Welkhome to Friday Tree Fur All!

Some have asked about the cherry trees I've been featuring...they do not bear fruit...I think they are Y O S H I N O cherry trees.
The Doggy Nanny has one that does bear fruit...they are a sour cherry - probably a Montmorency or Morello. All types of khreatures enjoy them: skhwirrels, birds, khats, and bipeds! Mom's paternal grandmother (she's the one that khame to Pawsylvania from Rugby England) had sour cherry trees in her bakhkyard in Norwood which is where my mom's dad grew up. It is a favourite childhood memory of June/July fur my mom...they pikhked cherries then her dad made sour cherry pies and her grandomother would stew some. Mom rekhreated the stewing a few years ago...she was in heaven!

Happy Friday AND Happy Almost Weekend!
Please khome bakhk tomorrow! We'll have a little surprise fur The Overland Park Pakhk!
PeeEssWoo: Mom gets to work again next week! I'm soooo getting khaught up on my sleep!
Hi, Khyra!
My mom is in love with your trees!
the ones we have here a ugly!
Have a pawesome friday!
Kisses and hugs
Beautiful redbuds! "I can dig it, he can dig it, she can dig it, they can dig it"... there, the earworm returns :).
Hi Khyra...
Wow... the "snow" looks so beautiful! Especially there are from the tree.
Adele, Vincent & Bella
The cherry blossoms are so beautiful and I think they must smell sweet too!
We have a flowering crab that gets little crabbie berrys on it and they sit on the tree all summer, fall and through the winter.
In Spring, the birds can't eat them fast enough. Funny, yes?
WHat BEAUTIFUL trees and flowers. My Mommy loves daffodils. You still have snow there? Wow!
Teddy Bear
Your trees are boo-timous! Very nice post!
Feather, Darla, Pappy & LizzaBella
We love the pictures! Beautiful trees, beautiful flowers, beautiful Khyra!
Have a lovely weekend!
Beautiful trees there! Do they make you sneeze?
Khyra there are more photos of trees than there are of you. I think you need to remedy that. Misery thinks they are very pretty but I think you are prettier.
Ahhhh...the trees are soooo pretty!
PS...I have not been able to steal dad's card. I think he read my blog and is on to me!
Hi Khyra,
Those trees are blooming so beautifully!! Isn't spring a wonderful time?!!
Have a great weekend.
Mom is just in Heaven looking at all of your gorgeous blooming trees, Khyra!
She says that her great aunt and uncle used to have a sour cherry tree in their backyard and it's the only time she's ever had sour cherries and that was YEARS ago!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Wow, what beautiful trees. Not quite as a beautiful as you, of course, Khyra, but they compliment you well!
that was a sight to behold khyra... i feel like im in paradise just looking at those colorful trees.
i just love your place. its so green and spacious and full of a lot of animals and nature all over! I wish i can test my running paws around your field. :(
drooly kisses,
Hi Khyra
All the flowers and blossums looks so beautiful. What a great place you live in.
Happy Friday.
Love Ruby & Penny
I hope those flowers don't make you sneeze. That's the kind of snow I like.
Those trees are just stunning. I wish we were coming into Spring instead of Autumn.
Huffle Mawson
Beautiful blooms!! It's starting to look that way here too.
Have a Fantastic Friday,
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Woo, such beaWootiful pictures, I am sure my Mommy would take just as many. Our trees here are still doing the dropping of the leaves, every spring the new leaves come out and the old ones fall off, kind of like your fall. It is strange. Daddy is up north this weekend,in upstate NY so we are home alone with mommy, I am sure he is enjoying the cold weather!
-Kira The BeaWootiful and Scampi too!
Hi Khyra
Lovely pictures of the cherry blossom trees. We took some of the ones we have in the garden yesterday and will post soon. We have some others that will not flower until May but are now in bud.
They cheer you up they are so pretty - great shot of your tail too Khyra.
Keep your eye on those eggs for us.
Martha & Bailey xx
Wow Khyra, our walkies pale in comparison to your beautiful neighborhood sites!
Oh goodie..now you have lovely trees to walk under and around. We are still enjoying some, our dogwoods are still beautiful (great name, huh?)
Gather ye rosebuds....
My mum so loves your street, you are so lucky to live in that area.
The trees are beautiful.
Your friend GJ xx
Beautiful pictures Khyra! Hey, come and see what we left you over at our blog. Its a special surprise for you :)
Benson and Gibson
Mom says you've got gorgeous trees! And she also says YAY for working!!!!!
All I saw was Khyra-butt.
Have a great weekend, Khyra! Those are some pretty, pretty flowers!
wow, snow? I really love those peektures, there are really beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing!
best regards
Wow, beaufitul pictures Khyra!
My Cassie is soo jelous that you see such lovely places!
The Japanese cherry trees do not bear fruit and their full name is "Somei Yoshino." Their appeal lies in the fact that the blossoms are gone in a short time, so they are reminiscent of how life goes by quickly. The Japanese have wonderful cherry-blossom viewing parties under the trees in full bloom, in which they drink, eat, sing and dance. It's a great tradition!
PS: #1 goes on a bit about such things, having lived in Japan for 20 years. Please forgive her...
Your Friends,
Tommy and The Girls
Beautiful spring pictures -- thank you for sharing them! Enjoyed the story about your grandma and the cherries too, a wonderful memory. Happy Friday!
Wow! Those trees are so pretty. We don't have anything that cool where we live. Maybe we should move to Pawsylvania! :)
Your pal,
Beautiful trees and beautiful floofy tail!
Our trees aren't doing that. They need to get with the program!
Gosh, those trees are very pretty! I'll bet it really looks like snow when all the blossoms fall.
I bet those blossoms smell wonderful and Mom says she loves it when they fall and blanket the ground like snow. :)
Glad you are getting caught up on your sleep Khyra! ;)
trees! pretty.
our beans just planted a white and a red dogwood and a miniature white willowy tree.
OMD! How gorgeous are those trees and blossoms and flowers and Khyra yourself! What a beautiful tail and coat you have! Oh... and...oh...too much stimulus! The birds are amazing. Thanks for the great shots and story!
Hugs xo
Those are some gorgeous pictures!!!! Thank you for sharing them with us!
My cousins and I used to pick sour cherries from our grandparents' trees. Pick one, eat two. You brought back great memories.
Oooooooh, such a beautiful place to walk and sniff and take self-portraits.
Very pretty trees. We are starting to get some blooms here too.
All the blossoms are beautiful, even the tulip and the daffodil. But the prettiest one is the one with the fluffy tail at the tip:_
Hmmmmm, wonder what that surprise could be? Phantom wants to know if it is his puppy?
Woos, the OP Pack
So many pretty flowers!! How do you not roll in them??
Nice booty shots too!! :)
Great pictures. They are so beautiful...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hi Khyra,
I must first apologize for not leaving a comment on your blog before now even though I have been visiting for a long time. Also, I just discovered that I hadn't added you to my blog list, so will do that right away.
Now, I gotta tell you how much my mom enjoyed looking at the photos of the lovely trees and flowers in your neighborhood. She is a real nut when it comes to that kinda stuff. BOL
Wags & wiggles,
w00f's, bute ti ful flowers and trees...ours iz lookin kinda stradgilly now..
b safe,
Great photos!!! I feel like I took the walk with you both. Very nice!
You have so many pretty colors in your neighborhood and ours is just starting to get brown again. It is going to be 100 here next week!! I am glad you khan khatch up on your sleep, not that you need beauty sleep!!!
Your photo's are beautiful Khyra, you have such pretty trees and flowers around.
Holly & Zac...XX
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