THAT day of the month is here again!











PeeEssWoo: She/He won't let us see but

3/31/2009 :: And Then There Were Five!At approximately 10:00 AM the fifth egg was laid. This is the fourth year this female has produced a clutch of five eggs. Egg production is largely dependent on nutrition. High numbers of prey species and healthy ecosystems are key to providing this nutrition as well as the great amount of food that will be needed to feed the young as they grow and develop. Thank you Rachel Carson; to learn more about her work and her role in Pennsylvania’s environmental recovery click on the “Rachel Carson Connection” link on the bottom of the PA Falcon Cam Page.
4-1-09 UPDATE: GOT 'EM!!!

Hi, Khyra!
Thanks for making my mom smile looking at your pictures!
Have a great wednesday!
Kisses and hugs
You are good looking cheesecake every day and don't let anyone tell you different.
How exciting-5 eggs.
You sure look like you're enjoying breakdancing!
Hi Khyra
You are the perfect April Fool in those pictures - made us laugh!!!
Imagine five eggs now - we hoped there would be more - dont think there will be many more not. That Falcon is the best mum isn't she!
have a lovely day Khyra, see you tomorrow.
Martha & Bailey xxx
We love your fluffy tummy shots, Khyra! That is my very favorite position in the whole wide world! It's so comfy, isn't it?!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
are those cheesecakes for sale? we'd like to have one to go, please? BOL!
pretty as always, Khyra!
drooly kisses,
Hi, Khyra...
Great Pictures...You are sooo adorable...
Wow...5 eggs now...It's soo much fun to watch...
Abby xxxooo
Great poses,beautiful body there, MFT. We would have to make the first one our pick - it shows us those gorgeous big brown peepers.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Do I see flash dance here?
You sure look comfy and content, Khyra!
5 eggs already, wow, and still keep counting, it's awsome.
Harooo! Khyra! Great Huzzy shots. I saved some just for today.
~lickies, Ludo
Huffle Mawson
Darling, your are looking as gorgeous as ever!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Hubba Hubba Haroooooooo!!!
(Ben fainted from excitement again.. same thing every first wednesday of the month.. cold showers and smelling salts! - Sue xxx)
Loved the pictures. Even though I am in a committed relationship with Miss Snickers, I can appreciate behoooty.
(did I spell that right?)
Khyra Happy April Fools! I sure hope those were all Khyra Cheesecake and no impostors! BOL
Hi Khyra
How eggciting. Mom falcon has been busy. Love your photos.
Love Ruby & Penny
BOL @ Ben fainting :D
Big licks to you
WOW! That third to last photo where you are about flat on your back... pretty impressive!
Oh lala thanks for making my day
Weren't you Miss February in PlaySibe Magazine??
You are one cute pupper, Khyra!
Sam & June
Khyra you are OH SO KHUDDLY! We would love to just snuggle up with you!
Wags and kisses,
Benson and Gibson
You make my day with your poses you are very cute... For a doggg.
I am loving watching the egg saga and cant wait to seewhen they hatch.
Hugs GJxx
No Millie didnt find out so no chicken.
Oh Khyra. I had to hide the boys eyes! Thanks again for the birdie update. We are so excited about the eggs!
(Oscar and Tucker too)
You silly girl! I would like to rub that tummy!!
Awesome cheesecake!
Happy Wednesday!
Your pal,
Your mum is pretty cool to let you do playboy should give Hef a call and make tons of money with your photos....You are way better then that blonde chick.
When will the eggs hatch? I cannot wait....
Hello Khyra,
I love the way you lay down! You look very laid back. I can't believe there are five eggs! That's amazing!!! Do you think they will have more? I can't wait to see them hatch!
Happy Trails
Ziggy Marley
happy April 1st! congratulations on all the little eggs! how exciting!
m & e
Oh MY, Khyra! Those are very fetching pics!
Great news on the falcon side!
Your Pal,
Mommy says she is just itching to pet you.
It will be neat when the eggs hatch. ~Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Fenris
MAJOR cheesecake!! lol
You look pawsome as always! Great to see the update on the birdie and eggs too!
hi Khyra, ooohhh lala!!
hey Khyra,
Wow! I'm panting! You are a cheesecake pinup!
p.s. I can't see the pics of your Sunday transports due to computer problems (grrrrr...), but I am glad it went so well! I love happy doggy news!
You look so cute lounging around! That belly looks like it needs some tummy rubs!!! Our mom says she would help out if she were closer!!!!
The Puppies
Were these pictures taken after you chased some cats in Wilbur's honor? You look pretty worn out!
Hi Khyra,
You sure know how to strike a pose!!
Loves from pugs,
Rosie Marie
Great picture Khyra, wait to you see what I have in store for my review of your blog. =)
Khyra you look so comfy. Great job.
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hi Khyra! Your mom must have a very quiet khamera - I always wake up and move if I hear anybody sneaking up on me taking pictures.
See ya!
You are one sexy huskie. Somehow we thought that northern dogs had more wild animal instincts than to expose their soft underbellies.
Those are great pictures!!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Wow - thank you so much for educating me on the fine points of birdry. Although my mom has read "Silent Spring" a hundred times, she never became interested in bird watching. She wants to express her gratitude for showing her the finer aspects of falcon raising. Wooooo. And you are a fine roller! Hugs 'n Love,xo
Wow, what a Cheesekhake you are Khyra!
How exciting about the 5 eggs!
woah you are going to have a 6 pack to be watching over there soon! wow! Love all those photos, woo! Oh, we got the plastic and ordered 2 copies of Kathryn's book, one for nice Aunt Patty too!
Love it! I just posted my pics!
Zoomies, Brook
I bet thewe awe a lot of boyz out thewe in bloggie land wishing that the fiwst of the momf would come mowe often.
Thank you fow showing us the eggses.
smoochie kisses
hehe make us feel sleepy looking at you all comfy and spread out.
Holly & Zac...XX
BOL, love the 1st of the month!
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