Are woo ready?
We've got lots to khover today!
Today is a furry important day in Feline/Khanine Relations!
I will khover it in more depth tomorrow but please go over to Zoolatry fur Furiends Friday!
That 'Zhoey' is LOTS of fun!

Look what Mom khaught on Thursday?

Of khourse, there were LOTS of me sunning myself AGAIN - doesn't she tired of taking them? I had to draw a line in the grass with my paw so she doesn't post more and more and more of 'em here!

Later it was time fur some DOGA...


I also got to put my Zim skills to work as I watched...
as some of the khourse grounds khrew did WORK out there! I had to make sure they did a grrrreat job!

Since the day was SOOOOOO furry lovely, we took our walk befur lunch. On the way bakhk, Mom shot a video as we got bakhk to the cherry trees. If woo khlikhk H E R E woo khan see the trees up khlose and pawsonal!
Since the day was SOOOOOO furry lovely, we took our walk befur lunch. On the way bakhk, Mom shot a video as we got bakhk to the cherry trees. If woo khlikhk H E R E woo khan see the trees up khlose and pawsonal!
They are getting so khlose to peak! We went out fur a hike Thursday afternoon and when we drove bakhk past the trees about 6pm, they looked soooo much difFURent than they had looked in the late morning!
My furiend Suka asked if the skhwirrels like those cherry trees. I don't think that much since they aren't fruit bearing BUT we have a cherry tree in the yard the birds, the khats, the skhwirrels, and the bipeds all like! Here are a few pikhks of those buds...
Still furry tight!
My furiend Suka asked if the skhwirrels like those cherry trees. I don't think that much since they aren't fruit bearing BUT we have a cherry tree in the yard the birds, the khats, the skhwirrels, and the bipeds all like! Here are a few pikhks of those buds...

Now that I've gotten all of THAT out of my paws,
I'll leave woo with have a safe and hoppy weekend!
The other Kira has a cushion by her pool so you should have cushion by your tree.
Princess Eva
That DOGA pose is great! :)
Hi, Khyra!
Thanks for sharing the video! Lovely cherry blossoms!
5 eggs? Nice!
My mom is in Semana Santa (Holy Week) break. And with my auntie and my cousins here we have been having a great time.
Have a pawesome friday!
Kisses and hugs
I do like the doga. I learned all my moves from Zimmie.
Huffle Mawson
Khyra, thanks for the other ideas to do pumpkin and cottage cheese. I think I would like both of those very much!
w00f's Khyra, wow 5 eggies...heehee they wuz hiding ur squeerls hunting techneeks...heehee mama iz trying to learn me sum manners, we will c how that goes..
b safe,
FIVE eggs!! Wow! That tree looks pretty comfy and yer tail is so fluffy!
Feather, Darla & Pappy, the TN Bull Terrors
The trees are soooo pretty!!! I would love to walk past them every day! :)
Wow, 5 eggs! And the mama was so good to come back so quickly to keep them warm! I can't wait for them to hatch!
I love your doga pose!
Hi Khyra
What a very pretty photograph of you and the beautiful Zhoey!
We cannot believe you now have five eggs - we hope they all hatch safely. You keep a good eye on them.
We think you are the most relaxed dog we know - you just love sunbathing!
Pretty trees in the video, we just love cherry blossom.
love and kisses
your basset buddies
martha & bailey xx
Oh Khyra I am so jealous. But not realy because I know you are my friend too. I visited at Zoolatry and those pictures are pawsome.
Just lovely !!!!
Oh wow five eggs, well captured, soon have baby birds. Mum visited the owl cam and got lovely views of both owls on the nest, one turned around and looked right at her. How specal !!!!
Enjoy your weekend, but remember I am your pusscat friend too. Me wants a picture with you.
LOL GJ xxx
Hi Khyra! You must have to get up really really early to be the first to post on your blog! I went to bed at 10:00 last night and Fridays post wasn't there. I woke up at 6:00 and you already had 10 replies! BOL Great pictures (as always) Love the trees, do they taste as good as cherries? I LOVE DOGA! I'll have to get Mom to post one of my work out sessions! BOL
Keep any paws "KHROSSED" for my Mom today!! BOL
What an interesting post, Khyra!
I love seeing the falcon eggs and the pawrents sitting on them.
The cherry blossoms are bewootiful, too. Soon we will have apple blossoms and lilacs! I can't wait!
Such a nice spot you have under the tree to bake and keep an eye on your estate.
My mom is waving to you!
As always, I am amazed by your careful paw placement.
We did a double, no quadruple take when we saw that first photo, and then we went to Zoolatry and saw ALL those photos. Khyra!!!!! Would you like to come over and cuddle with me and Sei-Chan?
PS: Great on the eggs!
Is that your future sister-in-law you're posing with???
Wow, FIVE Eggs! Quintuplets?
Hope you and your mom have a blessed and peaceful weekend.
gussie n teka
You look very cute next to Zhoey... er, Zoey!
It looks looks like allergy season is just around the corner - break out the Benadryl pooches!
Thanks fur sharing with us the upclose Cherry trees. They are so beautiful!
Don't you just love sunbathing? It's so warm and comfy.
Have a furry happy Easter! Maybe the Easter will come and visit you.
Sam & June
o.O 5 eggs! How exciting, hope you will be able to capture more photos! Nice pictures of you sun bathing!
best regards
Hello Khyra,
I can sees I has some serious catching up to do. Cherry blossoms. 5 Eggs!! You with a khat!!!
Gosh, it all too much.
~lickies, Ludo
peeess, We got a sneak view of a video your secretart has posted on youtube! Good job on the gutter. BOL!
Hmmmmmm. Khyra, we came by to ask why you posed with Zoey but you called Rusty "lunch." Those are great pix at Zoolatry.
Hi Khyra
Five eggs! The little man was very excited to see them.
We loved your pose!
Happy Easter
lots of woofs
Very interesting about the paw-crossing!
I wonder if it means your ambidextrous?
Play bows,
Thanks for the updates. Have a great Easter holiday.
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Furry nice post, MFT. Your FT looks especially Fluffy in the 4th pic of woo - it looks like woo are waving a cheerleader's pom-pom!
Have a nice weekend with you mom!
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Hi Khyra! I was going to leave you a comment about an hour ago, but I started following all the links on your post and I only just got back...Hi!
See ya!
Awesome pictures again Khyra. Need we say how beautiful you are?
Those blossoms are so pretty..
Hope you have a great weekend too..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
What a great and informative post! We hope your tree buds turn into beautimous flowers! Happy Easter!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
We love the pic of you casually crossing your paws. You have thought up SO MANY poses of repose. A supermodel would be envious of your skills!
Your pal,
OMD I jumped when I saw you with that cat! Hope you have a great weekend!
Gosh the yard looks so different now it's all green.
Don't you just love a cherry blossom. We have them in our yard to but it's Autumn so not much is happening there.
Your paw placement is just so pawfect, i need to practice mine if I want to be as good as you. =) Have a great weekend. =)
Thank you for visitin our new bloggie, we think we finally got through to DawgMom aka Lazy Secretary! She's been workin hard on it all day! :)
Feather, Darla & Pappy, the TN Bull Terrors
You have perfected the crossed paws Khyra!
Those Cherry Blossoms are so pretty Khyra, that is a lovely place to go for a walk.
Have a Happy Easter!
Holly & Zac...XX
Hi, Khyra...
Oh My...My Mom took sooo long reading those books, I missed sooo much...
It sure looks like spring at your house...
I found a spring flower in my yard today...I was sooo excited...
I hope it's nice out tomorrow so I can take everyone on a walk around my neighborhood...
Abby xxxooo
Woooo Khyra, what a furry full post.
Great news for the PFs, another beak to feed....hope they haven't been hit by the recession :D
Lovin the Doga pose, and you snuggling with the tree...furry cute but you never said you were a tree hugger!
Have a very Happy Easter!
Slobbers xx
Hi Khyra! Congrats on your award over at Travis'! And I love this post - Khyra - you have so much poisonality! The blossoms are just gorgeous and ohhhh - the fifth egg - just in time for Easter! whoowhee! That is Pawsome!
Hugs and Love xo
Hi Khyra,
Thanks so much for the lovey video of the cherry blossom trees. They are magnificant!!
Hope you have a great Easter. Mommy says I can have 1 easter eagg and 1 marshmellow rabitt for my Easter treat.
It looks like spring is springing there! The crossed paws are so genteel!
Dogs is great exercise for us canines. Everyone must be very excited about the 5 eggs. Wow!
Teddy Bear
Our biped may take one of us to Doga class. We are excited.
Woo bonus walkies! Thanks for stopping long enough to let us look at the blossoms closer. But like a good dog you didn't let your Mom linger too long, you had lots to check out!! So how long til those eggies hatch??
Wow spring must have sprung at your place and old man winter is gone! What amazing shots of the 5.
You are such a busy loving one!
We love you
I never thought I'd live to see the day when your picture appeared side-by-side with a cat's! What has this world come to? My ideas of everything are being turned upside down.
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