Is that Walkin' Wednesday I smell?

My little furiend Rosie
wondered what would khome out of the eggs...well, here are some pikhs Mom had on her work khomputer from last year!

My pal handsome pal Titus wondered it THAT was one of the Butterskhotch Morsels with my mom...WELL, that was the family's furst khat Ruffin. The pikh was from the early 80's!
AND one of my furry furst PF watchers from past years was this furry handsome fella and his special momma
He expressed khoncern fur the warming of the nest due to our temperatures here in the east...well, 'Mom' has it khovered

Fur those that wonder, we'll probably see some hatching take place around Mother's Day...the loose rule of thumb on the PF season is they begin to khourt and woo each other 'round Valentine's Day...then the furst eggs khome once spring has sprung or so...they hatch 'round Mother's Day...the the little ones start learning to fly 'round Father's Day!
You almost had a khitty snack!!!
Thanks for the tour, your yard is bigger than we thought it was.
Princess Eva
Hi Khyra
You saw a pussy cat and you didn't bark and bark - you are such a good dog!
Our Dad would just love living right next to the golf course!
Thank you for letting us share your walk around your yard. we can see why you are so happy there with things to sniff and see.
Martha & Bailey xx
Thank you for the tour of your yard, Khyra! Our gram and gram used to live in a house where thier back yard bordered a golf course too!
We love your cute pink nose!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Fantastic tour Khyra :)
Gruffs from the Scruff
TAG!!! You're in the game now...
Come to Behr Behr's blog and find out how you play :)
Great tour. We think you have a nice and big back yard.
And so close on a kitty treat.
Oh Khyra, those little falcon babies are sooooooo cute!!
(And I just love your pink nose - I've told you that, haven't I?)
Honey the Great Dane
awwww look at the babies! so furry cute :)
Big licks to you
That Khat was there again, You need Mom to get you a longer line, so
you can get them c titters!
Nice walkie in yard, we get golf balls even though ewe are fenced in and not that close, Mom doesn't know how....-Kira
I just tried to watch the video but YouTube said it was no longer available!
Huffle Mawson
Oh no not a kitty snack,we dont taste nice Khyra, we just look nice.
Those birdy pictures are pawsome especialy the proud parent one.
Hugs GJ xxx
No not even biscuit xx
We still think you reign over a pretty good-sized kingdom. Good job spotting the kitty again. Too bad Mom wouldn't let your leash go so you could go say hi in a furiendly way.
Woos, the OP Pack
We missed the peregrine shots last year, and we are fhurry excited. We love the "proud parent" picture! Don't ever tell us you photo shopped it OK?
The first pic is may favorite. Looks like someone is cooking bacon :)
I can't believe those cute birdies will be big falcons some day! Will check on site again when we can! You have one big yard! Thanks so much for being such a great guide! You are so pretty, Khyra!
Hugs and xo Sammie
Holy Moly - I khant believe those furry little things came out of those eggs. That was sooo khool!
Khan we play with them??
Your back yard is lots bigger than ours. Good thing we are committed to walking Jan every day or she would never get any exercise. Not if she had to walk our yard.
Butterscotch Morsel looked really scared of you!
That was a very nice tour of your garden, how cool to live next to a golf course, there be one near here I might get mum to go check it out with me.
I like your first snooter shot and the falcon piccures from last year. She look a very good mummy bird.
~lickies, Ludo.
Thanks for sharing the pictures. We are excited to see babies.
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Hi Khyra
We enjoyed walking with you on your property. You have a very nice big yard. How old is that tree you lie under, the trunk sure is big?
Love Ruby & Penny
Thanks for taking us on your walk!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
What is the deal with all the cats??? Butterscotch Morsels in your 'hood, butterscotch morsels in your mom's pictures. Your mom must be a butterscotch morsel magnet or something. Yikes.
It's pouring rain here today - perfect weather for a MUD HUSKY!
Your pal,
Khyra, I can see up your nose! Number two, you should be glad you're not hangin' out at my place, 'cause with a snoot like that, you'd never get the "kitten poop" smell outcher' nasal passages. And finally, mom says you have such a pretty face-it always makes her smile!
Furry nice tour. Thank woo fur sharing.
Husky kisses,
PeeS: Nikita is guilty of efurrything.
I like how you run a tight ship around your premises and take note of EVERYTHING! I also have a khat that insists on straying into my territory...and react just like you—with some barks & growls thrown in.
I think if you continue to pee on the golf course you can take it over by eminent domain. By now it should belong to you, Khyra.
Oh, and YES! I was very cool when the Alphas returned. Never let on at all that I missed 'em!
Your pal,
Happy Wednesday, Miss Khyra! Woo look positively beautiful under that tree. As for the green grass, let's just say we're positively salivating over here.
Oh those little guys are so cute. So are you Khyra.. Callie does want to be lead dog all the time.. You are right it must be a girl thing.
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hi, Khyra...
Thanks for showing us around your yard...It's beautiful....
Does Butterscotch Morsel live next door?
Abby xxxooo
Hi Khyra! Thanks for the great tour of your yard! We enjoyed it. You're a great tour guide!
See ya!
You are such a pretty girl & I love the face and nose upturned like you might start with some joyous howling!
oh no the video says not available!? WTF?! as Tanner would say, I guess will khome back later!! :(
thanks for the tour. And love the baby birds. =)
Do the birdie babies send Mother's and Father's Day cards?
What a beautiful back yard!
And what a pretty nose too. (Do you say "the better to smell you with" to BM?)
Hi Khyra
thank you for bring some pics to my house of the types of food the feathered friends eat. I see they are not vegeterian! What awsome shots of you on your property being the guard- and of the hatchlings
OMdoG Khyra, those hatchlings are so fluffy anc cute!! Bet you'd make a great baby sitter!
Thanks for the tour of your yard Khyra! It looked like you wanted to go play with the kitty!
Hi, Khyra!
You had a good walkie around your property!
I know you wanted to get the kitty!
I will be watching the birdies!
Kisses and hugs
Very nice of you to show us around your yard!
Great pics of the falcon and babies!
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