Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sunday "Seens"

Some things seen around my place on Saturday
Notice the tail pawsition - it was furry windy!
I'll just wait until until woo let me out...
Okay - I khan wait...
If I look khute enough, will woo PLEASE?
How's THIS smile?
Or this one?
Maybe I'll chekhk fur 'THEM'
I khan't see woo Flashy Beast!
Ah IS all about the paw placement!
Left over right!
YEP, it was SOME pawty!
Bakhk out fur yard sentry duty!
Ah yes...this shot will get me something SPECIAL!
Our windy walk (Summii's Mummii khan tell woo how windy it was from what she heard on the other end of the cell phone thingie)!
The cherry blossoms are getting khloser
But it will still be at least another week or so...maybe longer given it is to be on the khooler side this week!
Happy Sunday All!


Princess Eva and Brice said...

The picture of you in the window says that you NEED treats! or another walk.

Princess eva

Suzuki said...

Oooh, Mummy loves cherry blossoms! Jazz and Dixie did a pawsome post on them too. They were ev-furry where!
Big licks to you

Lorenza said...

Hi, Khyra!
Looks like you had to wait a lot! But finally you went out!
Those cherry blossoms are beautiful!
We don't have those here!
Have a pawesome sunday!
Kisses and hugs

The Musketeers said...

Great photo !! :D
The last picture of the scenery and such is very nice (:

Martha said...

Hi Khyra
Lovely pictures - awesome paw positioning and the fluffy tail looking great!
Our mum also loves cherry blossom and ours are also in bud.
Pity they dont last long!
Enjoy your Sunday.
Martha & Bailey xx

Teddy Westlife said...

Your mum is going beserk with the photos lately... anyone would think she was bored :)

Huffle Mawson

Clive said...

Great photos of your day - we particularly like the one of you looking in through the window!

lots of woofs

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We're envious of the sunshine and blue sky! It's all grey here today...

You truly are a patient girl, Khyra!

Your Pals,
Tommy and The Girls

D.K. Wall said...

We love all of the pictures, of course, but the one through the window is awesome. A clear picture of "whatever you are doing, human, is not what I want you to be doing right now." Chuckling.

Raising Addie said...

You sure are patient Khyra!

Beautiful trees! Your grass is already sooo very green. Ours still looks brown.

We hope you had a wonderful walk!

Lots of luv & kisses
Addie and lucie

sharkgila said...

We looove that pic of you in the window!

Togo and Tagar

Gus said...

Oh Yeah, you got it! Paw placement. Eye Expression. You are surely a joy for the camera to watch.


Mack said...

What beautiful pics Khyrapoo!

We just love the "up close and personal" shoots of you!!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

It looks like you finally got Mom's attention. What is up with those humans can't they read dog signs?

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We managed to stir up a blue herons too but mom didn't get a good picture of him. Guess we will have to herd one to her next time..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Anonymous said...

You looked VERY cute Khyra,
I'm sure that face gets you anything ;)!
Great pictures, thanks for sharing

Wei Qian said...

You sure have a lot of patience! :] Nice pictures you had .... I love the ones where your eyes are so small! You look so adorable

best regards

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Ah Khyra, My Mum chuckled, first you want to go out then you sit by the window like you want to come in.

The wind suits your fluffy tail lots!
I just seed the other post about the squirrel invaders! OMD!
~lickies, Ludo

Parker said...

You'd like O Hi O today, we are supposed to be getting snow...

Isis said...

Wow i just LOVE the wind too :)

i tagged you for a meme- HERE!

Ozzie the OZmonster & Zowie said...

I love cherry trees. I can't wait to see the pictures of yours in full bloom. Enjoy your Sunday!


Byron y Xinver said...

Doubtless, the power of your seduction is the best.!!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Wow, you sure have to work hard to get let out!

Dexter said...

Your mom talks on her cell phone during walkies? What, admiring your FT is not entertainment enough?

It was very windy here too. However, I do not have a nice fluffy tail such as yourself to show off.


Daisy said...

Khyra, you are totally irresistible!

Allison Walton said...

Looks like a beewootiful day! Furry purty.

Gus and Waldo

The Army of Four said...

Do you ever do right over left, or just left over right?
Play bows,

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are sure you did get to go out, MFT, and again, and again, and again. Our favorite pic is the flash beast one.

Can't wait to see those blossoms in full bloo, Mom remembers them from last year.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

BeadedTail said...

You're so patient Khyra! I hope you got a treat or two for having to wait to go out!

The Daily Echo said...

We're so glad you didn't blow away in that wind! We had it here too and Shadow refused to go outside.

Joe Stains said...

We love the photo of you looking in through the window! You are very patient, we skhratch at the door to be let out until someone obeys us :) We sure don't get anything like cherry blossoms here, but our bouganvilla is kind of pretty. Nice and pink!

Stella said...

Another great photo essay from LaKhyra! You look beautiful as ever today and we are very much admiring that green grass. We went for a walk yesterday and the snow was so deep, I couldn't even read my peemail!

Here is to Spring, may it one day hit Minniesnowda!

Stella (I might go out and do a snow photo essay today!)

Anonymous said...

Hi Khyra! Cute picture of you in the window - I've been known to do some looking in the window myself.

See ya!

the magic sleigh said...

I liked the photo of you looking in the window, I do that too, because I do not like to be out when Mommy is in, makes me sad. Kira is pouting in the corner over some beagle, so I took over the computer... -Scampi

Stanislaw said...

The cherry blossoms are beautiful. I hope you enjoyed your job protecting your yard!

Dewey Dewster said...

Hello Khyra.....

Yep, we're back in Pa. and the colder weather although it was pretty nice taday, we know it's gonna hit us with winter again tomorrow...can't that season leave peacefully and let us all be ????

The daffodils, crocus, hyacinths and a few other bulbs are bloomin' here....we were still here in time ta enjoy 'em a bit .....Gram just loves the hyacinths....they smell heavenly fer, there's no place like home is there ????

Catch any squirrels lately????? We'e sure ya could get yer paws uncrossed in time ta catch the bugger should he swish his tail nearby.

Dewey Dewster here......

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Oh I love your rattan chair, if I was there, that's where I spend my time all day all night!

Mason Dixie said...

I love the picture of you in the window. What a nice day. =)

Duke said...

The cherry blossoms are so pretty! Mom wishes that she had one of those trees in our yard!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

SO I think the second picture of you and the picture on the window are the BESTEST! :) WOooooF!!


JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

I love the pic of you looking in the window. Nice walk you had, it has been furry windy here too.

Biloxi and Siber-sibs said...

Woo had a long wait, Khyra. We jest keeping ringing da bell hanging on da door cause it drives Maw crazy.
We had a furry windy day too.

Husky kisses,

Golden Samantha said...

Khyra - you are sooooo patient! And me loves them cherry blossoms! Hope you got to at least seeeeee a scwirrel! I saw one today and freaked my parents out by jumping out of the car without a leash. I am a perpetual problem child.
Loves and Huggies,
xo Sammie

Lacy said...

w00f's, how iz u so wood b climbing the walls...and that piksur of u looking in the window iz pawsome..

b safe,

Teddy Bear said... have a lot of it. And you were rewarded for being so patient! The cherry blossoms are beautiful!

Teddy Bear

Amber and Nala said...

YUCK to the wind! We FINALLY had some days that were warm and no wind. I know they say Chicago is the windy city but I think whoever said that had never been to Ellensburg before. :) Anyway, I hope the wind wasn't too awful for you!


Selba said...

Awwwwww... we love the picture where you closed your eyes, so cute!

Adele, Vincent & Bella

Mochi and Bali said...

I love the pic in the window! That deserves some treats and cuddles!


Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

Those are lovely shots of you Khyra.

Holly & Zac...XX

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

I can't believe how many cute looks you had to pull out! Your mom must really have some will power.
