Tuesday Telling Signs of Spring!

Don't furget to bookmark this site
they have been furry akhtive!
Woo khan always find it by khlikhking on the PF banner on my page too!
I'll monitor their progress and post pikhs and news as warranted!
Hi Kyhya,
Yes spring is springing and love is in the air! Peregrine family- how exciting. We have the kittie willows too but no bumble bugs,,, yet! thanks for sharring
Hi, Khyra!
Spring is almost here! Here we already have lots of flowers!
And today I saw a bumblebee and my mom ran away!
Kisses and hugs
Oh, I am feeling so sad for us to have this big snowstorm while you guys are admiring your flowers and falcons! Just doesn't seem right to me.
Ah well, I am glad someone has nice weather and it might as well be Mrs. Ben the Rotti! He is so handsome you make a beawootiful couple!
It looks like spring is coming quickly with all the flowers and kitty willows starting to bloom! Those falcons are pretty - thanks for the link to watch them!
Spring sure is in the air. The flowers are beautiful!
Teddy Bear
Hi, Khyra,
woow, beautifull flowers.I always wanted to see a whole picture where you are living since you are showing ushuuuuuge backyard hehe...is there only your house in that wide meadow?? If so, you are furrrrry lucky.
Thanks for all your suport :-)
Love you a lot,
Oh the colors of Spring sure is pretty
~ Bae
Those are beautiful pictures of the signs of spring. Thanks for sharing them. I saw a bumblebug once and tried to catch it but my mom stopped because it might sting.
Furry pretty flowers :)
It's coming into autumn here which means Mummy is gonna have a lot of leaves to rake up!
Big licks to you
Hi Khyra
Not only is Spring here but we hear that love in also in the air!
We loved your pictures today of Spring floweres - our mum keeps looking in our garden at how many Spring flowers we have stood on!
Well why would you have dogs if you want flowers?
Martha & Bailey xx
Isn't spring just wonderful?! Those peregrine falcons are awesome. We have some kestrels in our fields!
Your Pals,
Tom and Tama-Chan
Little early for spring here yet, but its getting close with this past weekend's warm temps. Rain and wintry mix (snow we like - wintry mix serves no purpose) this weekend, so we are planning a S-RV escape!
oh khyra!
look what the snow brought you!
beautiful presents!
m & e
Telltale signs of spring- Mom just loves those kittywillow trees. We are hoping our hyacinths will be OK, they popped up way too early and then got covered with snow. So far they are looking OK.
MFT, woo look very good guarding the tree.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Hi, Khyra...
Yep...Signs of spring everywhere...
I can't wait to see the little flowers peep out of the snow, and hear all the birds chirping in the morning...
My Mom says there's alot of work to do out there to clean up after the winter, but I'm ready...I told her I will collect all the sticks...
Abby xxxooo
Look at those pretty flowers! Did you help water them?
So those things are called khrokuses? Hmmm. I have something similar in my yard and they are yellow. I keep trying to eat them. . .hmmmm. Are the khrokuses tasty?
Hmmm, you don't suppose a certain Ben Rotti planted those beautiful flowers for you overnight do you?
I saw a few daffodils yesterday and Mommy got all giddy! She loves Spring!
Your pal,
Spring is in the air and so is love, as seen on another blog with a certain Rottie!
Love the kittywillows!
How beuoootiful! I like crocii too - we tend to get signs of spring a little early here - daffodils already gone, sigh, but blossoms on all the fruit trees - very pretty and smells good! Oooh - bees - I got a sting on my shnoz once and it wasn't fun, but that's a nice photo! And love the falcon cam! We have peregrine falcons here in Cal, but no cam - they're in a place called Pinnacles National Monument - my mom rock climbs there when it doesn't disturb the falcons. (Mom's nuts)
xo Love and Licks,
oh Khyra them Falcon's is so cool!
My mum loves kitty willows and One of my rabbit-dog siblings was called crocus. Very good post!
~lickies, Ludo
spring sprung when we wasn't looking! We love the khrokus, but don't seem to have any here.
What pretty flowers you have, we don't have any here cause we have Dachshunds that live with us, PLUS Pappy likes to dig alot, so DawgMom hasn't bothered. Besides, we're moving to a new house soon, we'll have them there. Thanks for that birdie site, DawgMom will LOVE that!
Feather, Darla & Pappy, the TN Bull Terrors
Beawoootiful flowers. My mommy loves spring which means I get to go outside a lot. YEAH!!
Yes Khyra, we are seeing signs of spring, that glorious season, too, here in Ohio! Isn't is just wonderful? What beautiful khrokus your Mom has growing! Be sure to be extra protective of that one!
Benson and Gibson
Hi Khyra
We want to see pretty flowers & bees, unfortunately all we're going to see is more snow. We are expecting a blizzard today.
We bookmarked the falcons.
Love Ruby & Penny
I can't wait for spring! It's been raining for like three days here and I'm working on my mud pit. Mud Huskies unite!
Your pal,
Ohh, crocus!! They bloom when we are all ready for spring. We love them.
We want spring too!!!
Princess Eva
Wow! We espeshly love the piktures of the purple flowers, becuz purple and pink are our favrit colors. Two Paws Up for spring! except we live in Texas and it goes strate to summer where it is about 4869275483658298 degrees. Math is not our strong suit but we are fairly sure that is a big number. Love, your PaLs, LuLu and LoLly! http://www.luluandlolly.com
Very nice flowers! We don't have any flowers yet. It's kinda yucky outside right now.
Sam & June
Those crocus sure are pretty! Where I live, it never gets cold enough for bulbs to grow.
yay! Peregrine Falcons, we get them here too! How pretty they are, and the lovely bulbs coming up, I am starting to think I like Spring, tired of the Snow now, Snow thief can have it all back!
We've got sunshine today, and also lots of spring bulbs, I have been sniffin' 'em, out big time.
My J says to tell you and your Mama, the glasses were small but she managed to grab two!! Although not at the same time, that would be too embarassing!!!!!
As we say in our family "we cam't take her anywhere!"
lotsaluv, Marvin xxxxxx
I wish Spring would come here! I am starting to think the grass is gone forever and the snow is here to stay!!
I love those pretty flowers!!! My mom is scared of those bumblebug things! You should see how she jumps up and down when one is flying around. Ha ha!
Oh baby birdies how lovely will keep an eye on those. We have some little daffodils out here and lots of snow drops.
Hugs GJ xx
Lovely, lovely spring!
Spring has showed up here too! It's so pretty! Thats one cute bumble bee!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Looking very springlike there! I fixed up that "in like a lion" thing my mom screwed up!
- Charlie
I was just wondering - will that bush grow cats??? I think I detected some skhwirrel fur next to those bewootiful flowers. Just to the right.
Hi Khyra! Spring can't come soon enough!! We LOVE warm weather! Those flowers in your pictures are beautiful!! -Hec and Lola
Hi Khyra! Glad you're finally seeing signs of spring - and such pretty ones, too!
See ya!
Yes Spring certainly is trying to arrive here too. The Bradford Pear trees are already loosing their blossoms and putting on leaves.. Even Mom's crape myrtles are starting to get little leaves..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
I'm celebrating! Yeah spring! Ziggy is crying cause he LOVES winter...
It feelz like spring here, too. But mommee sayz dat tomorrow it iz sposed to be super cold agin. We wish da weafur wood make up itz mind! We wike da springtime!
Gus and Waldo
Hi Khyra!
It is so exciting to see signs of spring popping up! I haven't found any at my house yet but I will have to keep a lookout!
:) Tibby
Geesh, I really am slow- you already got 47 comments on this ONE POST! Well they are loverly flowers. I do like to smell flowers on my walkies. :) Take a big deep sniff for me, just don't sniff the bummblebug, those hurt!
Yay signs of Spring! thank you for sharing your lovely flowers, and thanks for the birthday wishes, I did get cake!! will show every pup tomorrow! =)
Spring spring spring!!!!!
Thanks for the comments ... So glad you can see great. Must give that a try.
Love all your photos. And Khyra ... YOU look fabulous!!
Crocuses AND falcons? Khyra, we may get all the snow, but you get some pretty great stuff there.
Has Miss Raptor laid any eggs yet?
Woooo Khyra....Spring really has sprung at your place huh? We got pretty crocuses but no bumble-bees...zzzz.
Hope you have fun with your Doggy Nanny and Fred!
Slobbers xx
Oh....and SUCH cool birds!!!
Awww... spring has sprung for you already!
Beautiful flowers! We love spring. Watching the trees bud and the flowers bloom!
Enjoy yourself Khyra!
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie and Lucie
We have some of that too! Dark purple and light purple. Mom didn't know what it was so she described it to her coworkers and they told her it was khrokhus. It's probably dead now though because it got covered in snow. That's right, I said SNOW!!!!
Oh boy! The birdies are back! Now Momma will have something to do at work!
That cat tree is odd. You will have to tell us more about it.
Pretty posies! All we have is mud.
Woos & a-roos,
Very noble-looking falcon!
Wooo! What lovely flowers! Spring's is in the air!!
Licks and Wags
Tuffy and the Dog Woods Pack
We have signs of spring too, finally!!!!! Seemed like an awfully long winter. Mum got some pics of the crocus and daffodils and magnolia she's gonna post this week.
So glad you got to read my post about the Iditarod!!! I can just see your paws running in your sleeps ;)
Woofs, Johann
Yay spring is coming... Beaitiful flowers.
Congratulations on winning Travis' Rockgging Dog Award. It was 82 degrees here today and 12 degrees a week ago. Spring or summer must be coming to Virginia.
- The Bumpass Hounds
Mom is all about the birds now that we have those crazy bird feeders in our yard. She will definitely be checking out the falcons!
Beautiful signs of spring. My mom loves crocus!
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