I mentioned yesterday I had something fur The Overland Park Pakhk...well, the other day, they khommented the next thing they wanted to see was the license plate, the Xterra, and ME:

Mom has been trying to khatch the eggs fur us...the few times she's seen the parents away from the nest, the shot was from the khrappy long shot bakhk towards the skhrape...
There they are...but wait:
WOO HOO! GOT 'EM! Note the time stamp...

Ekhwal time...
Fur those of woo that khommented about Neo being found...and how happy a story that was, well some of woo don't know all the bittersweet story...
I wanted to share that with woo...please note the link has two other story links inkhluded at the bottom...woo might want to take a moment to read them so woo khan see how much it does mean fur him to be found so he khan be reunited with his aunt! Please khlikhk H E R E fur the story.
Tell your mom that we like the side shots - they show your racing stripes.
Princess Eva
Oh what a sad story...but we are glad they found Neo.
Mom always has missed opportunities with me!
Thank you for updating us on our bird friends! :)
I'm sooo glad they found him!
Great photos of you. Thank you for sharing the story about Neo!
You really excelled at Stormy's classes didn't you?
Huffle Mawson
So, you were having a modelling diva moment, Khyra?
Thanks for pointing us to more info about Neo. We hope he will live a long and happy life with his aunt.
Hvae a great weekend!
Tommy and The Girls
Oops! Meant to add also, I thanks you for dropping by and wishing me a happy birthday!
Great camera avoidance there Khyra. Top stuff.
So glad the beautiful Neo was found and returned. Khyra you realy should cooperate with your mum and her photo,s lol.
I lve the shot of the eggs, well done fr getting that one. we will soon be having babies to see
Happy weekend
Hugs Ginger Jasper x
We like to see you with the Exterra and your special license plate. Mom and Dad used to have an Exterra, but that was when Java was a young pup - the first year the Exterra came out. Mom really misses it - we can see that look in her eyes when she sees one. Our truck has to have license plates on both ends and it has one that says "RCSCOTS" We have a Nissan Titan now.
Have a great day. We're off to see Neo's story.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
We also have the problem of non co-operation!
We liked seeing your profile!
We are still thinking of Neo - such a bitter sweet story. The picture of him with his owner made us feel very sad but we are happy he is found.
Martha & Bailey xx
We barely saw the Xterra with your beauty in the picture!
How is that for sucking up?
Hi, Khyra...
I love the pictures of you, the Xterra, & your license plate...You are the best part...
Thanks for the egg update...
Abby xxxooo
Love the Khyra Khar Plate! Thanks for sharing Neo's story
gussie n teka
Thank woo, Khyra, but where's the Mom? The Xterra isn't complete without her:-) You do look quite beautiful there.
Woos, the OP Pack
Pee Ess, Phantom has those same racing stripes, are woo sure woo aren't related?
Hi Khyra,
Thanks for sharing Neo's story with us. I'm relieved he was found. It's a miracle he survived the crash, so sad his owner didn't.
The plate is terrific! Mom says she would like one but we have to have regular plates front and back.
Wags & wiggles,
You STILL have a bit of crazy tounge. Don't give up your primal tounge insticts.
I read the Neo story yesterday, Khyra-I was so glad he was found and safe. It's such a sad story, tho'.
Thanks for updating us on the birds-we love to watch'em!
We forgot to tell you we will have an award for you tomorrow.
Woos, the OP Pack
hey Khyra,
I like your photos. You are very creative and interesting. Who needs full-frontal head shots anyway? You add spunk to photo taking!
Thanks for the wonderful update on Neo. I send lots of tail wags to Neo, who must be so sad about losing his human. At least he is back home.
Way to avoid looking at the camera!
Tail wags,
Hi, Khyra!
Good job not cooperating with your mom!
The same happens to my mom. When I am doing interesting things... she never has the camera on her hand!
Neo's story is very sad but I hope he will have a happy life with his auntie!
Kisses and hugs
haarooo!!! Signs of lives!!! Its amazing to watch those birds. I hope you will be able to get pictures of the baby birds when they are hatched.
The license plate is surprising... at least for us. Here no-one does thinks like that and all the licenses plates look similar... boring.
sometimes i can't sit still for pictures either! i mean they take shot after shot alllll the time!
That's a sad story, Khyra. We're happy that Neo was found though! Great pictures! You look b-e-a--utiful! -Hector and Lola
We noted the sister in the news report when we first read it and we were glad to note someone in the family wanted the dog. Too often when someone dies, the pet(s) is dumped at the closest kill shelter or to fend for itself.
The dog is little consolation for losing a family member, but having it safely home will help the family cope with the loss. We are so glad the dog was found.
looks like a nice day!
Love the license plate! Sometimes it is good not to cooperate with the flashy box. It makes the mommies appreciate our good poses even more.
I am very glad Neo was found safe and sound and will send his whole family purrrs and prayers of comfort.
Obviously she wasn't holding any treats! BOL That's the best way to get a good shot!
I read the Neo story to Mom and Dad and they both thought it was great! And felt sad that Neo lost his Mommy.
Every once in awhile we have to play the modeling diva and not look at the camera don't we?
Hi Khyra! Nice pictures of you with the special Khyra Xterra!
See ya!
Joey and Zeke
Khyra, Please help!
Axl, Autumn's little brother has accidently bumped his head and has been very sick after that: vomit, seizure, hasn't eaten for a week, please, I'm begging you to visit Autumn's blog to support her and sending positive power to help for a good recovery!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Mango, Ximui and Chubs
You're so good at meeting the requests of your fans!
Hey Khyra...
How come your fur always looks like it has just been brushed? I can never get my fur looking as good as yours... What's you secret?
Big licks to you
What a big tongue you have Khyra!
You look a bit bored in your picture... Maybe you should talk mom into taking you to the lake with us!!
Neo is still and awesome story..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Sometimes you have to play hard to get!
what a sad story Khyra, thanks for sharing the link though. Thanks for sharing the great photos of you too.
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