I want to show and tell woo about my SNOW!

I had Mom khapture some of my fun....she did neglekht to switch bakhk to regular mode prior to starting the video sooooo I will be a bit up khlose and pawsonal!
Please khlikhk H E R E
I am sooooo furry impressed and touched by all the kind words out there fur Bogart and his mom as they attempt to deal with Klaus's passing. Each one made Mom and I leak yet they also made us smile as each one of 'us' shared our support in so many great ways!
We could watch that video a million times. The joy of a happy MFT in the snow is very contagious.
Princess Eva
Oh Khyra!
You finally got the snow that I sent you a while ago! I am so happy for you. Now you can have lots of fun and be real "cool". (You're cool even without snow!)
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Ooooooo... good snow!
- Charlie
That looks pawsome. I wish I get some snow tooooo
~ Bae
Ready to go back in?? What was woor mom thinking?? IT'S SNOW!! Of course woo don't want to go back in. I think humans should grow fur coats like we do so they can play in the snow like we do!!
You have a good time there in the snow.
We are also impressed by all the people that have written something to Klaus' family. Perhaps this is one great thing that internet can do.
be still my beating heart!!
You were born to play in that white stuff, you look so at home! You should move here, we get more than our fair share of it over my way!
Mum and me spent the whole day leaking yesterday, some truly beautiful tributes, absolutely overwhelming. We do hope it's some small comfort to Lulu and Bogie,
love n smooches and more swooooons,
Ben xxxx
That's a lot of snow Khyra! I hope you enjoy it :)
Big licks to you
Oh what a lovely video, you sure had fun and look so mch at home in the snow. Enjoy enjoy enjoy.
Oh and no Khyra I dont taste like chicken lol .
Hugs Ginger Jasper xx
Wow, lovely snow video there! Wish I could join in the fun!
Khyra, when do you think the snow will completely melt? Are you looking forward to Spring or do you prefer winter with all the snow?
Noah x
Woooo Khyra! We haven't been getting much visiting done...but we HAD to drop in and congratulate you on finally getting your snow!! Yippee, you lokk so happy and we're thrilled for you :D Hope the snow theif doesn't come too soon, keep watch ok?
Sandy slobbers xx
Hi Khyra
Yay you got lots of snow. Have fun playing.
Love Ruby & Penny
I lurve, lurve, lurve the third photo, you are smiling!
Thank you for a lovely post today!
Lovely jubbley snow too!
lotsaluv and hugs, Marvin xxxx
Is your mom trying to blind me shooting into the sun like that? Oh man!
I thought you were going to jump right out of the pooter at the end there. How exciting.
Looks like you must have some anti-snow force fields at your place. I wish we had some of those on our walkways. I think you got fluffier with the snow so you can lay down in it and not feel anything.
What a happy dog, I can tell you like that stuff you call snow. I am happy fur you! It looks so soft and fluffy like your tail!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
wwwooooohoooo...maybe not much by your standards, but a good sprinkling. We loved the video!
Dear MFT, can woo please come here or me come there so I can learn how to have as much fun in the snow and on the squirrel patrol as woo do. My pals here don't like to run in the snow and we can't find any squirrels outside, only the dry stuffed ones inside.
Love the door snow-i-khade pic - did woo do an agility leap over it?
Tail wags, Thunder Dunder
You really do look pawsome in your snow shots! It is amazing how your backyard changas from day to day, no snow one day, and lots the next!
Hi, Khyra...
See...I told you I was boxing up my snow to send to you...
I'm soooo glad you got it...You looks soooo happy...
I love your video...
Have fun!!
Abby xxxooo
Mommy wanted to let you know the human that she lost was a long time ago,( In dog years) his birthday is coming up and that is what makes her sad and thinks about him even more. She didn't want you to think is was recently by my remarks.
You look like a very happy snow dog!
Wow you looks so happy in all that snows!! Looks chilly though, brrrr!!
I hopes Bogart's mummy be ok, I am sure he be looking after her xxx
Wow!! Wook at all da snow!! We know woo iz having a gud time in it!
Gus and Waldo
Khyra! i bet you love that snow. Two of my fans were at least part you. There were two babies there who were rescued by a young fella. He doesn't know exactly what they are made up of, but they sure are sweeties.
oh Such good snow Khyra, you looks right at home in it, of course. I hope it stays for long for you!
~lickies, Ludo
Khyra, snow is so much fun! We love your video!
Samantha & June
You look like one happy girl, Khyra! Happy snow!
Your Pals,
Tom and Tama-Chan
You look so happy in the snow!!! Our one chance, when we went to St. Louis, and it never snowed. WE'll make Mom and Dogdad watch your video so they'll understand why we want a second chance to experience the fun.
You're very right about all the expressions of grief for Klaus ad Lulu and Bogie -- every one in his or her own way. The loss of a loved one is something we can all identify with and it touches our hearts profoundly.
Jake and Just Harry
You look so happy in the snow! We got 7 inches!!!
Don't you feel really cold being outside all day? I like cold weather but if it's wayyy too cold for me, I won't be able to take it either. You sure have thick coat huh?
By the way, that's a very good question you asked me in mah blog. My answer is, I have NO idea! Hahaha!!!
Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer
Khyra -- We just looked at your profile and realized that you are a Pennsylvanian. Our Mom is from there too -- she grew up (????) in Philly -- and even closer to you, her grandad had a store in New Holland and lived for a while in Lancaster.
But now we are so far from the snow that it's not funny. Of course, it's deliciously warm and sunny -- but that's another story.
Tnanks for stopping by!! Mom's been busy, so we haven't blogged very much lately -- but if you check out some of our earlier blogs from December -- you'll see we did get a chance to freeze our paws over Christmas -- but sans snow.
Wirey woofs!!!
Jake and Just Harry
Hooray for MFT's snow! You have wanted it for so long and there was one shot where it looked like it was up to your knees almost. We still have lots of deep stuff too, but its crunchy on top and not so fun to play in.
We hope it lasts a long time for you.
Hi Khyra. I see you have almost as much snow as I do here in Kanada. But you seem to like it much more than me cuz you have a fur koat and I don't. I only have a sweater! So if you want some more snow, I'll send you some to you, k?
You look sooooooooo happy in your lovely snow! Thank you for sharing the video so I could see some falling snow. I think I would love snow sooooo much!
You got some!!!!! Isn't it the best???
Your pal,
You have your own vehicle, Khyra? We had to steal..... uh, borrow....uh, never mind. It's a secret from Jan.
Looks like our snow did head your way. You're welcome.
We hope Lulu and her family are doing okay.
I sure would love to come over and build a snow fort!
Play bows,
oh look at all of that beautiful snow!
you look so happy khyra!
m & e
Isn't the white stuff just the best, Khyra! We're so glad you got lots of it!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Am I the only husky in the world who hasn't gotten snow??? I am happy for woo Khyra! But I want my snow to come!
Woo woos!!!
Mya Boo Boo
You look so happy in the snow, but I guess that's because your ancestors came from very cold climates. We would prefer not to go out when it's below 50.Except for Chamois, she's part American Eskimo.
Ok, we are kind of wimps.
Misty the alpha Poodle
Excellent video and wind effects Khyra. Looks like you totally loved your snow. Hope it sticks around until June !
It looks like your having a lot of fun in the snow!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
I am soooo excited for you to have snow!!! YIPPEE!! Enjoy it while it lasts. :)
Hi, Khyra!
I am so glad your wish came true! You got snow!
Enjoy it!
Kisses and hugs
Oh, Khyra. It's beautiful!!
Yay! You got snow! And not just some snow but a lot of snow! Enjoy it Khyra!
Your mom is right, the snow is beautiful! Now you get a chance to put that fluffy tail to good use!
Isn't snow just the best? And you don't even need to wear silly clothes to go out and play in it! You're so lucky...
Your pal,
I agree with Byron and Xinver about this being one great thing the internet can do - it's like a community, or an extended family. And it's not just us trying to comfort those who are grieving - we're grieving right along with them, because we lost part of our extended family.
Your pal,
Wow, Khyra, look at all that snow! You are SO lucky! Did you have fun rolling around in it?
Teddy Bear
Ohhhhh - snow. All we get here is water-ed down tropical 'snow'. ;)
Licks and Wags,
TUffy of Dog Woods
You were made for the snow! Me I prefer the beach, sunglasses, a mai-tai in the shade.... but who am I kidding, I'm half Swedish so I love snow too! Snow is fun!!!
A pup and her snow is a good thing.
w00f's, u shure got a lot more snow than me did...me likes ur consentration...even with her heart breaking, Lulu, left a message of support on sunny and scooters bloggie today..she is a great lady...
b safe,
That sure looks fun! Wonder if Alice would like snow? Love the scenery!
You are certainly in your element in the snow Khyra.
omdog look at all that SNOW you must have been soooo STOKED! I would have not gone outside in that stuff, but you sire do look happy as khan be!!!
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