Time fur some more trees!

NOW for the sweetest passengers Mom had on Sunday!

The pikhs above were ones shared by various members of the transport team OR the reskhue sending them north!
H E R E I S T H E L I N K to Mom's pikhs and four of her videos.
She has three other videos on youtube bekhause they were too big fur photobukhket:
1) Video O N E
2) Video T W O
3) Video T H R E E (this one is hilarious! Violet met a feather and told it all about her trip north!)
Here is a note Mom just received as she was working on the post fur me:
I am happy to report that Brandy and Whiskey have both gone to Brandy's new home. Whiskey met his new family today (Thanks SO much for finding him a home Bonnie!) en route and will be "going home" mid-May. Until then, he will stay with Brandy's family. Both families are just lovely with children for the pups to love and play with. Violet was also adopted today to a wonderful NJ home--her new mommy, Sarah, couldn't be more pleased with her arrival!
I was sooooo proud of her again fur taking time out of our Sunday so she khould provide more deserving hooooomans with khanines to love them!
I was sooooo proud of her again fur taking time out of our Sunday so she khould provide more deserving hooooomans with khanines to love them!
In fakht, I'm asking her to post this NOW and NOT wait until my 'midnight' After all the sadness this weekend, I think we all need to see some pup pup puppy JOIE DE VIVRE!!!
Seriously, how cute are those puppies? Mum wants to bring them all home right now.
The feather meeting was hilarious!
Huffle Mawson
Oh Miss Khyra! I am so far behind in my visiting. Those look like actual full sized puppies like myself almost. I hope they find nice homes.
that third video was awesome!!!
Awesome stuff, how does she drive and get great pictures at the same time? Muzzer would be too busy lovin up the puppies to do either.
We've all been worried about this particular group of pups. Thanks for updating Khyra!
Ahhh that's wonderful. New homes for all the pups. We hope they're happy.
Noah x
Our Mom might be in love with Whiskey - such a cutie.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Your mom is such an angel and those pups will rule their new homes.
Hi Khyra
We're so happy we got to meet these pups before they went off to their new homes. Violet is a hoot.
Hugs to you & your special mom.
Love Ruby & Penny
Oh Khyra, I'm so glad you didn't wait to share this wonderful news! Those puppies are so adorable and I'm happy they have forever homes! Your mom is so special for her help with these sweet babies! And of course every piece of you is beautiful!
OMF, those puppies are SO cute! Your Mom must have a hard time not keeping all of them.
Teddy Bear
Yes! After all the sadness this weekend, we needed some puppy fun. We're proud of your mom for helping them and are happy they are all going to a good home.
That's just awesome of yer Mom to do that! What would rescue do without folks like her??
Feather, Darla, Pappy & LizzaBella
Hi, Khyra!
Violet, Brandy and Whiskey are soooo cute! I watched the "leash mess" in the videos!
Glad to know they have lovely homes now!
Your mom is pawesome!
Kisses and hugs
Just too darn cute for words. And thanks to the Momster for another great deed.
Woos, the OP Pack
Awwwww.... those pups are soooo cute! We are so happy to hear they have found their furever home.
WOOOOO woo rar rar rar,
Kayla and Maebe
pee ess-- our huMom promises us she will start transcribing our blog for us again soon.
Sometimes you just find a feather than needs to be yelled at.
Great to here that Whiskey has found a home(providing everything checks out).
Once again, your mom is part of a team of heroes.
Princess Eva
Khyra, honey.....tell your mom "good job" in helpin' out. My mom is the transport coordinator for Kentuckiana Pug Rescue, and she loves her transport volunteers, I tell ya what!
Woo! Mom loved those puppies, how adorable. The feather was pretty silly, puppies are so cute!We are proud of your Mommy for helping them to their furever homes! great job!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Thanks for the puppy(pick) me up, you brought a smile to our faces. We thinks Brandy & Whisky look a little like Fenris did when he was a puppy. So wonderful they all have homes. ~Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Fenris
Hi Khyra
What adorable babys! We are so happy for them and the new pawrents for them! They look like they are packed full of love!
Yes, true words about your mom, she is a hero! And you are for sharring her!
What absolutely adorable puppies. So sweet!
Ciao bella Khyra!
Awww...!! Please give your mom a smoochie from me for being such a meraviglioso doggie guardian angel. We loved the viddie of Violet and the feather -- she's very talkative! And Brandy and Whiskey are pupdorable!
Tanti baci!
We are proud of your Mom too for using her Sunday and gas to take these little guys to a new home. Whiskey and Brandy have the prettiest markings and I love the one of Whiskey stretched out across a bar stool . . .way too cute!
The feather video was perfect too. Thanks for sharing your ride and passengers with us.
Thank you for posting this early! The pups are soooooooo cute!
How does your Mom not keep them all! Those are very cute puppies! We hope they find good forever homes.
Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy
OMdG... That Brandy is soooooooooo adorable.. our mom couldn't get enough of the pics and we had to shove her away from the laptop so that we can leave our comment. Sheesh....
Those puppies are really cute! You have a really sweet mom! I like those pictures of the pieces of you!
i'm so proud of her too! those lil pups are just so adorable, i'm so glad that they found new home!
best regards
Yay on the puppy joie de vivre! What gorgeous pups and so good that they've all been adopted!
Your Friends,
Tommy and The Girls
What adorable pups and we're so happy to hear they're sleeping in their new forever homes!
Mom says thank you for the redbud tree pictures! They're just beautiful!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
What dear dear faces!! And you're so right -- the good news about their being adopted helps restore the karma!!!
Khyra, give your Mom a special hug (or a sniff or two, if you prefer) for us!!!
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
Our mommy does transport too - and we are proud of her for doing it - i go with her and am her navigator - the puppies are very cute
Sweetie & MJ
Those puppies were just what our mum needed today to make her smile - cuddable bundles!!!
Well done to your mom for helping with the transport.
Martha & Bailey xx
Wow! Brandy, Whiskey-where's Merlot and Chardonney? J/K. :) I'm sure glad those woofsters have someone like your mum, Khyra, to take them to a forever home!
Happy Monday, FurFace!
Cute, cute cute!
And that sibe starterkit is doing just fine. Mom used the coat to go visit auntie and Herbert aka Herbie the cat. He's a little bit smaller but as fluffy as a sibe and mom now call her coat a "siberbie". She claims she is going to defurryfy it soon. We're not holding our breaths.
Great paw crosses (and cute puppies).
So adorable! Woo have a nice mom! If our mom put them in her car, she might not have been able to take them back out till she got them here to our home!
Oh how I agree, after all the sadness it is just magic to read this post. What adorable little beauties, what lovey happy endings. You are so right to be proud of your mum she is so worthy of your pride. We are all proud to have such an advocate to help the less unfortunate little fluff balls.
Hugs from your friend
GJ xx
Those are some super cute puppies and we can tell they will make some wonderful companions. You have a super mom also!
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Those kids are way too cute. Who can resist them? I bet they're seriously skilled in all matters of bitey face.
What great work to help those babies!
OMD!!! Those pups are the cutest!!!
Great job getting them to their new forever homes!!!
Fun videos!!
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey
Those puppers are so cute! We are very proud of your mom to have spent her time to do something good for other doggies. You are one lucky Husky to own that human!
Sam & June
Now I know where you get your generosity and lovingness. From your momma!!
That is such a wonderful thing she did. And those pups were My T Q T's!!!
oh we loved the feather vid!
The pups were sooooo sweet. How did your Mama manage not to bring one home for you!
I liked the pics of your bits and pieces too, most agreeable!
lotsaluv, Marvin xxxxx
Who does not have his troubles to seek today! (As we bark here in Bonnie Scotland)...........
Wow, how does your Mom let all those cute pups go? If it were my Mom we would be a regualr dog farm around here by now. :)
Those pups are so cute and your Mum is very special.
lots of woofs
Look at those furballs! omdog! Did that feather ever answer back??? We will go check out the rest of the pics and videos in a bit, tell your Mom good job on the transport.
ALSO, sorry it is so hot there :(
absolute cuteness.
and khyra, your paws are so squeezably cute.
Great photos all around .
Hi Khyra! Good thing Violet got adopted, because my mom wanted to say send her on down!
See ya!
Ah, those are the sweetest little passengers, for sure.
Ohhh, her little passengers were so cute!!!
Um, Khyra, my Mum be saying that Brandy be the cutest sweetest thing she ever seed! I'm sitting right here Mum!
Another good job to your Mom helping out pups in need!
Sorry I has missed a few posts. I getting caught up now. Mum need to get her priorities sorted and stop working and sleeping. Sheesh.
~lickies, Ludo
Cute puppies! And Khyra, your feets are looking exceptionally cute, too!
Your pal,
Cute woofies. Who'd have thought?!?
WOO HOO!!!! More furries find furever homes!!!!!!!
What cuties! Your mom is a wonderful person.
Husky Hugs, MayaMarie
hey Khyra,
I loved the pieces of you! You should make a Khyra puzzle of all your pieces!
What great pups! They will bring lots of love to their humans, I am sure!
I was once a small and cute puppy....
AWWW! That's what Mom says anyway. She commented she'd have to have someone else drive the car because she'd be too busy cuddling with the cute lil things.
Oh they are so cute.. Mom you have an awesome job. You get to meet all those cute little guys/girls. We are so proud of you..
Khyra looks like Mom is being silly again with feet shots..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
your mom is very kind to help out those pups. they are adorable. our mom wants her to bring them to our house!
those little doggies are so cute - mommy wants one but daddy said "NO" - your mommy is so good to help with those dogs!!!!!!
And the redbuds are gorgeous!
They are sooooooooo adorable!
Tail wags,
Khyra! Are you reading my large and not always full brain? I was just thinking about that google reader thing and wondering how it works.
Maybe you can pee mail me to
They are adorable Khyra. We hope they will all have great furever homes. Your mum is so kind.
Love your paws shots...is that a bit of Wubba near your back paws?
How can you sleep so close to the Wubba...BOL
Holly & Zac...XX
Those sure are cute puppies! Do they all have good homes?
Omigosh! Whiskey, Brandy and Violet are TOOOOOO cute for words!! Thanks for sharing the photos with us, Khyra! Your Mom is so sweet to do all this for the cute pups! Glad to hear they all found their furever home...*grins*
Hi Khyra,
Great to see the cute pups :)
Adele, Vincent & Bella
Wow! All those pups got homes already? That is so fantastic. Your mom does such a nice thing helping out the pups! I think I have a tear in my eye cause this is such a nice story!
I thought those other puppies were cute, but these are so cute I think my heart is melting.
What adorable fluffypups. We just love them all. We're BIG fans of your Mama for what she does for our doggie brothers and sisters!
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