Well, I got to thinking...since Mom is home this week to take lots of pikhs of me AND I'm getting to be extra thankful fur my SNOW, I'll khatch up with the pawesome awards I've khollekhted since my last award posting TOMORROW.

...and look at evfurrything

It appears The SnowThief will khomplete the mission and remove my beawootiful khover in the next day or two. Bekhause of this, Mom and I shot what might be our last snow video fur this season when we khame bakhk from our walk on Tuesday...please khlikhk H E R E
to see it!
PeeEssWoo: Please stop over and visit my furiend Hero's blog! I snagged some of Mom's green stuff to help Phoenix
Love your Super Khyra pose.
Tucker and Daisy
P.S. Couldn't resist posting the pic of Leo with his paws crossed in our Wordless Wednesday, he reminded us of you.
OMDog! You got snow! This is fantastic! I'm so happy for you. I hope it doesn't melt too quickly... But hey, I'm supposed to get more snow on the weekend, so when your snow melts it should be just in time for me to send some of my snow to ya!
I'm off to watch your video right now!
I hope you're having a grrrrEAT week my friend!
We are so sorry to hear that the snow thief may be on his way.
Do any Huffle imposters stop by your house or is it only the butterscotch variety?
Princess Eva
Maybe when you were at the kennel, Khyra, they said you had "mail" issues, like you didn't like to get letters.
Thanks for letting us know about Phoenix and we will give him what help we can.
I feel sorry for you no snow boys, you could sit in snow here up to your ears and it doesn't show any sign of a Snow Thief.
You do look like Super Khyra in that picture! :)
Great pics, Khyra. I hope you snow won't melt quickly. Cross my paws for that.
Lots of love and licks,
I bet you are loving the snow! Did you chase the cat?
Teddy Bear
You look so pawsome n the snow
~ Bae
Oh no so the snow will finally leave you. It's been around for quite a while hasn't it.
WOW You really love your snow don't you Khyra :) I think it would be too cold fur me...
Big licks to you
I am sorry to hear that your snow was stolen once again. You look perfect in the snow. Do you think that that cat is trying to read your pee mail?
WOW you are so lucky,I wish i had snow but because i live in perth we have no snow :(
from Travis The Dog xx
P.S would u like to follow my blog???
Love your poses in the video as you were scanning for the cat. I am sure you just wanted to play.
Hey! We just figured out you live near the Three Mile Island. Momma is such a geek. When her granny was in the nursing home in Harrisburg, she was more interested in visiting Three Mile Island than Hershey when she went down to see Granny. She even keeps a photo of her uber geek self in front of the chimneys on her desk at work.
Your mom is mistaken. Watching you sit in the snow with all your fluffiness is quite exciting for me!
Hy Khyra
We hope the snow thief doesn't visit. If you see him send him our way, we're tired of the snow.
Love Ruby & Penny
You sure do look very at home in the snow. I thinks the snow theif is very cruel to take it from you.
I wonder why that cat wont come over and sit with you?
~lickies, Ludo
Hi, Khyra...
I love your Super Khyra pose...
We have all those tracks in our back yard, too...I know the squirrels & bunnies are out there...
Enjoy the snow...
Of course, EVERYONE wants to be like woo, Khyra - woo are pawesome. And did we catch see your mom is dressed to match your purple?
Thanks for sharing your snow, ours totally disappeared yesterday with temps in the 60s and TODAY we are making a run at 80!!!!!
Woos, the OP Pack
You look so regal underneath your tree with all your beewootiful snow. Your Mom should have let you bring a pile inside so you could enjoy it there too.
You look so natural in all that white stuff. It is good you have a friend in that tree. I also have a favorite tree I like to hang out with. Have you seen any skwirrels? Looks like they might be staying in cuz they know you are on the hunt.
Dear Khyra, Do you know where the Snow Thief lives, becuz if so we will go visit him and have a discustion about the thieving of the snow. Also, whew! Good thing your mom doesn't get confuzed when there is the cat in your place, and think oh! Khyra has become a much smaller version of herself! Two Paws Up! Love, Your PaLs, LuLu and LoLLy! http://www.luluandlolly.com
I would have chased that cat down the neighborhood. We are good cat chasers but we don't kill. Only chasing just for the thrill.
Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer
Great Photos! We are glad your mom is home to capture the special snow shots. Even though it is certainly a b&^%h on other counts. Enjoy the sunshine too...we have been having some great weather here.
Woo Khyra, it looks as though you restrained yourself from chasing that butterscotch thingy, I don't know if I would have been so good. Its one thing if you have one live with you, you are not allowed to chase, but if it is in my backyard, it is fair game!
Nearly all our snow has been stollen now too. :( SNIFFLE SNIFFLE! I don't think we'll get any more either. BOOOOO!
Well, that's khwite a nice photo dogumentary of your day. You can look back on these over the summer and rekhall how wonderful the white stuff was.
Woos & a-rooos,
Star & Jack a-roo
we'll be looking at these photos in July when we're hot and sticky and wishing it was colder.
Your snow has a pretty blue hue to it.
oh your snow is much, much thicker than ours. To be honest we had a big and heavy snow storm this morning, but the sun has come out this arvo, and the bloomin' Snow Thief has taken most of it away!
What a good idea to video the last snow..........we haven't got around to video tuition yet for my Jeannie, she is still on the still shots!!
Happy Thursday Khyra, you are just like me, I lurve to sit outside in the sun and keep a close eye on things!
lotsaluv, Marvin xxxxx
Nice pictures. We have no snow. Unfortunately.
I have generated a DOGBLOGLINK, would be glad if you and your friends would add yourself.
Sally from French
Harrrrr Khyra
did the cat dance for you?
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
You don't look the least phased by that cold. You even sat in the snow.
Ours melted the next day.
Awesome pics! I hope the snow thief stays away a little bit longer!
Your pal,
sorry the snow thief is stealing all your snow. Maybe it will be easier to catch those nasty squirrels!
Did you catch the kitty?
You look so relax Khyra!
You realy love that snow. Those kitties are clever to keep just ot of harms way, you just might see if they taste like chicken, which they dont of course.
Enjoy and I hope your snow stays a while for you.
Hugs Ginger Jasper xx
We got a lot more snow than woo but I thinks it will also be melting this weekend. When I walk in our snow it covers my puggie legs. That cat must have been watching woo - they are all spys.
Oh NO! I hope the snow thief doesn't steal all woor snow! He already came and got a lot of mine...I must have been sleeping or I wouldn't have let him steal any!
My human likes the pictures of woo in the snow...they say woo look like the husky snow queen!
Thank woo so much for helping Phoenix!
I hope the snow thief stays away a little longer! You look so happy in your snow! I would have been staring at the cats too. :)
Thanks for letting us know about Phoenix!
Hi BeWOOtiful,
swoonsome photos and video!
I'm a little traumatised today, did you see the comment Lacie left on my blog? I may need khanine protekhtion in Khyra form!
It's that or witness protekhtion!
love and nose snooters,
Ben xxxx
After the first picture, Kat buried her head in a pillow and said she couldn't read the rest. Don't worry, I did. I can't believe that cat came into the snow! Wilbur hates the snow. I know this because I watched Mom throw him into the middle of a pile of snow back in December. Seriously, I don't think she loves him as much as she loves me.
You are so photogenic Khyra. I can not believe those cats come around that close. One day you will give them the assistance they need. =)
You are so amazing. Love your poses, but doesn't the snow make your tummy cold? Brrr
Misty the warm weather alpha Poodle
You look so elegant on your video sitting waiting for the kitty to appear.
We hope your snow stays around a bit longer for you. Snow is fun. :-)
Holly & Zac...XX
Bummer, Khyra! We know how much you love your snow! We hope it stays around for awhile longer!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Khyra! i sniffed my way over from Ben's page. I have an idea to help you keep the "Lacie Beast" away from Ben...go read my comment on his page! It is my job to help you protect him and keep him to yourself. Ben can explain why.
Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,
Coco - The Princess
Hi, Khyra!
I am so happy that your are enjoying your mom at home!
Your Super Khyra pose is super!
Have fun in the snow before the snow thief comes and takes it away!
Kisses and hugs
I am so happy that you finally got your snow! I loved watching your pictures and videos! You look bootiful and so very happy! I hope the snow thief does not take this snow away.
Look at those khats, brave aren't they?? We love the super Khyra pic a lot, I bet you can fly just like Tanner!
Sorry your snow is leaving :( I am going to go watch the video so I can live it with you.
Drat! I should have thought of that Lacie first. I will have Momma call the cable fixit and geek patrol and ask them if they have ever heard of Lakie related problems.
Hi Khyra
We will send our snow clouds your way! We knows you love it! Don;t let the theif take any! I thought I saw you in our town yesterdy- but guess it was not you- since you are there guarding your homestead and your tree.
It's good to see you enjoying your snow before the Snow Thief comes. Those kitties sure like to watch you don't they? It's because you are so beautiful!
hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay hoo wuz tayking pikchers of yoo frum abuv??? it wuznt wunder woman wuz it??? if it wuz can yoo jump up and steel my hat bak frum her??? thanks ok bye
hi khyra!
happy friday! i think spring has sprung but march is supposed to be the snowiest month in CO. we have not seen any yet, or even in Feb.! i am so glad you got some.
don't forget to spring your clocks ahead this weekend!
m & e
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