So, here I was Friday night...thinking about paw placement...

It was sooo absolutely beaWOOtiful on Saturday that Mom brought breakfast out to me! I took it to a spot in the yard but then she khaught me...I headed to the one hole under the birdfeeder and started to bury it...

Khan't a girrrrrl bury her biskhuit in private???
We went fur our walk and she let me snoof our spring 'snow'!!!
We went fur our walk and she let me snoof our spring 'snow'!!!

Mom is doing a transport leg later today SOOOOO I've made the same tradeoff as I usually do...she khan have the Xterra (and leave me) IF SHE TAKES PIKHS. She said she will!
Once again, Mom and I would like thank evfurryone fur the khomments and good thoughts fur Neo! It will be a furry tough birfday each year fur the little biped born as Neo's mom passed away.
Hi Khyra
Oh thank you for sharring the walkie with me! What a beautiful area and blossoms. We have something in common,,, "blossoms falling ". Be careful not to snort any up your nose! That is quite a smart idea to try to save a cookie for later by burring it. All i have is carpet, and its a little hard to hide things.
Our hearts ares till sad over that Neo doggie story.
Have a good nite
Sounds like a perfect walk! Well, minus the un-snow!
Can't wait to see pics from the transport.
We are sad about Neo's human, but glad he was finally found safe.
It's so bright and sunny in PA. I may need to go find my Doggles just to look.
Princess Eva
WOW! You can't even bury a biscuit in private anymore? It's time to start chewie on the flashie beast...
Big licks to you
Hi, Khyra!
Your cookie marinated in dirt??? Sure it was yummiest!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Khyra,
You like dirt with your treats huh? I bury mine in the house, under the bed covers and between the sofa cushions. Banjo knows all my hiding places now though, so I don't leave them there long. BOL
Wags & wiggles,
Yer Mom is doin a good thing with that transport & yer very kind for lettin her use yer car. We love those blossoms, very pretty.
Feather, Darla, Pappy & LizzaBella
What a great walk you had today! Got dirt?:)
Teddy Bear
Khyra, you look so cute when you looked at your Mom in the video when she was talking to you. :) Hope that bone was tasty...I got a special bone today too! :)
Hi Khyra!
What a beautiful Saturday you had! The sweather looks so good!
Too bad you couldn´t bury your biscuit at privacy!
Your biscuit looked yummy!
Why bury the biscuit? I mean - wouldn't it get soggy? I'm sorry if my question sounds funny but I've never buried a biscuit (or anything else - no bone, no toy, nothing) - It's probably because we live on the first floor:(
But I like the idea of letting the biscuit soak in some dirt before settling down under that nice shady tree with your back against its trunk:) Nice treat - nice mom:)
Licks n wags,
Hi Khyra
Breakfast in the garden! You have it made Khyra! Did mom bring a tray out for you?
Your walk looked pretty with the fallen blossoms - we love the way they blow in the wind although our Dad thinks they are untidy!!!
Just as well we all see things differently!
We are stills so sad about Neo's story - we are happy he is safe but so sorry for his mom.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xx
PS our mum says we have to get some posing tips from you.....
Oh once again we get to see your lovely area, I can see why your mum loves those ground flowers, they are very pretty.
Yes it will be an awful birthday time for that little bean born as his grandmum passed away. Poor family, makes you stop and think.
Safe journey in your transporting and look forward to the pictures.
Hugs your friend Ginger Jasper and Carol x
Nice paw action and those looks....crikey!!!
Noah x
That looks like such a beautiful day! We wish we could have been there with you!
Looking forward to seeing today's transport pictures!
Your Friends,
Tom, Tama-Chan and Sei-Chan
Hi, Khyra...
When I read "The Sunday Snooter", I thought you were starting your own Sunday News Paper...That would be a great name for a newspaper, don't 'ya think?
Anyway...Burying stuff & then finding them again is sooo much fun...I hide my biscuits in the chair & behind the couch...My Mom is really surprised that I know where they are...
Have a great day...It's definately spring here in the North East...
Abby xxxooo
Dig every chance you get -that's our motto!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Nice recipe for breakfast. We find, with a Herd, that burying only means a brother or sister gets it, so we no longer bury food.
Khyra, I am very glad YOU took out your bone and your Mommy didn't!!! I mean, you obviously put it there for a reason! Who she think she is coming and digging up a girls bone! BOL
Love the walkie pictures!
PeeS: Good luck with the transport!
I think the flower petals are much prettier than snow!
you and your mom stay safe while she transports. we are lookin forward to the pix.
gussie d
One of the best parts of spring is that the ground is soft enought to bury things in again , a-woos! We love your beawootiful cherry blossom snow! Paws khrossed your mom's trip goes smoothly, & yes, we're overjoyed that Neo was found safe & sound. Overall, a furry good Sunday post!
woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Hey Khyra, that snooter is quite lovely, be sure to share those forwardface pics with mom more often. We thought it was raining out yesterday morning (and agan today) but when we checked out the driveway, we found a lot of that "snow" too, not as much as you though.
Hope Mom has a safe and rewarding journey today.
Woos, the OP Pack
When we bury biscuits, another dog digs them up. Be glad you don't have that problem
Misty the alpha Poodle
Hi Khyra,
I loved your video and how you used yoru nose to bury the bone! The blossom snow is pretty cool too.
Happy Trails
Ziggy Marley
I've never had my paws become one - it would make walking tricky. Ha roo roo roo! But I did become one with the gooses!
Play bows,
I love those little flowers!
Khyra, I think snacks must taste much more delicious after being buried in some dirts!
So, Khyra, doing a little primal thing with your biscut, huh? Everything is better with just a little dirt on it, I say!
Happy Sunday,
Bury a biscuit day? Or was your Mom and I working on a conspiracy? I will never tell.
-Kira The BeaWootiful
I am missing out on all your news, not sure about the details on the Neo references, it sounds very sad though. My J is concerned about the details, perhaps if your Ma gets time she could email her more barks, or woos on this subject.
We are so behind in our commenting because she has been to Down Under, and also watched the water go down the wrong way in the plug hole......(she says that is totally bizarre) however, the wine went down the right way it seems,
so everything is a blessing.
Your new pics, are lovely, so spring like.
My parents ate outside tonight in the spring sunshine for the first time this year.
lotsalicks, Marvin xxxxxxxxx
Can you eat those flowers? Mom said she sees desserts with flowers and salads with flowers...I bet they are tasty??
Looks like your snooter was in full work mode on the walk. =)
I likes your petal snow lots!!
You good a burying, I has never tried to do that, is it good fun?
~lickies, Ludo
I'm so behind that I don't even know what's going on on my fwiends' bloggies anymowe..I'm sowwy , I haven't been visiting..Mommi always wuns out of disowganized. I love youw spwing snow and youw snootew seems to be just fine I love the pictoowe wif the pwetty blue flowews. I didn't know about Neo..I'm so sowwy
smoochie kisses
Mmmm, marinated breakfast bones are the best!
I like to hide food for later too, but I always eat my treats right away! :) I think it must taste better after it gets to sit in dirt, birdseed, etc. for a bit!
We can't wait to see pics from the transport - you know how much my mum loves puppies.
Huffle Mawson
looks like you had a fun day. No, us doggies never get any privacy either! The humans around here know EVERYTHING!
So they think.....he he he
I don't know, Khyra, you looked a little confused in that movie. I am not sure what you wanted your mom to do. I will have to try that to make bones more yummers.
Do you ever forget where you bury the bones? The video was really great. My mom hasn't been online much since the West Virginia trip so she did a little catching up tonight. It is a bitter-sweet story about Neo but I am so happy he was found and is with his aunt.
Paw placement is SO important; or so Alice tells me! She also says taht sniffing is essential to a good walk!
You do this crossed paw look so well Khyra.
Did your bone taste better after it had been buried first? We shall have to try that one..hehe
Holly & Zac...XX
I think we have some of that ground cover plant in our yard too. Since you have some as well, I'll try not to pee on ours.
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