Yes, Mom will be bakhk at it! I'll admit, it has been kind of nice that she's been able to be with me BUT it will be nice fur her to be bakhk to work today. Please khross the paws that she'll not have to intrude on my pawsonal time again soon!
Here is a shot from was beaWOOtiful here in Pawsylvania with khlear blue sky and Siber temps!

If woo khlikhk H E R E , woo khan see a video Mom took of me snoofing and sniffing!
We'll be sure to go bakhk there again when Mom is better prepared for me to MAYBE get wet and/or my feety feet muddy!
Here is a shot of the Wooshington State was furry breezy there on Sunday - and it appeared to be raining...just chekhk out the wethead feathered look!
I hope evfurryone had a nice BunDay!

PeeEssWoo: Please stop over and wish Ludo a happy
PeeEssWoo: Please stop over and wish Ludo a happy
FURST birfday!
That water looks so peaceful! Lucky you! Did you find that Easter Bunny or did the Eagle get him?/
Feather, Darla & Pappy, the TN Bull Terrors
Hi Bootiful Khyra,
Its too bad that you did not get to go swimming in that lake. If you have the weather we are having here, you would have jump straight into it to cool yourself off... I have never swam in a lake before. I dun think there are any lake here in Singapore.
Were you looking for the Easter Bunny in the clouds?
If my momma was there, she would have made you pose on the rock. (Yes, I can hear your mom's comments about that!)
Princess Eva
Very good shots by your Mom,tell her I think she is a great photographer!
Love Travis
w00f's, wow, that lake iz bute ti ful..woodnt it b fun to go fur a swim in it...are they birdies around u can chase...
b safe,
Hi Khyra,
The lake is so beautiful!! Looks like a wonderful day to be out and about..
Looks like a lovely day there you had. Dad thought the photo,s were just grand they are the knd he likes to take. Lovely views.. Mum visited the eagle cam last night but they was behind the tree the whole time.
Hugs from your little pusscat friend.
GJ and Carol x
Snooter face!!!!
We had big wind here too so momma said even though it was warm it was cold (huh?).
Yes, your mom is a big meany not to let you have that fish and then not let you go in the water to catch a fresh one. Sigh, such strange rules and regulations.
Hi Khyra
Those are our kind of photos! Lovely and peaceful!
That was some fish carcass you found!!
We will go wish Ludo a Happy Barkday right now.
Martha & Bailey xxx
Hi Khrya,
That sounds like a great hike that you had at the lake. Too bad that mom wouldn't let you eat the fish parts! yummmy!
looks like your mom took woo out for a dandy afternoon... ours was sunny with sibe-temps too!
woos & a-rooos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Yum, that fish on the rock looked mighty tasty! I think I would have tried to grab it before Mommy saw me, but she can be quick sometimes too! I hope you had a great easter weekend, and a wonderful hike. Maybe next time you can go swimming in the lake!
-Kira The BeaWootiful and Scampi too!
Ay, water water water.... Wonderful. Here we are in an eternal drought. Yes, we are beside the seaside, but it's not the same.
Lucky you!
What a beautiful day for an adventure! We wish we could have joined you, Khyra!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Great walkies...we hope you see the Jeep again and can meet up with the khanine and owner.
It sounds like you had a really fun day. We liked your video.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
happy monday!
oh what a beautiful day you had for your hike!
Yeah, I hear ya pretty Khyra. Everytime mom's off she wants to be all cuddly and kissy with me. I'm always thinking "When is that woman going back to work!"
What a great day trip you had! I loved that huge rock and think the fishie would have been very tasty!
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay i do not think it wuz verry nice of them not to let yoo hav yore taysty fish carkass!!! nekst time just do a snatch and grab and run like tucker duz ha ha ok bye
Nice pictures! Beautiful scenaries! I believe you had fun
best regards
Glad you had a super day...those pictures definitely look like Pawsylvania/eastern US land. ;) Still not many leaves yet though huh! Soon! My Dad is going back there soon to D.C. for his work but Mom gets to stay with me. :) Bummer you didn't get your fish present...pawrents just don't understand!!
Tell your Mom to have a super day!
Are you doing a Hail Stormy pose in that first picture?
That park looks really nice. Did you swim in it? Too bad your mom didn't let you have the fish kharkhass.
Tails wag,
Sam & June
Hello Kyra!
What a beautiful place to go for a walk. Your mom took some really good photos of the place!
Licks and Wags
TUffy & the Dog Woods Pack
Wonderful photos but that first picture of you is the BEST!
Khyra! You should get a prize for being the first doggers to comment on my blog every single time. You are on it girl!
I sure wish I could go swim in that lake. Maybe one day, we will drive to Pawsylvania so I can do that.
Oh, and by the way, fish carcasses are for rolling on. Eau du poisson. Aaaaaaah, there is no better smell on earth. Except maybe cat poop.
Is that the Pennsylvania Ocean?!?! What a cool place to go exploring!
Play bows,
What a beautiful place.. We would show you how to swim.. What was wrong with that fish? A little smelly so what?
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
That looks like a great hiking place! And they serve fish carcasses there, too! I can't believe your mom didn't let you have it. :(
Happy Monday!
Your pal,
hey Khyra,
What a fun day you had! I love lakes! Did you jump in? I eat fish too, and roll in them. Did you get to roll on the dead fish? The smell of dead fish on dog fur is the best! At least I think so, which is why I like to roll on them!
Looks like it was a great day at the lake. I have been to one once. It was one of my favorite hikes so I am sure you had a great time. And what a cool Lisence plate. That one looked just like me. I want one of those for MY outback.
Thanks for the story of your day.
Hi, Khyra...
I'm glad your Mom got to go back to work...But I bet you will miss her...
You go to the prettiest places...The lake is beautiful...
Abby xxxooo
It looks like you had a marvellous day Khyra.
Huffle Mawson
Mmmm, that fish looked good. Humans have strange ideas about what to eat.
Thanks K for the ebay link. I am going to start working on Kelly to get it on HER(my) outback. It kinda looks like Dave at AO4 with the freckles and all.
Always remember to bring a towel or blanket when there is water involved. =) What a beautiful place you went to. =)
Now that's some beautiful scenery...but it looks like ya were the only ones around ta enjoy it gets crwoded when the weather is nicer...but yer sure ta get back there 'n get wet 'n muddy soon....
Dewey Dewster here...
H, Khyra!
You and your mom went to a pawesome place!
I like all those pictures. It looks very peaceful!
Kisses and hugs
Beautiful pictures! :)
Adele, Vincent & Bella
we love the first photo of you.
it seems you have a question, paw raisedand all , yes what is it ?
is it, am i cute? the answer then, is a big yes!!!! cute as pie.
What beautiful pics! Hopefully next time you get to jump in the water! :)
Such a cool license plate! I wonder if they have one that looks like me?
What a beautiful lake!
Teddy Bear
Nice pic of you, Miss Khyra. And what a great park for a snoofing fest! We enjoyed walking along with you, hope you get to go again and test out those trails.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Pee Ess, we have that sibe plate with the blue eyes, thanks to your Mom.
That's a great picture of you (the first one). I mean, they are all great, but I really like the first one. That looks like a fun park to visit. I also like the license plate thing. Too bad in WA, we have to have regular license plates on the front and back!
omdog what a pretty lake and what a beautiful day. We have never heard of that mr. pinchot, is he related to the Pinchot on that TV show perfect strangers???
Sorry you didnt get to eat that fish, I bet it would have been tasty.
Nice pictures! Don't go swim - water is for drowning.
BTW, my Mommy Cate wants to know where you got your license plate :)
-- Dief
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