...or should I say, all about MY Monday?

Napping after some time in the yard...


Then bakhk out to the patio...

Watching whilst khonserving energy...

Chekhking out THEM...

Mom wanted to get me to show woo my paws...

I'd been digging a bit... woo khan khlikhk on the pikh to bigify it and see the dirt on my paws!

The area behind my bum...

Hey, I'm helping air things out!

Then bakhk to more napping...


Then some trunk time...

Yes...what is it THIS time?

I was NOT out fur this!

Bekhause I was bakhk in doing THIS!

At the end of our walk, I saw one of my welkhome home khats...

AND I got this from ...
My furry friend 
khlikhk H E R E 
I always ask GJ if he really tastes like chikhken! He always insists NOT!

My nice note!!!

Waiting to have one of the rollups!



Some tongue akhtion!


Furry yummy!!!

Nose likhking good!

Sorry the top of my head is missing...I moved JUST as Mom took the pikh!

Still working it!

Savouring it!

Enjoying it!

Thinking about having the other one later!
I would like to thank woo and your mum furry much! That was a furry nice surprise! I will be sure to ask
Ben and Millie to give woo something special from me!
Mom wanted me to tell evfurryone the
LIVE STREAMING of the Falkhon Kham khommenced on MONDAY! Look fur the link on the pikhture area to open up in Media Player! Of khourse, please keep Pawsylvania's daylight hours in mind!
Happy Saint Patrikhk's Day Evfrryone!
See woo tomorrow fur Walkin' Wednesday!
Khyra O'Husky

We khaught this one on Monday!
You have pretty stripes, Khyra!
Are you sure that it wasn't your mom digging in the yard? Your paws are still sparkling white so it couldn't have been woo!
Princess Eva
You had a busy day Khyra! Digging, napping, Squirrels, khats and a special package arriving that brought treats? Wow! What a fabulous day!
HI, Khyra!
You had a very nice day!
Some watching, some napping, some digging and enjoying a delicious treat!
Now, have a good night!
Kisses and hugs
Phew, there were so many photos! Ginger Jasper was very nice to send you a present :)
Huffle Mawson
That looks like a furry tasty treat, MFT. Nice job on the digging. FYI it's easier & more efficient to dig during and right after a nice long rain!
Woos & a-rooos,
Star & Jack a-roo
w00f's Khyra, did ya help ur mom plant sum flowers...heehee u got me tired just watchin u...
b safe,
What a yummy looking treat from your furiend! You are super lucky! Also, cute paws and great job digging! :)
Your paws look spotless Khyra. You should see what mine look like when I've been digging.
Don't tell me you missed that squirrel in your yard??
Hi Khyra! Happy St. Patrick's Day! That sure looked like a yummy treat!
See ya!
Dear Khyra, in one of the photos, you look a bit like Winston Churchill with a cigar sticking out of his mouth! hee hee!
We love your garden, it looks huge! Wish I could come and hunt squirrel with you.
Happy Tuesday. And thanks for the heads up on the web cam.
lotsaluv Marvin xxxxxx
Hi, Khyra,
you were doing a lot of napping hehe..aren't you huskies restless?I know we hovis are:-)
Furry nice photos though..
Love you adn kiss you,
What a fun day you had today! I hope you enjoyed your treats. You have a very good friend!
Teddy Bear
Hi Khyra
What a perfect day, napping, eating treats, more napping - no wonder they say it's a dog's life!
We do have a bone to pick with you - well not that kind of bone - the other kind.
You saw a squirrely in your garden and you carried on snoozing!!!
Now that wont do Khyra - you can do one of two things or both if you prefer.
You can be like Bailey and Bark and Bark terrorising the squirrely.
Or be like Martha and run fast as the wind to try catch the squirrely.
You just hit the snooze button - oh well we guess it is because you are just too laid back and relaxed!
Have a good day Khyra - keep your eyes open - you are all rested now and ready for action!
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
*drool* How lucky! Bet they taste yummy!
Licks and Wags
Tuffy and the Dog WOods Pack
Hi Khyra,
Glad you enjoyed your treat, looks as though I picked a brand you like.
What a brill day you had, I love the way those puss cats sit and watch you knowing you cant get to them. Real classy that.
Hugs GJ xx
Happy St Patricks Day Khyra!
Big licks to you
You sure are busy. And how nice that you get treats in the mail. ;)
~ Bae
Snacks and naps. What a perfect day (except for that squirrel).
Hi Khyra, what a busy day!
Happy St. Patrick's Day Khyra
We loved your chicken treat dance.
Love Ruby & Penny
Hi, Khyra...
You're always hard at work...You must have the most secure yard in the neighborhood...
Those treats look yummy...
Abby xxxooo
your fluffy coat makes me envious.. envious.. envious... waaaahhhhhh!!!! can i please have some of your lovely fur there Khyra? hehe..
drooly kisses,
Miss Khyra,
I love your happy dance and smiling face. That must be a great chewie.
I see your friends met an actual Mango type doggie. Sigh, I hate it when other doggies are afraid of me. I am a big love!
One time a pointer dog thought I was a Bambi and froze in her dumb pointing pose. No respect!
We are excited to watch the birdies again.
I was drooling while watching you enjoy that treat. (Mom I want a treat tooo!)
Happy St Patrick's Day!
You wrote a book today or a very big album - and we loved every bit of it. Great outside and inside shots - we like the prancing one a LOT. How nice of Ginger Jasper, a KITTY, to be so kind to you. Ben must have put a good word in for you.
Top of the morning to you and Happy St. Paddy's Day!!
Woos, the O'OP Pack
I love the picture with the chicken stick looked like a cigar, all you needed was a pair of Groucho glasses!
I am happy that you had such a furry, furry nice day.
How deep did you dig Khyra? Wasn't that fun? We love to dig too! Maybe you should start digging there and we'll start here and maybe one day we'll meet some where?
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Sam & June
Mmmm, treats-by-mail!
Lucky you Khyra to recieve them lovely treaties by post!! They looks yum!!
You worked so hard on Monday, all that sleeping and keeping guard!! :)
Who knew that St. Patrick was the patron saint of engineers??? We forwarded the link to our Dogdad (who to make things worse is actually from Missouri) to see what he has to say for himself!!!!
Jake and JH
Looks like your St. Paddy's day is a hum dinger of a good one!
Hey Khyra,
I just thought I'd drop by and say hello!
~Mack's Cousin Katie
P.S. Happy St. Patrikh's Day!
Yay, what a pawsome present. What a busy day you has had. I very like the prancing pic!
~lickies, Ludo
Maybe you'd better keep an eye on your bird feeder, Khyra. I saw the photos on your friend Kira's blog. That's crazy! I grew up right near there and have never heard of bears in the area!
Um, maybe you should tell your mom you were trying to surprise her by digging to plant some flowers for her :)
Behr Behr :)
Happy St. Patrick's Day! Looks like a good time in the yard but geez the pupperazzi is relentless!! Does Chicken from across the pond taste different?? You were very gentle sticking your snooter in the package, I would have been tearing into it!
Dear Khyra, first, a very big Two Paws UP! for your outstanding prezent from Ben and Millie, and for your outstanding enjoymint! Also, we are very concerned about Norwood's Leprekanitis, but hopefully if he survives today he will be well. Love, your PaLs, LuLu and LoLLy!
Khyra, it looked like you were smokin' a cigar!
You just can't get away from those BM's, can you? They're even sending you stuff in the mail!
Your feets are super cute. I noticed that you do not have a toe hawk. Mine is in danger of getting trimmed real soon. I heard Mom and Dad talking about it. :(
Happy St Patrick's Day!
Your pal,
hey Khyra,
What a perfect dog day - some napping, some digging, some chewing on yummy treats from super great furry friends, and hanging out at the tree trunk! You can dig a tunnel to visit me if you like! And bring that squirrel, he/she looked awfully tasty!
Must we say it again how beautiful you are. Sure looks like a yummy treat..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
so many photos
heaven.. i'm in heaven...
GJ flavoured treats!! Cool! Maybe I could chew.. umm I mean lick GJ and see if he does taste like chicken.. whaddya think? maybe when Grandma isn't looking or something??
love woo,
Ben xxx
Enjoy your treats, Khyra!
Happy St. Patrick's day to you!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
that was a grwat story telling.
maw said she saw a woofie in the park today and it made her think of you. was it you? oh wait, we are in different states. okay then.
Wooof! That looks great!!! I'm jealous Miss Kyhra!
hi Khyra, that's so cool that you got a package. we can see that you enjoyed it.
we sure wish we had been there to round up that squirrel. they just drive us crazy.
Looks like you had a GREAT Monday! Those treats looked delicious. I read on Rambo's blog that he should send me that squirrel. Shhhh! My mom would take it and make it a member of our family. She's nuts!
Wow! Looks like you had a real busy day, Khrya. I have some days like that, too.
Great presents! What a nice thing to do!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Woo had a buzy day there, Khyra! You wuz helpin to garden yur yard fur yur mommy, wuzn't woo!!
-da boyz, Cosmos & Juneau-
Khyra, my favorite pictures were you & the treats! You have a very pretty face and nose. Looks like your snow is all gone!
What a great day you had! I love the prancing pic! :) You'll get that squirrel next time!
Happy St Patricks Day - you sure had an exciting day!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
You are one busy girl. We don't get our picture taken that much in a year.
Those are some yummy looking treats!
When your mom looks at your paws, does she say, "Oh, Steve, your paw fur is out of control"? I guess she wouldn't say Steve, but you get the idea.
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