Welkhome To A SPECIAL Edition!
The Doggy Nanny and Fred left Pawsylvania on JANUARY 27th!
They returned on MARCH 10th!

Auntie Di told Mom to pikhk up some flowers to welkhome her bakhk!
So Mom got these beaWOOtiful PURPLE tulips at the grocery store!
The Doggy Nanny and Fred had been in Florieduh most of their time away from ME! They were in Jekyll Island, GA this past weekend...left there Monday AM...spent the night in Emporia VA which meant they would be bakhk 'here' befur Mom got home from work SO they went to Fred's furst...and then Mom khalled them just befur she got home...then they headed here...if woo khlikhk H E R E woo khan see their return!I think I was happy! THEN we went fur our walk! To see THAT, please khlikhk H E R E !PLUS, not only was it a welkhome bakhk fur The Doggy Nanny and Fred, SUKA IS BAKHK! Please stop over and just say WOO to him!I hope all have a grrrrreat Wednesday!Hugz&Khysses,KhyraPeeEssWoo: Here is the windy version - khlikhk here with KHAUTION!
the big question is ....did Fred and DN have treats on the doorstep when you got back from your walk???
princess eva
Hi, Khyra,
that is a furry nice present! I love tulips and all spring flowers as well. Yor wellcoming was just like mine, when I get a visit hehe
Lots of love,
The purple tulips are really beautiful
~ Bae
How beautiful!
Teddy Bear
Happy Wednesday Khyra!
Big licks to you
You were dancing happy when Nanna and Fred came home. Its funny how your mom's voice changes when she talks to Fred instead of you. We never hear her peoples voice.
Thanks for thinking of the Lacie beast. I am worried about her too.
Ooooo, many friends on many continents. You scamp!
Three for the price of one = great vids even if the third one is a bit noisy!!! Welcome home, Doggy Nanny and Fred - the fluffy tail tells it all!!!
We all knew MFT liked to scratch up the ground after delivering her peemail but what's with the little round and round dance we saw her doing?
Have a good day now with DN!
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Wow - What a Wild Windy Walking Wednesday - chuckling. We enjoyed all the videos and the welcome home was enthusiastic!
Hi Khyra
We loved watching your videos. You certainly know how to give a good doggie welcome!
When you went for your walk you reminded us of Bailey - washing your paws in the grass when you have a wee. This is why we have hardly any grass left in our garden!
Very nice of you to remember poor Lacie. We hope she will feel better today. Whats this about other boyfriends, does Ben know he is not the one and only?
Have a nice Wednesday Khyra.
Basset kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
It is always a moment full of wonder to welcome back friends who have been away!
Your Pals,
Tom and Tama-Chan
Hi Khyra
We're glad you're Nana & Fred are home. Obviously you are too, by the fast & furious wagging of your tail.
Enjoy the homecoming.
Love Ruby & Penny
Hi, Khyra...
Looks like you were almost as happy to see DN & Fred as they were to see you...
Love your videos...
Abby xxxooo
Welcome back Doggy Nanny!
gussie d
Oh Khyra, you was so happy! It was lovely to see you all excited. You should enter your paw trick for Gus and Waldo's competition.
Furry good edition of walking wednesday!
~lickies, Ludo
A happy day with purple flowers. What could be better?
We were so excited to look at your videos -- the very first time we have been allowed this pleasure -- and we see we (actually our Mom) have a lot to learn about videoing (and, Mom adds, about door manners).
First: Our Mom was intrigued by your Mom's being able to walk with you and talk and hold the camera all at the same time. When she walks me -- it's a full court press to get to my favorite P and P spots. No breath left for talking or shooting. Maybe on a more leisurely mid-day walk. We'll see.
Second: We heard just one small bark during the whole time you were greeting your Dog Nanny and Fred. How do you do that????? If we didn't rock the house with our barks when someone comes to the door (even if it's our very own Dogdad), they'd think we were sick or sumpin'.
But third, we now know how very beautiful you are, Ms. Fluffy Tail, and we understand why Ben the Rotti has given his heart away to you.
Lots of Wirey Love on Walking Wednesday,
Jake and Just Harry
You look so happy to see your Doggie Nanny & Fred again...your tail tells the story!
We love watching your videos about your Wednesday Walkies. This morning we went on a run...I much prefer it to walking but Ms. Alpha tires out well before I do.
Your pal,
hi khyra!
oh what a wonderful present!
the purple tulips are beautiful!
m & e
Dear Khyra, Two Paws UP! for the outstanding report on the return of the friendz and also the outstanding tulips. Also, here is an artikle we saw and thought of you becuz it is about your outstanding breed, the awesome Siberian Husky! We are very glad that you were adopted by such an awesome human. Love, your PaLs, LuLu and LoLLy!
Nice to get the humans back home. My human brother is coming home tomorrow, I haven't seen him in months!
How come you are so quiet? No one can hold down a conversation when I am excited, I make enough noise that all of the neighbors hear!
-Kira The Noisy
Oh I just love those welcomes my mum said. Thats how Ben greets her when she qoes to see the beans.
I love the tulips.
No Khyra we dont taste like chicken lol
Hugs Ginger Jasper xx
You were excited huh!!! I get that way when my Nanny comes for a visit too!!! I WOOF her soooo much! She is coming to take care of me soon while Mom and Dad go on a trip! WOOHOO!! Love your flower pictures below....I hope we get some colorful blooms soon!
I love all the videos, especially the one of Doggie Nanny and Fred coming home! You look so happy! Did you get to play with your Wubba?
Wow! Those are some nice flowers. I think winter is okay, but I am ready for spring. :)
Welcome back Doggy Nanny & Fred!
I think you were just a little excited that DN and Fred were back! I liked the part where you shook their hands. I haven't mastered that part yet. hehe
Happy Wednesday!
Your pal,
Those purple flowers are beawootiful! Oh my, woo sure look happy to welcome Doggy Nanny back! what a furry sweet welcome woo gave them!
woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
80 per cent beef........oh my I am Khoming over to your place!
thank woo for sharing.............
I don't have any grandparents, so can I share yours?
Wow what a wonderful welcome Fred and Nanny got. They are lucky they didn't have 3 noisy heeler's there to greet them. They all like to do the jumpy thing...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
What beautiful flowers. Mom was wondering what part of PA do you live? We are trying to maybe pull off a DWB picnic this summer and trying to find a common area for us to meet. =)
We can see just how thrilled you were to have Doggy Nanny and Fred back, Khyra!
The purple tulips are just gorgeous!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
MORE green things? Miss Khyra, we do believe you are showing off. :)
Welcome back to the Doggy Nana and Fred! Did they bring you a present?
Huffle Mawson
And if they did bring you a present, what was it???
You are one happy FluffyTail in that video and its very much fun to see it.
Hi Khyra,
Those tulips are so pretty! We have seen them in all sorts of colors before, but never in that lovely shade of purple!!
Wow, the tulips are GORGEOUS! And so many cool videos! I like the windy version video...*wink*
Welcome back to Doggy Nanny and Fred! You look so happy to see them =)
Hi, Khyra!
You were so happy to see DN and Fred!
Glad they are back!
My grandma loves tulips!
Kisses and hugs
w00f's, me iz glad DN and Fred iz back home...mama says bute ti ful flowers and me says can me eat "em...
b safe,
what beautiful flowers!
We are so glad your Nanny and Fred are back! You sure did look happy and you are very good about not jumping on them, we jump 308 times on people when they come over. I liked walking Wednesday without the snow because we get cold just looking at it. I think its totally ok you have more than one boyfriend!
Ohh... my mommy will be envious of you! Her favoritest flower in the world are tulips. I better not show mommy this post, I'll never hear the end of how we should get tulips if she sees this.
I am not sure which was cuter... the happy tail wag or the happy fluffy butt wag! BOTH WERE! Welcome Home!
You were so excited to see Fred and your doggie nanny! I bet they feel so loved to come home to a welcome like that. I also like how Fred was giving your cookies within the first minute. You have him well trained.
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