Welkhome to a FURRY SPECIAL Wednesday!

Akhtually, it was about 13F/-11C when Mom snapped that. It initiated at the furry famous power plant
This pikh is fur Marvin The Handsome Model
Now, we all know the furst Wednesday of the month is Cheesekhake&Bakhon/Huzzy&Studmuffin Day!
So here is some!
What do woo think?
Do woo like the dainty paw placement?

Now, we all know the furst Wednesday of the month is Cheesekhake&Bakhon/Huzzy&Studmuffin Day!

Since we've all had some sadness related to Klaus's passing, Sunny and Skhooter's Gramma's health, and now Miss Kylie's mom's furiends, I asked Mom if we khouldn't do a Walkin' Wednesday this week...especially since I got SNOW...beaWOOtiful SNOW!
So, here woo go: please khlikhk H E R E
fur a special edition!
thanks for the special walking Wednesday. We still love the hippity skip leap of joy at the end of the driveway.
We didn't realize that you lived so close to that place.
And on the subject of PA, why do multiple towns in your state have the same name. It messes up our use of mapquest.
Princess Eva
I love your photos and video, Khyra! You always have such nice walkies and adventures to tell...=) Thanks for sharing them with us! Hope you have a great day!
That's nice that you still get lots of nice snow.
I like your fluffy comfy photos
~ Bae
You are looking good as usual.
w00f's, ooops me bout furgot bout studmuffin wednesday..mamas camera iz being baddd...hope its just the batteries...heehee can u wear out rechargeable batteries...
b safe,
Hi Khyra,
Ben's Mum here.. Ben seems to have passed out, so I will speak for him.. I think it goes without saying he really enjoyed your video and as for the photos.. well.. I'm going to go throw him under a cold shower now!!!
Sue xxxx
You look furry relaxed :)
Big licks to you
hi khyra!
you look so happy with all of your beautiful snow!
make a snow angel for us please. :)
happy wednesday!
m & e
You're such a hoot, Khyra! We love the paw placement!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Khyra...
Yeah...Your paw placement is always just right...
Great pictures...
I hope you snow never goes away...
Abby xxxooo
Wow - you mixed huzzy Wednesday and Walking Wednesday - such a busy Khyra. You looked like you really enjoyed the snow.
Oooh Khyra, you looks so comfy lay like that!!! xxx
Comfy? Very! I wanna curl up with woo!
We will have to watch your walking wednesday a bit later on, as my J is in a big rush this morning. Something about, men, workmen, and more men, there is a lot of work going on here it seems. I have my head in my paws, it is so noisy with all the hammmmmmering. Not hamstering, hammmering.
So we will check you walkies out later, but you are so boooootiful!
Thank you too for the interesting link to Wiki, we will read this later too.
lotsaluv Marvin xxxxx ps I have awarded you a wee present on my blog today, it has taken so long to get the post right, my Jeannie has neglected her "men".
Only three layers of clothes on your mom? She is brave. You certainly seemed juiced about the snow. Wish I could say the same.
Huzzy, huzzy, huzzy, oh my!
Aww, hugs to both of woo too, and even one or two for the two Butterscotch Morsels in your yard - hope they got to stay warm.
We admire your Mom. Even with all those obstacles - wind, snow, icy snow-covered roads, traffic, an eagerly pulling MFT, balancing sunglasses and camera - she still manages to give woo a walkie. Ours won't venture out unless there is dry pavement under her feet. Since we have high 50s today and a whopping 74 tomorrow, we think we might get her to go out for a nice walkie too.
Woos, the OP Pack
oh, nice walkies. Nice pictures too! We like the one with the careful placement of paws.
gussie n teka
Oh Khyra! We just loved yer special walkies! You are so pretty, we would love to stick our noses in yer fur an' just snuffle in it!
Feather, Darla & Pappy, the TN Bull Terrors
Wow Khyra, what a priceless document! It's wonderful to see you action-packed. Your mom is very professional as a narrator.
Awesome paw placement, Khyra! You look very cozy and comfy. Those poses would definitely get you some tummy scritches at our house.
Your pal,
Snow!!!! Snow snow snow snow snow ...
Love the snow.
Keep dreaming of you know who
he is very handsome.
Loved your tummy rub position and dainty paw.
Wooowooo you realy enjoyed that white stuff. I think you can have it lol.
Enjoy while its there and the video and pictures realy did the trick in cheering up.
Hugs from GJ xx
PS noooo I dont taste like chicken xx
oh your walking wednesday was wonderful, too many wubble yous there methinks!
no seriously, it was a lovely jubbley walk, in snow. We went to bed with not a sign of snow and the spring bulbs comin' up and woke up to thick snow - so we have some too!
Sun has been shining today, so it has nearly all gone now, the bloomin snow thief is greedy ;0)
thank you for sharing your walkies.
lots of love, Marvin xxxxx
been lookin at your pics again, you are a flirt Khyra, but I like you!
What lovely pictures Khyra! You are such a big old sweetheart! we loved the video, too!
benson and gibson
Hi Khyra! Our names are Hector and Lola and we are Chihuahuas! You're a lot bigger than us!! You're so fluffy and look so nice! We really like your blog! -Hector and Lola
Hubba, hubba!
Play bows,
Hehehehehe, can we rub your belly??
You look so relaxed in your pics. My mom wants to give you tummy rubs! We liked your walking Wednesday too!
Harooooo Khyra!
What a Yankee huzzy you is. But I will still be your Southern Gentleman.
You sure look comfy. Will have to try da proper paw placement.
Husky kisses,
Dear Khyra, we LOVE the dainty paw, that is truly impressive. Also your spelling is truly impressive, and we wrote about that in our Dog Blog today! Love your PaLs, LuLu and LoLLy! http://www.luluandlolly.com
I am cold just watching your walk. Mom says I can not go around too much outside b/c I am in heat and she does not want little mes running around. Crazy talk. =)
Fantastic walkin wednesday....
Your are just tooo khute for words
You is a pro at that huzzy posing stuff! I will comes back tomorrow to watch the video, cos I is pretty tired now.
~lickies, Conehead Ludo
Looks like somebody wants a TUMMY RUB!
Hi, Khyra!
Does the snow makes your tail fluffier??
Sure it was a nice walkie on the snow! I know how much you love it!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Great walk in the snow!
We felt like we were right there with you.
Love that puffy tail sweetie!!
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie and Lucie
Khyra, you look very khute and khomfy! I enjoy your walks and it looks like you sure enjoyed the snow. I thought you were going to start pulling your mom there since she was taking too long to get going!
Thanks for sharing the snow video, and the thoughts about Bogie and Lulu. Are there more smells in the snow, because you were checking out EVERYTHING!
Hi Khyra! We enjoyed seeing your tail fluffing on your walk through the snow. It sure looks cold there, though - stay warm!
See ya!
Woo look so comfy!! Woo are so lucky woo still have so much snow!
To my big heart friends! Enjoy the snow- play and dance and kiss the ones you love!
You always have the greatest pics and videos Khyra!!
Hopefully the Snow Thief will stay away for a while longer...
Hy Khyra
You are one glamorous gal. We see why a certain someone would need a cold shower when they saw these shots.
Love Ruby & Penny
Hey Khyra thank you for putting me on your blog list I was extremely grateful because now you are advertising me and then I can meet more doggies with bloggies!!!
P.S I will mention you in one of my posts soon!
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