequent visits to all your friends.
We are awed!! Or is that pawed??
Lots of wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
Yes, Khyra, congrats on the awards!
After I read your blog, I was tempted to visit Mrs. Falcon for a while. I have not watched her much before so I don't know what her usual behavior is, but this am she was very active on the nest, doing a lot of moving around, moving of eggs, but not getting off the nest at all. Maybe this weekend they will hatch.
oh Congrats on all your lovely jubbley awards Khyra!
I too have one to post about but my Jeannie keeps forgetting about it. I tell you there is little brain in my human sometimes, it is totally out to lunch!
I like your nature pics very much indeed, and I lurve your blog, the colours are always so bright!
lotsa luv Marvin xxxxxxxoh and Jeannie xxxxx
Hi, Khyra...
I'm sooo far behind...Moving Rosco & his Mom & Dad has been a chore...
Anyway...Congrats on the Awards...You deserve all of them...
Love the new collar...
Abby xxxooo
Wow!! What a bunch of awards you have. Our mom is laughing at the zombie chicken one!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Hi Khyra! Congrats on all the awards, and what a nice collar! It looks great on you! My collar hardly shows on me at all because I have such long neck fur.
See ya!
Hiya Khyra,
Congratulations on your awards. May you have many many more to come!
LIcks and Wags
Tuffy and the Dog Woods Pack
Khyra - you are a truly lucky dog and seemed to be well loved. Congrats on all your awards.
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Wow, what a wonderful collection of awards. Very well deserved though!
That was a lovely photo of Mom and Dad in the nest!
lots of woofs
Congratulations on your awards! Nice collar, too.
Your pal,
I saw one of the babies that hatched, only because there was an empty shell and I waited for Mom to move a little!
hi Kyhra, congrats on all of those amazing awards. they are pretty cool. and we love your new collar. it looks very good on you.
Does sort of smell like Thursday, but we cheated and started the weekend early.
Congrats on all of the awards.
Wow, so many awards! Congrats Khyra! Also congrats on winning the collar! It looks good on you!
I think you should let Oswald know that you get a cut of any rental fees he charges. It's YOUR neighborhood!
Congrats on all the awards!
Play bows,
We love your sniff sniff shot Khyra... you look so elegant.
Congrats on all those awards and your win. That collar is very pretty. :-)
Have a great weekend.
Holly & Zac...XX
Concatulations on all those awards!!!!!!!
Congratulations on all your awards. I am not a morning cat, as you know.
Huffle Mawson
Wow, look at all your awards. Congratulations, friend! You deserve them all.:) Your new collar looks beautiful on you.:)
Teddy Bear
Congwatuwashuns on yur awardz! Soo mannee tings to be tankful fur!
Gus and Waldo
Congratulations on all your Awards, Khyra! Well deserved!
Kisses and hugs
Hi, Khyra -
Congratulations on all of your awards! You really deserve them. We like all of the animal pictures you and your Mom have posted.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow thats kwite a hawl!!! congratchoolayshuns!!! ok bye
I see you have wascally wabbits to chase! Congratulations for all your awards!
I'm sort of jealous that Oswald is moving his friends into your neighborhood too. No Oswald here. The squirrels must have warned him about our patrols.
Oh Khyra! Our bad bad junk folder had stolen your nice letter and we JUST found it today. Grrrrrrr. We're glad you like your collar!
wags from the expanded waggle of whippets
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